I have pointed out many times that about 90% of preborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are being aborted rather than given the chance to live & offer those gifts God has for the world that He is giving through them. (& they are only 1 part of the 53 million + whose gifts & talents we have been denied.)
2 bits of news in Europe concerning those fighting for the rights of Down syndrome babies give us some insight into how the abortion industry doesn't want this fact to get out as well as what the statutes that govern the International Court at the Hague actually say versus what the pro-aborts claim about the right to an abortion.
The 1st stop is the UK where the government was finally forced to release statistics about the number of abortions involving those babies who had disabilities. Numbers that have not been released since 2001. What the numbered released show explains why they didn't want the facts out, that unborn babies with disabilities ARE being targeted for death.
The newly released abortion numbers showed that 482 babies were aborted who had Down syndrome, including 10 aborted after 24 weeks; there were 123 babies who died in abortions with the nervous disorder spina bifida; abortions were done on 181 babies who had a club foot or other musculoskeletal problems, including 8 killed after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Seven babies who had cleft palates were victims of abortion.
I suspect there are several reasons why those in the British government didn't want the facts out. 1 of those reasons has to do with national health care. Let's be honest, the fewer babies born with handicaps, the less the government has to put out for health care for those disabilities. These lives have had pounds & pence value put on them that says they aren't worth it.
Anthony Ozimic, communications manager for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) says that the need for complete transparency "is absolutely vital for the future protection of both unborn children and women." He went on to add “The argument for transparency is all the stronger because nearly all abortions for disability are paid for by the taxpayer, and unlike most NHS procedures, they are not done to achieve any health benefit, but to cut the cost of caring for disabled people."
Of course, the abortion industry doesn't want the truth out there either. But why not if there is nothing morally wrong with aborting babies with disabilities? Ann Furedi, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, an abortion business, cindemned the release of these numbers. Then she pointed out in a statement to the Daily Mail “Abortion for foetal anomaly is legal. Behind every one of these figures are doctors and nurses who deserve our admiration and support.” She knows that legal doesn't equate moral & that these numbers, among others released, will result in less, not more support for abortion remaining legal.
It will get people to realize that the less life is valued before birth, the less it will be afterwords, especially if you get ill & will be a "burden" because of the cost to care for you. These stats show how dehumanizing the utilitarian mindset that is a part of the "culture of death" is.
Meanwhile over at the International Court at the Hague a group of advocates for individuals with Down syndrome has complained that New Zealand’s prenatal screening program effectively targets disabled children for systematic eradication through abortion. The complaint is being lodged by a group of thirty-seven parents or siblings who have a family member with Down syndrome. Right to Life New Zealand (RTLNZ) has joined their name to the complaint. The complaint names the Minister of Health in the New Zealand government as the person responsible for authorizing the national antenatal screening program in February 2010.
RTLNZ explained that the complaint has been lodged with the Office of the Prosecutor under the provisions of Article 15.1 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. RTLNZ alleges breaches of Article 6 & 7 of the Statute through the persecution of an identifiable group of the population, namely those with Down syndrome & the deprivation of their right to life, which the group points out is the foundation of their human rights.
According to RTLNZ “Midwives and Doctors are required to offer the antenatal screening to every woman who is pregnant. The purpose of this programme is to detect babies with Down syndrome and other conditions. Women whose baby tests positive for Down syndrome are to be offered the opportunity to terminate the life of their child.”
“There is disturbing anecdotal evidence that women are being pressured into being socially responsible by having an abortion. This is government funded social engineering and is also eugenics where only the perfect may be born.”
RTLNZ went on to say that the government is “aware from overseas experience” that such programs result in the killing of a large percentage of babies with Down syndrome. (Like the 90% here in the USA.) They also pointed out that The Minister of Health has hinted that the information is intended to help to women decide whether to carry on with a pregnancy.
The pro-life group has accused the New Zealand government of hypocrisy regarding its own statements on caring for the disabled. “The government is giving the message that babies with Down syndrome are not welcome in New Zealand,” said RTLNZ. “The screening programme is also in contravention of the government’s own Disability Strategy which seeks to promote, ‘a society that highly values the lives of disabled persons and continually enhances their full participation.’”
“There is no known cure for Down syndrome. The screening programme is not to promote the health and wellbeing of the baby with Down syndrome but its destruction. ... It is inconsistent for the government to claim that they are endeavouring to welcome those with a disability and at the same time seeking to identify babies with Down syndrome in order that they may encourage their destruction by being torn limb from limb in their mother’s womb in an abortion sanctioned and funded by the government.”
Hypocrisy is a good word for the difference between what the New Zealand government is saying & doing. Again, I am willing to bet that 1 of the reasons behind the push is to save money by killing these unborn babies so that, like in the UK, there will be no need to pay for health care over the long term. & the NZ claim to welcome the disabled is smoke & mirrors to hide the truth. In New Zealand about 77% of the money spent on health care was government expenditure.
For all the talk of a right to health care for everyone, we are seeing that the reality is totally different. & the way we are seeing the unborn treated is a sure sign of how those of us who are born will be treated under ObamaCare here in the USA as well. We have gotten away from the God given right to life proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence. Now it is a utilitarian view that decides a person's value. That view asks "Does what you have to offer outweigh the costs of you living?" The "culture of death" does not see life as an inalienable right. & the killing pf unborn children, disabled or not, is only 1 part of the total devaluation of all life, born & unborn.
Shock: Thousands of UK Abortions on Disabled, Down Syndrome BabiesLabels: ObamaCare
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