Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Planned Parenthood's Latest Statistics, More Abortions Even Fewer Adoptions

Ignore Man Behind Curtain, Planned Parenthood is About Abortion
See also: Shocking graphic: Planned Parenthood abortions vs. adoption referrals
Planned Parenthood Like Joe Camel Selling Sex, Abortion to Kids
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Planned Parenthood, Ultrasound
Friday, July 29, 2011
DBQ Area Hit With Up to 15 Inches of Rain Wed Nite/Thur AM
Thursday, July 28, 2011
1 of the Reasons Why the Catholic Church is Right, In Vitro Ferilization Is Wrong
LONDON, U.K., July 27, 2011 ( – Over one and a half million embryonic children have been killed in Britain through IVF procedures since 1991, according to new data from the country’s Department of Health.
The figures, revealed by Britain’s Health Minister Lord Howe in response to a request from Lord Alton, show that over 30 embryos are created for every live birth through IVF.
Doctors have created more than 3.1 million human embryos since Britain passed its Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act in 1991, resulting in only 94,090 successful births. Of the remainder, 1,455,832 embryos have been discarded, 101,605 were destroyed through research, and 764,311 were frozen.
“We are creating and destroying human embryos on an industrial scale,” said Lord Alton, according to the Daily Mail.
He criticized the fact that the government has spent so much money on IVF when there are 600 abortions in the country every day and only 70 babies offered for adoption every year.
Pro-life advocates have heavily criticized IVF, in large part because of the massive death toll that it entails. As the figures reveal, in each round numerous children are conceived to improve the chances of implantation, but those remaining unused are simply “discarded” or frozen.
Critics also argue that the procedure reduces the newly-formed human life to the status of a commodity, and say that the child is meant to be conceived through the mutual love of husband and wife in the conjugal act.
Additionally, research has shown that babies born from IVF have a much higher chance of birth defects, including heart valve defects, cleft lip and palate, and digestive system abnormalities. In 2009, the British government’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority warned that IVF babies have a 30% higher risk of genetic abnormality.
Normally, I'd Say Turn the Other Cheek
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
St. Cyril of Jerusalem - Why the Catholic Church IS the Church Founded By Jesus
22. The Faith which we rehearse contains in order the following, And in one Baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; and in one Holy Catholic Church; and in the resurrection of the flesh; and in eternal life. Now of Baptism and repentance I have spoken in the earliest Lectures; and my present remarks concerning the resurrection of the dead have been made with reference to the Article In the resurrection of the flesh. Now then let me finish what still remains to be said for the Article, In one Holy Catholic Church, on which, though one might say many things, we will speak but briefly.
23. It is called Catholic then because it extends over all the world, from one end of the earth to the other; and because it teaches universally and completely one and all the doctrines which ought to come to men's knowledge, concerning things both visible and invisible, heavenly and earthly ; and because it brings into subjection to godliness the whole race of mankind, governors and governed, learned and unlearned; and because it universally treats and heals the whole class of sins, which are committed by soul or body, and possesses in itself every form of virtue which is named, both in deeds and words, and in every kind of spiritual gifts.
24. And it is rightly named (Ecclesia) because it calls forth and assembles together all men; according as the Lord says in Leviticus, And make an assembly for all the congregation at the door of the tabernacle of witness. And it is to be noted, that the word assemble, is used for the first time in the Scriptures here, at the time when the Lord puts Aaron into the High-priesthood. And in Deuteronomy also the Lord says to Moses, Assemble the people unto Me, and let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me. Deuteronomy 4:10 And he again mentions the name of the Church, when he says concerning the Tables, And on them were written all the words which the Lord spoke with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the Assembly ; as if he had said more plainly, in the day in which you were called and gathered together by God. The Psalmist also says, I will give thanks unto You, O Lord, in the great Congregation; I will praise You among much people.
