Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Again We See What The Abortion Industry Means By Safe
Labels: Kermit Gosnell, Rockford Abortion Mill
It's Official, It's As Bad As I was Afraid It Was Going to Be
You can be sure I will be avoiding this movie like the plague.
Additionally, they might as well close the nominations for the 2012 Golden Rasberry awards as every Razzie will probably go to this 1. & I do mean every category for the worst of the year.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
National Curmudgeon Day 2012
An income tax form is like a laundry list - either way you lose your shirt. - Fred Allen
If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it. - WC Fields
Thbbft! - Bill the Cat
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. - Groucho Marx
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thou Shalt Not Make a Monstance That Looks Like the Dalek Emperor
Friday, January 27, 2012
I Told You So, Part 2 of This Year's MSM Coverage of the March for Life
Next up, the anti-Catholic bias is focusing on how this indoctrination is developing extremists. (emphasis mine) "Mendoza’s brother, Jesse, 14, carried the most controversial of the signs. Not-so-jokingly referred to as the 'extremist' of the group, Jesse had drawn a fetus and gushing blood on his sign. Jesse wanted to attend the rally last year but was told he was too young. This year, he was the one who started the groups on chants such as 'Jesus' and 'Obama, your mama chose life.'” We see what Driessen's idea of an extremist is, someone who draws a picture that shows what abortion actually does to an unborn baby. But even before that he "Not-so-jokingly" comment is meant to clearly make things sound worse than they are. & chanting "Jesus" makes him an extremist. By her standards what does that make the Pope? & the quote about Obama is a pure fact. None of what he did is truly extremist. Jesse may speak out strongly on his views, but nothing he says or does is truly extremism. & she knows it.
But the Post doesn't stop there in its efforts to paint the Pro-life side, & especially the Catholic Church as the villians. The online photo montage continues this theme. Let's start with the picture of Sister Fran of the Salesian Sisters in Newton, N.J.
It describes her as criticizing "an abortion rights advocate at the March for Life."
Then there is this picture of Sara Brook, of Missouri:
She is described as an antiabortion advocate, showing how she "points her finger at an abortion rights advocate."
Next up is the picture of Josh Estes, that they describe as an "antiabortion advocate". The caption says that he is shouting at "abortion rights advocates in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C." At least they did show some "abortion rights advocates" shouting back. & this is the most peaceful "clash" I have ever seen.
On the other hand we see this photo of Lauren Croll, abortion supporter, looking like she is in tears.
"What did those horrible anti-aborts do to her?" is the implied question.
Additionally, almost all of the other pictures of "Antiabortion protesters" make it look like this was merely a Catholic protest only. Even though it isn't totally clear, we can recognize the Knights of Columbus logo here. Here we see a picture of Our Lady of Guadeloupe in the background. Here & here we see people praying the Rosary.
So we see the Post not so subtlely painting the March for Life as a bunch of Catholics who have no qualms against yelling & shouting & driving their opponants to tears while doing so. It is implied that any clashes are the result of the actions of the "anti-aborts" & if the abortion rights are shouting back, it is simply to get their voices heard.
Another thing to notice is how the pictures show that both sides are about equal in number rather than any photos that truly show the huge number of Pro-lifers. On the other hand, probably almost every pro-abort that was there was in the photos shown of them.
None of the pictures in & of themselves are bad. But how do we know the Pro-lifers were shouting at the pro-aborts? They could be responding to a chant. Or yelling at a friend. & as for the 2 pointing their fingers, anyone pointing their finger can be made to look wild eyed when they are passionate about the truth. But you can be sure that isn't what the Post wants people to think.
Instead, they are trying to implant the idea that the Catholic Church is developing a bunch of wild-eyed automatons by indoctrinating the next generation to blindly follow what it teaches about abortion.
If they were truly interested in presenting an acurate picture, we would see stories about the women & men from Silent No More sharing their stories. We would see stories about the real numbers of Pro-lifers as opposed to pro-aborts. We would see stories about how main stream, how anything but extreme, how it is not only Catholics the Pro-life movement is about. We would see the truth, that those 400,000 people there are the main stream, are the real America. But that would mean they would have to admit they are the extremists, not us.
