Thursday, February 28, 2013
Papa Benedetto Did It God's Way
Then there were times, I'm sure you knew
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Abortion Nun, Sr. Donna, Now Spreading Her Heresies on National (Sort Of) News
You can be sure this was intentional on the part of CNN as they agree with Sr. Donna's stand.
Despite the claims by John Allen, women are welcome & do have a place in the Catholic Church, the one God intended for them. These women who are rebelling are revealing who they are truly following, Satan, the father of lies. He rebelled against God's plan & tried to set himself up as God. That is exactly what these women & those at CNN & elsewhere who support their dissent are doing, following Satan's example. It didn't work for Satan & it won't work for them.
PS: I sent a letter in to the TH about this. It will be interesting to see if the publish it & if they do, if they will do the same dirty trick they did last time, publishing a story then making it look like my letter was a reaction to that story rather than the catalyst that forced them to report the latest scandal at Sinsinawa.
Labels: Habitless Hussies, Sinsinawa Dominicans
Monday, February 25, 2013
Adopt A Cardinal for the Conclave
The 2nd thing is that every faithful Catholic has a duty to pray for the Cardinals as they prepare for the Conclave, as well as their being open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit when they vote.
I am sure that many of us already are. But I would like to offer you an opportunity to take it to a higher level & begin praying for a specific Cardinal who will be participating.
Well a website has been set up to allow you to do just that. Adopt a Cardinal gives you the opportunity to be assigned a Cardinal that you will intercede for in the days before, during & 3 days after the coming Conclave. Each person who agrees will be able to chose what way he or she will pray or fast.
When you accept, the computer will randomly (with a little help of the Holy Spirit) assign you a Cardinal. You will be given his name, where he is from, his function (In charge of a diocese, in charge of a Congregation in the Vatican, etc) & his age.
This is a way for each of us to fulfill a part of our responsibility as members of the Body of Christ. So follow the link above & adopt a Cardinal.
Fly Me To the Moon
(Added 26 February 2013 @ 12:34 pm) After contacting the photographer, I got the location of the 3rd moon. Now I am asking myself how I missed it in the 1st place.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Re; the 2013 Oscar Awards Tonite
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
What Obama Really Said in His Farewell to Papa Benedetto.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Looking For God In All the Right Places
Labels: St. Joseph (San Giuseppe)
2013 Virtual St. Joseph's Altar Now Open
When you are there, don't forget to pick up your virtual goodie bag.
Additionally, please offer up a prayer for the prayer requests made by teh visitors as well as the deceased listed. & beyond that, please spread devotion to San Giuseppe. As the foster father of Jesus, he has a special place in Jesus' heart. He is also the patron of the Universal Church. He is right there, next to Mary making intercession for all of those who are a part of the Church. In spreading devotion to him, we are ultimately honoring Jesus & giving God the glory for what He has done through Joseph.
Labels: St. Joseph (San Giuseppe)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Meet 1 of Those People Obama Said Doesn't Deserve to Live if He Survived An Abortion
I know that he didn't seek this attention from the Pro-life community. All he is doing is living his life. I am not lifting him up as a role model. I leave that to his parents. All I will say is that he is a reminder that this is why abortion is wrong. It denies those people who, as a result of an abortion, the right to live.
Even if he never intended to, by his success, he is also forcing the media to pay attention to his whole story. & that includes what abortion really does, kills, or in this case, causes physical harm to a human being. I hope that he is able to continue his pursuit of excellence in wrestling up to & including the Olympics. (I won't go into their threat to drop the sport for the 2020 Olympics other than to say that if they do, it will be the final nail in the coffin destroying the modern Olympics movement.)
You can see 2 of his matches in videos he has posted on YouTube here & here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Is The Daily Beast Serious About Using This Picture to Depict the Dissident Nuns They Are Extolling?
Labels: Habitless Hussies
If the Early Church at Corinth Needed This Message From the Pope, How Much More So, Do We?
From a letter to the Corinthians by Saint Clement, pope
Repent |
The Divine Mercy Challenge for Lent
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The Things That I Would Love to See at the Top of the Next Pope's Agenda
Finally, announce that he is a huge fan of my blog & will grant a partial indulgence, earned once daily, for those who read this blog.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Now Wouldn't His Being Elected Pope PO All Those on the Left
If you haven't figured out by now who I am talking about here he is:
Yes, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the equivalent of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.