25. Of old the Psalmist sang, Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, (ye that are) from the fountains of Israel. But after the Jews for the plots which they made against the Saviour were cast away from His grace, the Saviour built out of the Gentiles a second Holy Church, the Church of us Christians, concerning which he said to Peter, And upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18 And David prophesying of both these, said plainly of the first which was rejected, I have hated the Congregation of evil doers ; but of the second which is built up he says in the same Psalm, Lord, I have loved the beauty of Your house ; and immediately afterwards, In the Congregations will I bless you, O Lord. For now that the one Church in Judæa is cast off, the Churches of Christ are increased over all the world; and of them it is said in the Psalms, Sing unto the Lord a new song, His praise in the Congregation of Saints. Agreeably to which the prophet also said to the Jews, I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord Almighty Malachi 1:10; and immediately afterwards, For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, My name is glorified among the Gentiles. Concerning this Holy Catholic Church Paul writes to Timothy, That you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the House of God, which is the Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the truth 1 Timothy 3:15 .
A Change In Direction for the CCCB?
Quebec, July 26, 2011 ( - Pope Benedict XVI has appointed three strong pro-life and orthodox bishops in Quebec in the last two weeks. The appointments appear to confirm the beginning of a massive sea change for the province in the wake of Cardinal Marc Ouellet’s appointment as head of the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops.
On Tuesday, the pope announced that Bishop Luc Cyr of Valleyfield will take over as Archbishop of Sherbrooke. Among other strong statements of his pro-life and orthodox views, Bishop Cyr has travelled to the National March for Life in Ottawa, and has defended the Vatican’s decision to bar men with deep-seated homosexual attraction from the priesthood.
This latest appointment comes after the July 11th appointments of Fr. Christian Lepine and Rev. Thomas Dowd as auxiliary bishops of Montreal.
Rev. Lepine is known to pro-life and pro-family advocates for having attended pro-life conferences and shown support for reparative therapy for those experiencing unwanted homosexual attractions. In the fall of 2009, his parish was at the centre of media controversy in Quebec after they hosted a session for parents on how to instill an integrated sexual identity in their children. He had to cancel the last two sessions of the series after homosexual activists threatened to protest.
Fr. Dowd, whose status as Canada’s first blogging priest has sparked a great deal of media coverage following his episcopal appointment, has shown himself to be unafraid to tackle the key issues of our time, such as abortion and homosexual marriage. He has promoted Humanae vitae, and made headlines when he addressed the concerning debacle over Fr. Raymond Gravel’s election to Canada’s Parliament.
Church watchers had predicted that Ouellet’s appointment last year as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops would have a major positive influence on his home province, where Church leaders have for the last several decades been a leading force in the spread of liberalism throughout the Church in Canada.
Notably, in his first two years Ouellet will have had a hand in naming the heads of nine of Quebec’s 19 dioceses, including four out of its five major ‘metropolitan’ sees, due to the current bishops of those sees reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75.
Before taking up the position last summer, Ouellet had emphasized that bishops “need spiritual discernment and not just political calculation of the risk of the possibility of the message being received.” “We have to dare to speak to the deep heart, where the Spirit of the Lord is touching people beyond what we can calculate,” he said.
These comments came in the wake of a massive backlash against him in Quebec after he reiterated the Church’s teaching that abortion is wrong in all circumstances, even in cases of rape.
Perhaps Ouellet’s most significant appointment to date was of his successor as Archbishop of Quebec City, Gerald LaCroix, who has shown himself to be a valiant defender of life. Ouellet will also soon have a hand in choosing a replacement for Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte of Montreal, who recently submitted his resignation at the mandatory retirement age.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Contraception Deception
I found this especially interesting in light of the recent speech of Cardinal Sarah to seminarians I reported earlier today:
Labels: Cardinal Sarah
Cardinal Sarah to Priests/Seminarians - Proclaim Truth of Gospel Esp About Abortion & Homosexuality or Face Divine Judgement

In a sermon delivered on June 25 to seminarians of the Community of St. Martin, whom he was about to ordain to the priesthood and diaconate, Sarah admonished his listeners, “if we have fear of proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, if we are ashamed of denouncing the grave deviations in the area of morality, if we accommodate ourselves to this world of moral laxity and religious and ethical relativism, if we are afraid to energetically denounce the abominable laws regarding the new global ethos, regarding marriage, the family in all of its forms, abortion, laws in total opposition to the laws of nature and of God, and that the western nations and cultures are promoting and imposing thanks to the mass media and their economic power, then the prophetic words of Ezechiel will fall on us as a grave divine reproach.”