*I want to point out that she doesn't actually quote what Karina Franco says, Driessen gives her take on it. I would suspect that the actual quote by Franco was something quite different. I say this from personal experience of how the press has twisted what I say by taking what I said out of context or summarizing it like in this case. I suspect Franco said something more on the lines about this is the 1st real education on what abortion is really about & why it is wrong.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I Don't Want to Say I Told You So But. . . .
On the other hand, I wish that the Main Stream Media had proved me wrong.
The AP article is another prime example of the MSM bias. 1st there is the title, Abortion foes march with eye on fall elections, used in various permutations by various papers. Abortion foes says it all about their attitutde. Then there was the opening line: "Thousands of abortion opponents marched to the Supreme Court on Monday to mark the 39th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion,". Did you get that "thousands", talk about downplaying the 400,000 there. They make it sound like it was a few thousand, or maybe 10-20 thousand, way, way smaller. That isn't merely downplaying, that is out & out lying.
In many ways, the MSM has hit a new low in its coverage. In part I think it is because they know the tide is turning & they don't want the news to get out. The difference between the Fox & AP articles highlights that. The AP article talks about how the US is still divided on abortion & then goes on to add the following statement by Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, accusing politicians supporting the March for Life of ignoring more pressing issues."Anti-choice politicians and their allies promised to focus on creating jobs, yet they are attacking a woman's right to choose at near-record levels. This extreme agenda is out of touch with our country's values and priorities."
Sorry Nancy you are out of touch as the Fox article proves. Yes, it mentions her claim that "that our opponents would ignore the public's call to focus on immediate challenges, including the economy, and instead launch an all-out war against women." The Fox article goes on to say "According to Americans United for Life, more than 460 measures were considered in 47 states last year. The group predicts another heavy round of legislative activity this year."
Sounds to me like this is a lot of grass roots activity based on what the people want in response to all that has come out about the abortion industry covering up rape, incest, abortion mills being closed down for unsanitary conditions, abortionists charged with murder etc. No wonder Keenan wants to play the smoke & mirrors game. It isn't the politicians, it is the abortion industry that is out of touch with the country's values & priorities. They are the ones who have launched the all out war, not the Pro-life politicians. & that war is against women as well as the unborn.
& you can bet things won't be getting better any time soon. The MSM & the abortion industry has seen a huge change in how this country views abortion & the abortion industry. The industry has Obama in its back pocket. But they know he could be out by this time next year, in part because of his huge public support for abortion. So they are falling back on the same message they have unsuccessfully used since the 2010 elections about pro-life politicians ignoring the economy. The abortion industry makes it sound like it is an either or, not an and both. Fortunately the American public is smarter than that. Something the MSM seems to be forgetting as well. & they wonder why people are going to other sources of news in droves?????
Gary Carter, Hero of '86 Mets Team - Dying of Brain Cancer
If Yesterday's Movies Were Made Today
Monday, January 23, 2012
Obama Applauds Roe v Wade the 20th Century Dred Scott Decision
Labels: Maafa 21, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood
Project Rachel - Bringing Hope, Healing & Forgiveness to Men & Women Harmed by Abortion
Rachel mourns her children, she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more.
wipe the tears from your eyes.
The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward…
There is hope for your future."
Jane Roe - Fighting to Right a Wrong Done In Her Name
Source: The Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma (The Pawn who became Pro-Life the post includes Norma McCorvey's testimony on 23 June 2005 before the Senate Judiciary Committee.)
Testimonies About the Harm Abortion Does
Labels: Kermit Gosnell, Rockford Abortion Mill
Sunday, January 22, 2012
2012 Dubuque Walk for Life
By taking away each of their lives, you're taking away a bright future they could have had, but now never will." (You can read the entire essay here)
Labels: DCRTL, Planned Parenthood, Telemed Abortions
Just A Reminder of What the Abortion Industry Sees as Safe & Rare
Two botched abortions; no gurney access
Labels: Kermit Gosnell, Rockford Abortion Mill
Saturday, January 21, 2012
It Doesn't Take a Prophet to Make This Sure Thing Prediction
The 1% Who ARE the Real Bad Guys Out to Destroy America
Is This What You Mean By Choice 2012
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Is This What You Mean By Choice, Ultrasound
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Bella - A Great Pro-Life Movie Still Going Strong & Saving Lives of the Unborn
Click here to bring Bella HERO to a pro-life pregnancy centre near you.
P.O. Box 13094
Green Bay, WI 54307
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers