Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Illinois Shows It's Hatred of Catholicism in the Name of Tolerance & Inclusiveness
Labels: ObamaCare
Monday, May 30, 2011
Papa Benedetto Continues His Call for Us to Evangelize
This follows up on what Cardinal Sarah said to Caritas International's gathering in Rome last week when he reminded them that all they do must have an evangelical demension. Later Papa Benedetto reminded those at the gathering that they must uphold the truth. That he is saying this should be no surprize. He has long spoken out against relativism & what results, a denial of the truth as well as a denial of the need to evangelize. While most people remember the talk he gave just before the Cardinals went into the conclave where they elected him as Pope, what he said then was not a new message. In 2002 he called relativism the new face of intolerance. He said we must know & proclaim the truth about Jesus. In a 2004 interview he again decried relativism & the way it attacked proclaiming the truth about Jesus.
While a lot of people today don't like it, there are some absolute truths out there. & they are only found in Jesus. He alone is the way, the truth & the life. & Papa Benedetto is doing what he can to ensure that message is getting out. Everything from what he says in his Wednesday audiences to his Angelus addresses, to the books on Jesus is aimed at letting us know there are those absolute truths. & that God entrusted the Catholic Church with the mission of proclaiming that truth. His openning the door for the Anglican ordinariate to his allowing greater use of the Traditional Latin Mass alongside the Novus Ordo Latin Mass (yes, the current Mass is Latin at its heart) are also a part of that getting the message out.
I could on pointing out how he has even started to go after Bishops who fail to uphold Catholic teaching. A prime recent example is the "progressive" Australian bishop of Toowoomba, Bishop William Morris, who has gone into early retirement for his promulgated views supporting female ordination. This came after a 5 year investigation by the Vatican. Then there is the looking into what the Leadership Council of Women Religious are promoting. It is going to take time, & the full fruit of Papa Benedetto's action won't be seen until after he is gone (hopefully not for many years). Remember, it took about 300 years to deal with the Arian heresy. But he is clearly doing what he can under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the time alotted to him to ensure that those enemies within do not win.
Several times I've talked about the Dream of St. John Bosco that is known as The Dream of the 2 Columns (or Pillars). On 1 column there is a stautue of Mary, on the other, taller 1, a huge Eucharistic host. The Pope is stearing a boat that represents the Church towards them. IMHO, the prophetic dream is at least partially finding its fulfillment in the papacies of Blessed John Paul & Papa Benedetto. There have been attacks & scandals that have done great damage to the Church, just like in the dream. But in the end, God will repair the damage. & it is clear Papa Benedetto is 1 of the main instruments He is using to do so.
Labels: Cardinal Sarah
I Have to Wonder
Is it about saving lives in Africa, or doing all they can to get rid of blacks? If it was about saving lives then more would be done to fight malaria rather than doing all they can to reduce the population in Africa.
See Project Real Need for more info.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Papa Benedetto to Caritas International - You Must Hold Up Non-negotiable Catholic Values
Labels: Cardinal Sarah, D+P Scandal, Reform CCHD
Friday, May 27, 2011
Pepsi Refuses to Cut Ties With Company Using Aborted Fetal Cells - Time for Boycott
LifeSiteNews previously reported on Senomyx’s partnership with major food corporations, most notably PepsiCo, Kraft Foods, and Nestlé.
Pro-life watchdog group, Children of God for Life (CGL), is now joined by major pro-life organizations calling upon the public to target PepsiCo in a boycott.
Pepsi is funding the research and development, and paying royalties to Senomyx, which uses HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney cells) to produce flavor enhancers for Pepsi beverages.
“Using isolated human taste receptors we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor,” says the Senomyx website.
“What they do not tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors,” stated Debi Vinnedge, President for CGL, the watch dog group that has been monitoring the use of aborted fetal material in medical products and cosmetics for years.
The aborted fetal cells are not in the product itself. However, “there are many options PepsiCo could be using instead of aborted fetal cells,” noted Vinnedge.
The revelation about Senomyx’s research techniques motivated Campbell Soup to sever all relations with Senomyx.
However, PepsiCo continues their business relationship despite the abortion connection. They drew pubic ire earlier this year when they responded, saying, “our collaboration with Senomyx is strictly limited to creating lower-calorie, great-tasting beverages for consumers.”
When pressed further, PepsiCo sent out a form letter response saying they had been accused of conducting aborted fetal tissue research.
Bradley Mattes, executive director of Life Issues Institute, said, “While aborted fetal cells aren’t actually in the product itself, the close relationship is enough to repulse most consumers. To our knowledge, this is the first time a food product has been publicly associated with abortion.”