Sarah quoted the prophesy of Ezechiel found in chapter 34:2-4: “‘Son of man, prophesy against the pastors of Israel to pastor themselves. Should not the pastors feed the flock? You have been fed with milk, you have dressed yourselves with wool. You have not strengthened the weak lambs, cared for those who were sick, healed those who were injured. You have not restored those who have strayed, searched for those who were lost. But you have governed them with violence and hardness.’ (Ez. 34: 2-4)”
“These reproaches are serious, but more important is the offense that we have committed against God when, having received the responsibility of caring for the spiritual good of all, we mistreat souls by depriving them of the true teaching of the doctrine of regarding God, regarding man, and the fundamental values of human existence,” the cardinal added. Click here to read the entire sermon.
Cardinal Sarah, who was appointed to the presidency of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum in 2010, is overseeing a radical restructuring of the Catholic Church’s international development aid programs. These have been criticized for a secular mentality that ignores the spiritual needs of recipients, often promoting values that are opposed to Catholicism, including the legalization of abortion and homosexual unions.
In late May, Sarah gave an address to the Church’s largest coalition of aid organizations, Caritas Internationalis, in which he noted a “serious moral regression and gradual ‘silent apostasy’” in the western world. He also noted that foreign aid for Catholics “is not merely philanthropic and humanitarian assistance aimed at relieving a certain kind of distress, but also and above all it entails giving back to human persons all their dignity as children of God, and promoting an anthropology that also encompasses the religious dimension of human persons, namely their encounter with God.”
In his June 25 address, Sarah notes that in modern society “we no longer know what is evil and what is good. There are a multitude of points of view. Today, we call white what we once called black, and vice versa. What is serious, and make no mistake about it, is the transformation of error into a rule of life.
“In this context, as priests, pastors and guides of the People of God, you should be continuously focused on being always loyal to the doctrine of Christ. It is necessary for you to constantly strive to acquire the sensitivity of conscience, the faithful respect for dogma and morality, which constitute the deposit of faith and the common patrimony of the Church of Christ.”
Related Links:
Robert Cardinal Sarah, Address to ordinands of the Community of St. Martin, June 25, 2011
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Catholic charity must be tied to proclamation of Gospel: Cardinal
Vatican Cardinal warns of ‘silent apostasy’; says Catholic charities must evangelize
Labels: Cardinal Sarah
Monday, July 25, 2011
New Moon for Pluto
Image credit: NASA/ESA/M. Showalter (SETI institute)
Hubble was observing Pluto in an attempt to see if the planet had any rings. The potential rings, even though they are faint & thin, could potentially harm the New Horizons spacecraft heading toward Pluto. Instead, a new moon was found. The new moon has an has an estimated diameter of 8 to 21 miles (13 to 34 km), smallest of the 4 known moons.
The way P4 was discovered shows us how much our technology has advanced over the last 80+ years since Pluto was 1st discovered & assumed to be a much larger planet than it turned out to be. But it also serves to remind us of the importance of sending spacecraft to other planets as well. I am willing to bet that we will see as many interesting discoveries from New Horizons as there have been as a result of the visits by probes to other planets. & even more questions will be raised as well.
Psalm 19 says that "The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands." Here we are seeing more evidence of that truth.
(editorial comment) While some scientists see the term "dwarf planet" as a designation that planets like Pluto aren't equal to the other planets, the latest discovery tells me that amn attitude like that is wrong. That is like saying the terrestrial planets are 2nd class because they are way smaller & different than the gas giants & ice giants. No, they are just another type.
