This Monday, 23 Jan 2012, will see the
39th March for Life in Washington DC. It is being held on Monday because the actual anniversary date of
Roe v Wade &
Doe v Bolton, 22 January, is a Sunday. Since Congressional offices are closed on Sunday it is moved to Monday so participates can go to visit their Representatives in the House & Senate.
Also, today is the
8th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. While not as big as the East Coast March it is growing year by year. It is held on the Saturday closest to 22 Jan. That enables speakers to appear at both events. The West Coast Walk provides an opportunity for more people to get the word out that they are Pro-life.
Both events get full coverage from EWTN. & C-SPAN covers the DC event. Beyond that the West Coast Walk gets very little attention. The Main Stream Media does pay some attention to the DC March.
Now for my non-predidiction prediction. The MSM will give its usual poor coverage of the events. They will downplay the size of the DC crowd, undercounting to ensure people don't know how big it actually is. They will also find the few pro-aborts & play up the size of their crowd. They will do so by a few key pictures that make it look like there is a huge number of pro-aborts rather than the few that actually are there.
Of course, I could be wrong. This year the MSM could have a change of heart & give the Walk & the March the proper coverage, with accurate counts of those participating & counterprotestors.
NAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Theological Place of Eternal Damnation is likely to reach the temperature of
Absolute 0 1st.
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