Last year he made it clear that cooperating with the HHS Mandate was a sin. He has also made it clear he is opposed to giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians. Those 2 facts alone tell me that he would keep the Church going on the smae path. It also tells me that the liberal left Catholics in Name Only would get the message that what they are proposing is NOT what God wants. I doubt that many of them would listen any more than they already have as they are so caught up in their delusions that they will win out in the end that they are in a major state of denial already.
As I said earlier, it is highly unlikely he will be elected Pope. But in 2005, much as I wanted him, I thought it highly unlikely that Cardinal Ratzinger would be elected either. & we all know how wrong I was then. Whoever is elected will have my prayers & support. Whoever it is, you can be sure that he will quickly come under attack by the left, especially the media, for not doing what they want.
Papa Benedetto Announces Resignation
Waking up this morning & turning on EWTN radio to listen to it as I started my day I didn't hear what I usually hear, a rerun of Mother Angelica live. Instead I hear Fr. Mitch Pacwa reading the following from Papa Benedetto:
There is historic precedence for this. But it has been 600 years since the last resignation. Pope Gregory XII resigned in 1415. He did so in order to end the Western Schism.
In this case, Papa Benedetto is doing so in order to ensure that the Barque of Peter has a capable leader at the helm. At the end of the month Papa Benedetto will retire, probably to a monastery, & spend the rest of his life in prayerful intercession for the Catholic Church. So his ministry will to the Church will continue is a different form. But it will continue.
Of course the guessing who will be elected in the Conclave next month has begun. I have no definite ideas myself. All I will do is pray for the Cardinals to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Another area of speculation is what will he be called. He is definitely going to be the Bishop emeritus of Rome. But will he also be Pope emeritus & go by Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI or revert to being called Cardinal Ratzinger. Regardless of the official title, most people will continue to refer to him as Pope Benedict.
I will make 1 prediction. The liberal left will be rejoicing & predicting that the next Pope will be one that will implement their agenda to destroy the Church, just like they did before the elections of Popes John Paul I, John Paul II & Benedetto XVI. Once again they will be disappointed. The next Pope will not turn the Church around, but continue on the course set by the Holy Spirit. Yes, he will have a different style. But I am sure he will be faithful to what has gone before.
Meanwhile, Papa Benedetto will continue to guide the Church for the next 2-1/2 weeks. From what was said on the live show on EWTN that could include a new Encyclical as well as the post-Synodical exhortation from last year's synod on The New Evagelization. I wouldn't be surprized if this did happen as it would be nothing more than what you would expect from him. He will be a shepherd til the end.
Like I said, I was shocked & surprized by the news. It seems like yesterday that Papa Benedetto was elected. Much as I loved Pope John Paul II, I couldn't have been happier with the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as pope. I knew at the time that he wouldn't be Pope as long as his predecessor. What I never expected was this.
Yet, as I said, I know that he is doing what is best for the Catholic Church. Yes, I am saddened by the news. I also rejoice, for I see God's guiding hand in what is going on.
I am sure I will have much more to reflect on as the day of his resignation draws near. But for now I will end with saying, tearfully, "Thank you dear Papa Benedetto for your faithful service to Jesus & to His Church. Know that is has helped me in my journey of faith to grow closer to Jesus & more faithfully follow Him in living out my faith. May God bless you as you prepare to step down. & may he continue to use you in your new role as intercessor for the Church. & when that day comes, may you hear from Jesus, 'Well done, good & faithful servant. Come, share your Master's joy.'"
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The True Sprirtual Daughters of St. Scholastica.
These 3 women are the total number of women who claim to be Benedictines at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison. The one on the left isn't even a Catholic. As you can see from the picture below, the gang ships in womynpriests because Bishop Morlino has banned all priests of the diocese from saying Mass there due to their manifest promotion of dissent like women's ordination & New Age heresy.
I could give you many other examples, but I think you are now fully equipped to tell the difference between a woman who is truly a Spiritual Daughter of St. Scholastica & who claim they are but reject everything she believed in & stood for.
Labels: Know Your Nuns
Saturday, February 09, 2013
Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Any More Sick & Twisted. . . .
Friday, February 08, 2013
What Price to Pay to Stop Abortion?
But before I get to that, I would like to share a bit about what the Catholic Church says on civil disobedience. To do so, I will be referencing paragraphs 400-1 of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. The teaching of the Church talks about the "right to resistance". Par. 400 explains that this right is based on natural law. It then says there are many concrete ways of doing so. It doesn't list them, but clearly peaceful civil disobedience is 1 of those included. Then it goes on to explin why this is done. "Resistance to authority is meant to attest to the validity of a different way of looking at things, whether the intent is to achieve partial change, for example, modifying certain laws, or to fight for a radical change in the situation. "
So, blocking access to clinics to save lives is acceptable, just like the sitting at whites only booths/seats by blacks in the 60s was. & for the same purpose, to modify laws & bring about a radical change. In our case, saving the lives of the unborn.