Source: NASA's Hubble Discovers Another Moon Around Pluto
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Economic Destruction Caused By Abortion
Saturday, July 23, 2011
A Dirty Little Secret About Birth Control As Abortifaceant
Contraception and Abortion
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Birth Control
As Far As I Am Concerned He Can Have It Back

see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!
For those of you who don't get the 1776 reference:
Labels: John Adams
Friday, July 22, 2011
Adult Stem Cells Treat Scleroderma Better Than Current "Standard of Care"
The autoimmune disease causes rigidity in the skin and organs, including lungs, of its victims; it exerts its fatal influence by essentially turning them to stone.
Ten patients were treated with their own adult stem cells, and all improved at or before 12 months after treatment, compared with zero of the nine patients that received cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapeutic agent considered the “standard of care” for this disease. None of the adult stem cell-treated patients had their disease worsen, while 8 of the 9 chemo-treated patients showed worsening, and eventually 7 of the chemo patients switched to the adult stem cell treatment.
The researchers note that the adult stem cell treatment improves skin and lung function in these patients for up to 2 years (the length of the current study) and is preferable to the current standard of care.
The new report is accompanied by a commentary by Farge and Gluckman that says the Burt et al. study provides “the best data to date for transplantation in scleroderma”, and “Despite the small number of patients and short follow-up of ASSIST, the findings of this trial are important for patients with systemic sclerosis, the medical community, and policy makers.”
Dr. Burt is featured in a recently-released video discussing his ideas for use of adult stem cells to treat patients with autoimmune diseases. Burt and his team are using this technique to help treat patients suffering from some 23 different diseases, and the techniques he has developed are now being used in treatment centers around the globe.
Adult stem cells are helping patients now.
Labels: Stem Cell Research
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The 911 Tape An Abortion Mill Didn't Want to Get Out
New Mexico abortion facility mad about release of 911 call from botched abortion
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico ( - The release of a 911 tape in which a woman is overheard fighting for life after a botched abortion has angered the facility where the abortion took place.
In a letter to the editor of the New Mexico Daily Lobo, UNM Executive Director of Communications Billy Sparks said the abortion-providing center offers gynecological procedures “in a safe and supportive environment.”
“It is unfortunate that organizations use situations without knowing the facts, especially when discussion and public disclosure may violate the right of all patients to maintain the confidentiality of their medical information,” he wrote.
In the tape, voices can be heard attempting to rouse the woman, who audibly gasps for breath as the caller describes her “grayish” color before she becomes “not responsive at all.” The woman’s age and first name are mentioned.
UNM Center for Reproductive Health abortionist Tony Ogburn also criticized Defending Life, the pro-life group that published the recording and recently opened a pregnancy resource center across the street from the abortion site.
“What they have is not a medical clinic, and they have no licensed health care professionals,” Ogburn told the Lobo. “They have an agenda, and their goal is not to provide legal healthcare.”
Ogburn and another UNM spokesperson told the paper that the patient in the 911 call was not transported to the hospital and was released that day, but would not disclose why the patient was in distress. “People don’t need to know,” said Ogburn.
Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger questioned UNM officials for their backlash in the media.
“It is more likely that they are upset that we found out about this life-threatening abortion complication than they are about patient privacy,” she said.
“The incident raises standard of care issues at UNMCRH and brings attention to the fact that the University of New Mexico, a publicly funded institution, is up to their ears in the abortion business training UNM students and profiting from the taking of innocent human life through abortion.”
New Mexico has virtually no health and safety standards for abortion facilities, something Operation Rescue says has helped cause an alarming number of emergency situations.
Four additional 911 calls from botched abortions were placed within a recent 15-month period from another abortion clinic in Albuquerque, revealing complications such as hemorrhaging and uterine rupture. At least one of those patients was transferred from the clinic, Southwestern Women’s Options, to UNM Hospital for emergency treatment.
“There is a move by abortionists to hide behind the privacy rights of their patients to cover up their own mistakes,” said Sullenger. “They don’t want anyone to know the truth about the real dangers women face during an abortion, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.”