The pro-life groups noted that additional companies collaborating with Senomyx will be targeted for boycott next.
The pro-life organizations are asking the public to boycott all Pepsi drink products and encourage consumers to contact Pepsi management requesting that they sever all ties with Senomyx.
For a list of Pepsi Beverages included in the boycott:
Pro-life groups joining CGL in the boycott to date are: Life Issues Institute, American Life League, Colorado Right to Life, American Right to Life, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, ALL Arizona, Central Nebraskans for Life, Pro-Life Waco, Houston Coalition for Life, Mother and Unborn Baby Fox Valley, Womankind, Billboards for Life, Movement for a Better America, Defenders of the Unborn, Focus Pregnancy Help Center, Idaho Chooses Life, EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers of NY, Four Seasons for Life, CREDO, Life Choices, STOPP Dallas, CA Right To Life, Human Life Alliance, International Right to Life Federation, Operation Rescue, Pro-Life Nation, LifeNews.com, and Mary’s Outreach for Women.
Cardinal Robert Sarah - Charity Without Evangelization Isn't True Charity
Vatican Cardinal warns of ‘silent apostasy’; says Catholic charities must evangelize
ROME, May 25, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In an address to the General Assembly of Caritas International today, Cardinal Robert Sarah, who heads the Vatican dicastery dealing with the church’s charitable institutions, stressed that the main mission of all Church groups, charitable groups included, was to bring people to Christ. “Today, dear Friends, the tragedy of modern mankind is not lacking clothing and housing. The most tragic hunger and the most terrible anguish is not lack of food,” he said. “It’s much more about the absence of God and the lack of true love, the love that was revealed to us on the Cross.”

The assembly comes at a time of major restructuring for Catholic charities which especially in the West have been beset by loss of Catholic identity. Funding of questionable groups by the charitable arms of the Canadian, American, British, French and Austrian Catholic Bishops conferences have had many Catholics calling for change. While Bishops in these nations have been working toward reform, the Vatican is working to reform the umbrella group for them all - Caritas Internationalis. LifeSiteNews reported in February that the General Secretary of Caritas was not permitted to stand for a second term in office due to concerns about ‘Catholic identity’ among other issues.
Cardinal Sarah added, “Regarding coordination with the charitable organisations of the Church … it is not merely philanthropic and humanitarian assistance aimed at relieving a certain kind of distress, but also and above all it entails giving back to human persons all their dignity as children of God, and promoting an anthropology that also encompasses the religious dimension of human persons, namely their encounter with God.”
Cardinal Sarah quoted both Popes John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI decrying the “religious indifference, secularisation and atheism” of the West.
“Together with enormous material, scientific and technological progress, the West is now experiencing a serious moral regression and a gradual “silent apostasy”, he said.
“Undoubtedly, since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Benedict XVI has considered this ‘religious indifference’ and ‘silent apostasy’ as the major challenge the Church has to take up today in her relations with the modern world. Therefore, he is more determined than ever to make our minds more aware and our faith more visible and more active, in order to show the world that the Church’s mission is deeply rooted in faith in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
While some in Catholic development agencies have argued for a hands-off approach of fostering good works undertaken even by agencies at odds with the Catholic Church to end the structures of poverty and oppression, the Cardinal took a different approach. “I believe it is important to understand that our charitable organisations are located within the Church and not alongside her,” he said. “A Caritas that wasn’t an ecclesial expression would have no meaning or existence. The Church cannot be considered as a partner of Catholic organisations. They are the organisations that take part in her mission.”
A recent debate over whether or not groups in the developing world should have the approval of local bishops prior to their receiving funding from Catholic charities in the West seems also to have been answered by the Cardinal. “So it is necessary that charitable organisations are really able to work in full communion and deep connection with the local bishop,” he said, “and in accordance with pastoral guidelines, in order to be fully integrated within the mission of the Church. “
See the full address here
Labels: Cardinal Sarah, D+P Scandal, Reform CCHD
Thursday, May 26, 2011
No Wonder This Was Ignored, It Undermines Planned Parenthood's Sex Ed Agenda
Carolyn Moynihan
Those who insist on “safer sex” education for adolescents seem to assume two things: first, that nearly all teens will become sexually active, and second, that it doesn’t matter (they have a right to) so long as they take precautions against disease and pregnancy. Therefore, all teens should be subjected to the same sexual propaganda.
But a report from the US government that I missed back in March indicates that these assumptions are faulty. Researchers from the Centres for Disease Control gathered data on sexual behaviour, attraction and identity through the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth -- a household survey -- and compared it with the 2002 NSFG survey and other national surveys. The aim was to improve programmes to prevent the spread of STIs and unintended pregnancy.
