Papa Benedetto Continues His Call for Us to Evangelize
This follows up on what Cardinal Sarah said to Caritas International's gathering in Rome last week when he reminded them that all they do must have an evangelical demension. Later Papa Benedetto reminded those at the gathering that they must uphold the truth. That he is saying this should be no surprize. He has long spoken out against relativism & what results, a denial of the truth as well as a denial of the need to evangelize. While most people remember the talk he gave just before the Cardinals went into the conclave where they elected him as Pope, what he said then was not a new message. In 2002 he called relativism the new face of intolerance. He said we must know & proclaim the truth about Jesus. In a 2004 interview he again decried relativism & the way it attacked proclaiming the truth about Jesus.
While a lot of people today don't like it, there are some absolute truths out there. & they are only found in Jesus. He alone is the way, the truth & the life. & Papa Benedetto is doing what he can to ensure that message is getting out. Everything from what he says in his Wednesday audiences to his Angelus addresses, to the books on Jesus is aimed at letting us know there are those absolute truths. & that God entrusted the Catholic Church with the mission of proclaiming that truth. His openning the door for the Anglican ordinariate to his allowing greater use of the Traditional Latin Mass alongside the Novus Ordo Latin Mass (yes, the current Mass is Latin at its heart) are also a part of that getting the message out.
I could on pointing out how he has even started to go after Bishops who fail to uphold Catholic teaching. A prime recent example is the "progressive" Australian bishop of Toowoomba, Bishop William Morris, who has gone into early retirement for his promulgated views supporting female ordination. This came after a 5 year investigation by the Vatican. Then there is the looking into what the Leadership Council of Women Religious are promoting. It is going to take time, & the full fruit of Papa Benedetto's action won't be seen until after he is gone (hopefully not for many years). Remember, it took about 300 years to deal with the Arian heresy. But he is clearly doing what he can under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the time alotted to him to ensure that those enemies within do not win.
Several times I've talked about the Dream of St. John Bosco that is known as The Dream of the 2 Columns (or Pillars). On 1 column there is a stautue of Mary, on the other, taller 1, a huge Eucharistic host. The Pope is stearing a boat that represents the Church towards them. IMHO, the prophetic dream is at least partially finding its fulfillment in the papacies of Blessed John Paul & Papa Benedetto. There have been attacks & scandals that have done great damage to the Church, just like in the dream. But in the end, God will repair the damage. & it is clear Papa Benedetto is 1 of the main instruments He is using to do so.
Labels: Cardinal Sarah
At 30/5/11 9:59 PM ,
Patrick Button said...
I think you are right about how long it will take to deal with some of these issues. It can be frustrating that the Church moves so slowly, but her inertia is ultimately beneficial. Throughout changes in the culture, the Church stands resolute.
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