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Any Bets That This Is An Attempt by Obama to Stop Any Pro-Life Presence @ Abortion Mills
WASHINGTON, DC, July 19, 2011 ( - A pro-life activist who has engaged in sidewalk counseling for 14 years has been taken to court by the federal Department of Justice. The complaint to the court submitted by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice alleges that Richard Retta non-violently obstructed a woman and her ‘clinic escorts’ from entering Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, an abortion facility.
When contacted Retta for comment today, the shocked veteran pro-life activist said that he was unaware that the lawsuit had been filed against him, and that he had not been informed by the Department of Justice. He is seeking legal counsel before making a public statement.

The Department of Justice is demanding that Retta be fined $10,000, that a permanent 20 foot bubble zone be placed around the clinic barring pro-lifers, and that Retta pay an additional fine of $15,000 in equal parts to the three ‘victims’ of his actions, which the DoJ argues were contrary to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Act (FACE).
Richard, better known as Dick Retta, is an older gentleman who is well known to the pro-life movement for having saved hundreds of lives by offering women assistance and factual information. A video of his activities was made by Peter Shinn’s Pro-Life Unity, in which Retta can be seen in action on a day where the lives of six unborn children were saved. In the video Retta can be seen walking with a woman leaving the clinic, offering what is described as post-abortion help.
Shinn, the President of Pro-Life Unity and Cherish Life Ministries, told LifeSiteNews, “I’ve been out to the Planned Parenthood with Dick a number of times and Dick has always exhibited compassion for the women going in to have abortions and asking them to turn away from what he knows will kill their child and cause emotional harm to them afterwards. He is in no way aggressive nor does he block women from entering.”
The DoJ complaint, however, describes Retta as “among the most vocal and aggressive anti-abortion protestors outside the Clinic.” The complaint takes issue with Retta walking “very closely beside patients as they walk to the clinic” and claims that he yells at them.
The complaint claims that Retta yelled, “Don’t go in there. Don’t let them kill your baby.”
Labels: 40 Days for Life, Abortion's Twisted Mindset, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Planned Parenthood
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Another Reason for NOT Supporting Susan G. Komen
As reported last year, Komen spokesman John Hammarley confirmed 20 of Komen’s 122 affiliates have made donations to Planned Parenthood and, in 2009, those contributions totaled $731,303. The Komen spokesman also confirmed Komen affiliates contributed about $3.3 million to the abortion business from 2004-2009.
Now, Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer has spent time examining Komen’s 990 Forms for the IRS for 2010 and she found that Komen has active relationships with at least five research groups or educational facilities that engage in embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of unborn children in their earliest days for stem cells that have yet to help any patients.
Komen is careful in its documents to state that none of the funds directly support embryonic stem cell research, saying in its Group Return for 2010 under a section entitled “Grant Statement” that “While Komen affiliates do not fund research grants directly, a portion of the funds raised by every Komen affiliate (approximately 25%) go to support the research and training grants program at Komen’s International Headquarters.”
The return shows donations from Komen totaling $3.75 million to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, $4.5 million to the University of Kansas Medical Center, $1 million to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, $1 million to the Society for Women’s Health Research, and $600,000 to Yale University.
Looking at those institutions, Yale not only engages in embryonic stem cell research but, in 2006, came under federal investigation for apparently mismanaging federal stem cell research grants. Also, a Johns Hopkins researcher also came under fire in December 2008 for trashing peer-reviewed research showing abortion’s link to negative mental health issues and problems for women. And the National Cancer Institute has been repeatedly blasted by pro-life advocates for denying the abortion-breast cancer link exists.
“Komen’s Parent Return for 2010 shows that millions of dollars in grants were given to research facilities that have policies supporting experiments on human embryos,” Malec says, adding that the list of schools is only a partial list of the facilities engaging in embryonic research that received grants.
Recent statements from the Catholic Bishop of Toledo, the Most Reverend Leonard Blair, bring up both abortion and the potential of Komen indirectly supporting embryonic research as reasons for Catholics to have misgivings about the breast cancer group. Malec says the statements from Bishop Blair “suggest that local Komen officials may have misled him and his associates with respect to the organization’s practices involving experiments on human embryos.”