So, that brings us back to the question, how do we regain the use of the tool of civil disobedience to help put an end to abortion?
The 1st thing I feel we need to look at is, how strongly do we feel about ending abortion? Do we feel that it is an evil that we must put an end to by doing all we can?
If so, then what can I do to bring about the end of abortion in the USA?
Obviously, you have got to start with prayer. I know, I talk a lot about the importance of prayer. & intercessory prayer is very important. But there are other types of prayer that we must be using as well. In this case, it is praying to seriously seek what God is asking you to do.
But there is also 1 question you need to answer before doing so, "Am I willing to pay the cost God may ask of me to do so?" Even if the cost would include going to prison?
Don't forget that those who felt slavery was wrong & helped slaves to escape faced a 6 month imprisonment & $1000 fine, (About $27,000 at the current value of a dollar). For most people it was a huge cost, yet they were willing to do it.
But how many of us are willing to even spend an hour a week praying in front of the nearby abortion mill? Or even once a month if it is a little further away?
I will admit that I struggle with am I doing enough myself? Especially when I think of someone like Sr. Blanche. This is a picture of her at the recent celebration of her 90th Birthday.
Sr. Blanche is 1 of 3 elderly sisters that shows up every weeks, all year round, to pray in front of the DBQ Planned Parenthood. They have done so since PP opened its clinic 4-1/2 years ago, long before they started doing abortions. We have been accused of forcing her to be there. But if you knew Sr. Blanche you would know she doesn't do anything she doesn't want to. & she wants to pay the cost to stop abortions in DBQ.
When the DBQ PP opened, I was able to go every Wednesday. But, for a variety of reasons, I have not been able to make a commitment to a weekly time for several years. I do occasionally substitute. & during the 40 Days campaign last Fall, I did take a lot of the hours when they were not normally opened because they were harder to fill.
Part of the reason I haven't made a definite commitment lately is that I am unemployed. But then I ask why I am not subbing more? Are the reasons serious? Or just an excuse to not pay the price?
Yes, I do other things, like this blog, being politically active & writing letters to the editor, that others can't or won't do. But does that justify me not spending more time praying besides when I drive by the place? Which, by the way, is a block & 1/2 away from where I live & on the route I normally have to take to get to most places I go to.
What I am saying is that I know how easy it is to get comfortable & not do more.
Yet, I can't. None of us can.
That having been said, I have to ask the question, is that the real reason we in the Pro-life movement have given up on trying to find ways of peaceful civil obedience so we can save the lives of more unborn babies?
When I 1st heard about Operation Rescue, who lead the way in the 80s, they explained why they were blocking the access to clinics with a quote from Scripture. It was Proverbs 24: 10-12. "If you lose heart when things go wrong, your strength is not worth much. Save those being dragged towards death, but can you rescue those on their way to execution. If you say, 'But look, we did not know,' will the Weigher of the heart pay no attention? Will not the Guardian of your soul be aware and repay you as your deeds deserve?"
So, what are we willing to do? Are we willing to find a way to return to civil disobedience?
1 or 2 people blocking an abortion clinic won't be enough. What we need is more. We need large groups who will make it difficult to arrest everyone, let alone process them. That is, assuming this is what God is calling us to.
There is 1 thing I am sure of. Unless things change, this administration is going to start treating us like what they have labelled us as, domestic terrorists. That means that standing up for life will entail arrest, maybe even being indefinitely put in jail without anyone knowing where we are.
Add to that the administrations rules forcing people to pay for coverage of birth control & abortifacients like ella. & the failure to do so could cost people their businesses, their savings, & whatever else the administration may decide.
The early Christians refused to worship the emperor, & paid for it with their lives.
Those fighting slavery did so based on their faith. They were willing to pay the price.
The same with those who did what they could to save Jews from being slaughtered by Hitler. Some paid with their lives, others lost all their worldly goods. But they knew it was God was asking of them. They saw the price as worth it.
I hope that if that time arrives when I may have to sacrifice my freedom, & maybe my life, that I will be willing to pay the price.
But, in the meantime, I pray that God will give me the strength & willingness to do all I can now. May that be true of all of us who claim to be Pro-life.