The survey had a high response rate (75 per cent) and involved interviews (using laptops for maximum privacy) with more than 13,000 people aged 15 to 44.
The responses showed that among young adults aged 15 to 24, 29 per cent of women and 27 per cent of men had not had any sexual contact with the opposite sex. This was a sharp increase from 2002 when about 23 per cent of young adults had never had sex.
Furthermore, in the 15- to 19-year-old age group, 43 per cent of males and 48 per cent of females reported never having an opposite-sex partner. In the same age group a small percentage (7 per cent of females and 9 per cent of males) had had oral sex with an opposite-sex partner, but no intercourse.
These figures suggest that, rather than bombarding all high school kids with contraceptive information (not to mention perverse alternatives to sexual intercourse) abstinence or chastity education is an appropriate option. Indeed, it seems reasonable to infer that official encouragement of abstinence education in the 1990s and up to 2008 has been effective.
Among those aged 25 and older there was a lot of unpleasant stuff going on. However, same-sex activity was less than one might have supposed from the amount of political attention such relationships get. Some 5.8 per cent of males said they had ever had same-sex contact and 12 per cent of females. The percentages reporting their sexual identity as homosexual was even lower: 1.1 per cent of women (bisexual 3.5), and 1.7 per cent of men (1.1 bisexual).
Sexual Behaviour, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States:
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Meet the Girls Blowing the Lid Off About the Relationship Between Planned Parenthood & the Girl Scouts
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I Knew It Was Only A Matter of Time
“Furthermore, this would indicate that Planned Parenthood is following its established pattern of phasing out affiliates that do not commit abortions and are therefore not profitable, in order to pour its resources into its lucrative abortion business. The five locations (Burlington, Ft. Madison, Keokuk, Mount Pleasant, Washington) were all abortion referral locations only.
“Planned Parenthood of the Heartland will now be in a position to engage in telemed abortions throughout the entire state of Iowa. Planned Parenthood will attempt to streamline their operations and increase revenue at the same time, by introducing abortion services and only needing a doctor in Des Moines to serve their affiliates via webcam.
“The State of Nebraska has banned late-term abortions, and is now about to join Arizona in banning telemed abortions. It is time for the Iowa legislature to stop playing politics and protect the women of Iowa by enacting meaningful legislation to prevent our state from becoming the abortion capital of the Midwest."
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Telemed Abortions
Fargo Diocese Bringing In Heavy Guns to Fight Abortion
Both Mary and Elizabeth unexpectedly found themselves with child. Yet, rather than despairing over Mary being seen as an unwed mother, or Elizabeth being a woman who was
beyond her years to have children and, as we so often hear today, that because of her age there was fear that the child she carried might be disabled in some way, both women turned to God with confidence in his will for them. They recognized that the life within them is willed by their heavenly Father and that every life has a particular meaning and purpose within God’s plan for salvation."
We have at our disposal in this spiritual battle the greatest of all resources, that of prayer. By offering Mass and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in close proximity to the abortion facility, we make Christ present to all those who are caught in the lie of abortion. Christ is present to the unborn child whose right to life is being oppressed. He is attentive to the
woman entering the abortion facility under the weight of human frailty. And he is calling all those who advocate and provide for abortions in downtown Fargo to be set free from the bondage the Evil One has on them.
We carry out one of the church’s spiritual works of mercy by being present in the Visitation Chapel, with hearts engaged in prayer as we affirm the dignity of every human person by our faithful witness to the sanctity of human life."
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Not That I Am Happy, But I Was Right About What Happenned in the Iowa Senate Last Week
Ridiculous as it may seem, they actually have the gall to blame the fact that they use rules and procedure to kill legislation ON THE RULES AND PROCEDURE! “It didn’t make it through committee,” or “it didn’t have enough support,” is just a false way of saying “we used our numerical advantage in committee to kill the bill and retain political cover,” or “we pretend we are concerned about this issue, but we’ll use the rules that we wrote to keep the bill from coming to a vote, thus giving us political cover.”
In this instance, they want political cover for allowing baby butchering slaughterhouse operator Leroy Carhart to set up shop in Iowa.
Gronstal says that he “reels at the thought of abortion.” But does he tell the rest of the story to the public and that it’s his SOLE prerogative to either call up HF 657 (fetal pain bill) for debate or kill it?
NO! Instead, he shoves it in our face and lays out a new plan to let Carhart set up a death factory at his leisure and from multiple locations across the state!