“They are open to embryonic stem cell research and may well fund such research in the future,” the bishop noted.
Combined with the millions in donations to the nation’s biggest abortion business, Komen says the new information about the Komen ties to embryonic stem cell research centers makes it so the breast cancer group is not worthy of support. She says Komen needs to be honest with women about the abortion-breast cancer connection.
“It’s more than ironic that Planned Parenthood receives contributions from an organization allegedly dedicated to the eradication of breast cancer,” Malec says. “Abortion and the birth control pill – which Planned Parenthood sells – are risk factors for the disease. It’s certainly bad for business to tell women the truth about the abortion-breast cancer link. Knowledge of that risk would cause some to turn their backs on induced abortion and cut into Planned Parenthood’s profits.”
“On the other hand, warning women about the breast cancer risk of abortion would mean fewer breast cancer patients and, therefore, a reduction in donations for Komen. Telling donors that their previous abortions may have been responsible for their breast cancers is simply not a good fundraising tactic,” she concludes.
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Stem Cell Research, Susan G. Koman
Once Again We See the Anti-Life Anti-Truth Bias of the Main Stream Media

In 2010, he defended a decision by a Catholic school in Boulder not to re-enroll two children of a lesbian couple. Chaput said the parents of Catholic school students are expected to agree with church beliefs, including those forbidding sex between anyone other than married, heterosexual couples." (emphasis mine)
But the one that really got me was this one: "Despite his reputation for orthodoxy, like the rest of the US bishops (save 2), he is guilty of material cooperation with the objective evil of unjust war, and has effectively proclaimed a message of moral relativism when it comes to participation in unjust war. So he's just another cafeteria Catholic, selectively picking and choosing which doctrines of the Faith he preaches and teaches." I had to laugh at how the author, who is clearly an authentic cafeteria "catholyc", tried to paint Chaput as one. Unless the author is totally ignorant, he knows full well that there is plenty of room for debate on whether what he describes as an unjust war is or isn't. I am willing to bet that the author is a prime example of moral relativism in what he speaks out for. BTW, since Papa Benedetto hasn't labeled any of the current wars the US is involved in as unjust, by this guy's standards, does that make him a moral relativist as well?
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Stem Cell Research
Monday, July 18, 2011
If Jill June Thinks 2011 Was Bad for Planned Parenthood in Iowa. . .
Source:Planned Parenthood PAC rates Iowa lawmakers, praises Petersen and Wessel-Kroeschell
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Bringing Out the Heavy Artillery to Battle Demonic Abortion
A small group of abortion supporters showed up, thinking the mill would be open. When they saw seven Priests and over forty pro-lifers deep in prayer and the abortion mill closed, the pro-aborts appeared even more dazed and confused than usual.
On this day in Rockford, the presence of Christ through His Priests and His people could be tangibly felt and experienced outside the building where over 60,000 human beings have been murdered.
On this day in Rockford, Satan fled; Christians stood united in faith and love, and no children had to face a brutal, vicious death inside the Rockford abortion mill.
Those inside the Rockford abortion mill, who have used demonic symbols such as devils masks in its windows, rubber chickens on crucifixes, and signs mocking God and celebrating the deaths of children by abortion, folded under the spiritual power of these men of God.
Labels: Rockford Abortion Mill
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Cardinal Sarah - Again Reminding Us That Everything the Church Does Is Done to proclaim the Gospel
Labels: Cardinal Sarah, D+P Scandal, Reform CCHD
Make A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord
You will notice that St. Dominic is keeping watch.
Source: American Papist (Fun Video: Dominican Novices Hold Jazz Jam Session In Priory Garage)
Friday, July 15, 2011
St. Lucky
Understanding the Church of England
Covering "Of Thee I Zing"

As you can see, it is a riff of the painting by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze with Laura Ingraham as Washington & co-author Raymond Arroyo as the soldier behind Washington who was holding the flag.. & while the polluted water catches the whole point of the book, my favorite part of the cover was the expression on Raymond Arroyo's face. I am not sure if it is one of pure shock, or a combination of shock & how in the theological place of eternal damnation did things ever get to this point?
After scanning the book I vote for the latter. From what I read I am sure the book will live up to my expectations & am even more anxious for my copy to arrive so I can dive into it. & I feel safe in recommending it in advance based on past experience with both authors.
Here is an audio excerpt from the book read by the authors that will give you a good idea of the content of the book:
PS: I figured out what Victoria's secret was a long time ago, Victoria is una putana!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Another Win for Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Another Defeat for Those Trying to Get Rid of Them
Breaking: District judge halts New York City pro-life pregnancy center gag law
NEW YORK, July 13, 2011 ( - A federal district court judge on Wednesday granted a preliminary injunction blocking a New York City gag law against local pro-life pregnancy centers, which would have gone into effect tomorrow.
In an opinion issued this morning, U.S. District Court judge William Pauley upheld the arguments of the lawyers representing the pro-life centers on all counts, agreeing that the ordinance would likely cause irreparable harm to the centers’ First Amendment rights and that plaintiffs would probably succeed in their legal challenge.
Int. No. 371 would have forced pregnancy centers to prominently state whether they provide abortions at their premises and on their advertising, a mandate hailed by NARAL Pro-Choice New York as a sign of the city council’s “commitment to choice” after it passed in March.
Chris Slattery of Expectant Mother Care/EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers called today’s ruling “a complete vindication of our arguments made against this law” since it was first announced in October.
Slattery thanked ACLJ and ADF lawyers for their “outstanding legal defense work for the New York City life centers, that will positively affect the entire country.”
“This is a major overturning of a substantial majority of our city’s government leaders and ... there is justice in a liberal city like New York when we appeal to our constitutional principles,” Slattery told Wednesday afternoon. “We are optimistic it will be upheld.”
The pro-life leader said that the city, whose leaders had voted 39-9 to enact the ordinance, may seek an emergency appeal to the injunction.
Alliance Defense Fund lawyer Matt Bowman, who represented the pregnancy centers, said that those who argue the ordinance is as legally acceptable as informed consent laws for abortion clinics are misguided.
“It’s really simple: The government can license the practice of medicine, it cannot license free speech,” Bowman told “Pro-life pregnancy centers are offering free hope and help to pregnant women and their children; they are not selling a medical procedure which, without consent, would amount to physical assault.”
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers
From 1st to Last, Columbia to Altantis

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brethren" Includes the Unborn
"I DO NOT NEED YOU" (1 Cor 12:21)
"There was a baby boy, crying!" —Exodus 2:6
When we support the elimination of babies by abortion and artificial contraception, we say to these unwanted members of Jesus' body, "I do not need you" (1 Cor 12:21). Can we even call ourselves Christians if we have so much disdain for Jesus' body that we don't care if millions of members of His body are murdered or never given a chance to exist? Can we call ourselves Christians if we have so little regard for Christ's body that we don't mind if His body is weakened, disfigured, or paralyzed by the absence of many millions of members worldwide?
Powerful, well-financed organizations reach into every corner of the globe to advance the spread of abortion and artificial contraception. If, as St. Teresa of Avila says, Jesus has no hands but ours and no feet but ours, then His body on earth is being more and more crippled with the elimination of each child that would have strengthened His body. We are to honor all members of His body, but the weakest and smallest we must honor with even greater care (1 Cor 12:22-24).
The Catholic Church champions the body of Christ in its teaching. However, far too many Catholics disobey the teachings of their Church. They are pro-choice; they choose to please their own bodies. It doesn't bother them that Jesus' body is broken as long as their own body doesn't suffer. Catholics, repent of disfiguring the body of Christ instead of building it up. Catholics, oppose abortion and artificial contraception. Jesus asks you, "Do you love My body?" (see Jn 21:15) How will you answer Him today? How will you answer Him on Judgment Day?