So here’s what happens. Gronstal puts Senator Joe Bolkcom on point (Bolkcom’s ex-wife is the former director of the Emma Goldman baby slaughterhouse in Iowa City). He anoints Bolkcom as floor manager of the fetal pain bill, HF 657. This way he can say that he’s doing his part and going through the motions following “procedure.” Bolkcom, in return, doesn’t pressure Gronstal to bring it up for debate.
So now “process” is to blame, Bolkcom takes the heat (Bolkcom is safe in his district), and Gronstal issues his sound-bites to the media back home saying how he tried to protect the health of women and children, but Republicans voted it down.
The bill dies.
Bolkcom, in turn, introduces the bill intended to give them political cover, SF 534, which allows Carhartt to set up his infanticide center as long as it’s near a hospital that’s able to handle late-term-abortions-gone-wrong.
This bill was scheduled for debate last Thursday, but as was my right as a Senator, I refused unanimous consent to call it up. That forced them to come back on Monday to debate their “political cover” pro-abortion bill.
On Monday before Gronstal could be recognized to call up the bill, I invoked Rule 19. Rule 19 of the Senate Rules allows any senator to make a motion that the Senate go to “committee of the whole” to consider a bill (in this case HF 657), take a roll-call vote on what action the “committee of the whole” recommends the Senate pursue regarding a bill and have that vote recorded in the Senate Journal. This is a procedural vote designed solely to identify who stands for life and who stands for murdering the innocent.
At first, the majority leadership ignored my “point of order.” I actually had to raise my voice to an elevated level to force the thugs in charge to recognize me for my perfectly legitimate request!
In the end, we got a vote on the fetal pain bill and it failed, 26-23 (one Republican was excused for the day). But I was able to accomplish my mission of separating the wheat from the chaff."
Go to their forums and call them to the carpet for their lies.
Tell them you know they hide behind the cover of procedure to prey on the lives of innocent babies.
Talk about what they’ve done at your local coffee shop.
Donate to the principled fighters who decide to run for office against them.
Get your friends to do the same.
Pound the pavement for them.
Knock on doors. Go to town hall meetings.
Go to civic events and talk about it with your family and friends.
Work a few hours extra at and donate that income to your local incumbent-removal campaign.
Folks, I can’t tell you how much we need everyone to stand up right now and start fighting. If now isn’t the time, when will it be?"
Our Lady of Zose (She Shan)

We know from the Acts of the Apostles that when Peter was in prison, everyone prayed fervently, and as a result, an angel came to free him. Let us do likewise: let us all pray together intensely for this Church, trusting that by our prayers we can do something very real for her.
Chinese Catholics, as they have said many times, want unity with the universal Church, with the Supreme Pastor, with the Successor of Peter. By our prayers we can obtain for the Church in China that it remain one, holy and Catholic, faithful and steadfast in doctrine and in ecclesial discipline. She deserves all our affection.
We know that among our brother Bishops there are some who suffer and find themselves under pressure in the exercise of their episcopal ministry. To them, to the priests and to all the Catholics who encounter difficulties in the free profession of faith, we express our closeness. By our prayers we can help them to find the path to keep their faith alive, to keep their hope strong, to keep their love for all people ardent, and to maintain in its integrity the ecclesiology that we have received from the Lord and the Apostles, which has been faithfully transmitted to us right down to the present day. By our prayers we can obtain that their wish to remain in the one universal Church will prove stronger than the temptation to follow a path independent of Peter. Prayer can obtain, for them and for us, the joy and the strength to proclaim and to bear witness, with complete candour and without impediment, Jesus Christ crucified and risen, the New Man, the conqueror of sin and death.
With all of you I ask Mary to intercede that all of them may be ever more closely conformed to Christ and may give themselves ever more generously to their brethren. I ask Mary to enlighten those who are in doubt, to call back the straying, to console the afflicted, to strengthen those who are ensnared by the allure of opportunism. Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, Our Lady of Sheshan, pray for us!
When you obediently said 'Yes' in the house of Nazareth, you allowed God's eternal Son to take flesh in your virginal womb and thus to begin in history the work of our redemption. You willingly and generously co-operated in that work, allowing the sword of pain to pierce your soul, until the supreme hour of the Cross, when you kept watch on Calvary, standing beside your Son, Who died that we might live.
From that moment, you became, in a new way, the Mother of all those who receive your Son Jesus in faith and choose to follow in His footsteps by taking up His Cross. Mother of hope, in the darkness of Holy Saturday you journeyed with unfailing trust towards the dawn of Easter. Grant that your children may discern at all times, even those that are darkest, the signs of God's loving presence.
Our Lady of Sheshan, sustain all those in China, who, amid their daily trails, continue to believe, to hope, to love. May they never be afraid to speak of Jesus to the world, and of the world to Jesus. In the statue overlooking the Shrine you lift your Son on high, offering him to the world with open arms in a gesture of love. Help Catholics always to be credible witnesses to this love, ever clinging to the rock of Peter on which the Church is built. Mother of China and all Asia, pray for us, now and for ever. Amen!
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Bishop Says If You Don't Uphold Catholic Teaching Then You Can't Receive Eucharist
No communion for those who reject Church teachings warns Malta bishop
by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
“Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. And the wolf is now saying he is Catholic. This is a falsity, this is deceit,” Grech told the faithful in a sermon last Sunday.
“I am ready to dialogue with everyone but do not be false, do not lie. You cannot not be loyal to Christ and say you are a Christian or a Catholic. If you are not in communion with Christ’s teachings, you are not in communion with the Church and you cannot receive communion… we cannot pretend to be in communion with the Eucharist, so that everybody can understand me.”
Grech also warned that “to be politically correct and not tell things as they are will lead us to be sorry. There are the brigands among us who are utilizing every means possible to lead the flock astray. They are going after marriage and then other things will follow.”
However, the prelate also recognized that the failure of marriage was partially the fault of Catholics themselves, noting that “we should be more responsible in the way we administer the sacrament of marriage.”
The bishop, who presides over the diocese of Gozo, made his comments as Malta prepares for a nationwide referendum on the legalization of divorce. It is only one of two countries in the world, along with the Philippines, which continues to prohibit divorce. Malta, a nation of approximately 412,000 people, is 95% Catholic.
The referendum, which is scheduled to be held on May 28. Although the “yes” vote was winning in polls, its supporters have fallen in numbers in recent days and the vote is now too close to call.
I Am the Very Model of a Catholic Saint
using the music from Gilbert & Sullivan's I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General (The Pirates of Penzance; or, The Slave of Duty) in the style used by Tom Lehrer for The Element Song.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
To Boldly Go Where No Pope Has Gone Before

Whoever Called This a Fail Missed the Point

Che Miracolo!!!!!!! 1st back to No Meat on Fridays, Now This. . .
“The Epiphany and the Ascension are still part of the rhythm of many people’s lives in this country, and so we are weighing up how we stand,” said Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster. “Bishops have gone away [from their May meeting] ready to listen to their priests and their people as to what is to be best gained, either by marking those two days in the rhythm of the calendar or with the advantages of an easier and fuller liturgical celebration of them on a Sunday,”
At their May meeting, the English and Welsh bishops restored the discipline of mandatory abstinence from meat on Fridays.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
Bishops consider reinstating some Holy Days (Catholic Herald)
English bishops reestablish meatless Fridays (CWN, 5/16)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
If Today Is Judgement Day Then. . .
For those who are doubters of Harold Camping, I sure he would say: don't they know, it The End of the World (Skeeter Davis)
I repeat, it's The End (The Doors)
However the only ones who will be saved & raptured will be those of whom Harold Camping will be able to point to & say that they did it My Way (Frank Sinatra & Luciano Pavarotti)
For those who did it Harold Camping's way they will be walking up the Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
& while Harold Camping may be claiming it is judgment day & thus The End (The Beatles)
Anyhow, I think it is more likely that I will be, under the sea, in an Octopus Garden (The Beatles) in the shade than that the 2nd Coming will happen today.
It will be interesting to see how he explains his being wrong on Sunday. Whatever it is, you can be sure that it will not be his fault he was wrong. & when Jesus does finally return, which He will, like Lucy he will have some "s'plaining to do" & he won't be able to use taking too much Vitameatavegamin as an excuse.
Friday, May 20, 2011
America's Catholic Bishops* Could Learn a Lesson From Poland's

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Oops, How Did This Happen
Labels: Planned Parenthood
A Tale of 2 Catholic Kansas Governors
TOPEKA, Kansas, May 17, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The once-ironclad Kansas abortion industry is being shaken up by more clinic regulations, a pro-life health insurance law, and a budget that would gut Planned Parenthood’s funding, all part of a seismic shift in the state’s abortion politics that followed the November elections.
On Thursday, the Kansas state legislature wrapped up the legislative session by passing a budget depriving Planned Parenthood of $334,000 in federal family planning funds. The budget cut was proposed by Republican Gov. Sam Brownback, who on Monday also signed a bill that calls for more oversight of abortion clinic practices, requires ultrasounds, and bans so-called “telemed” abortions.
The budget cut, once signed by Brownback, will make Kansas the second state in the nation to deprive Planned Parenthood of public funds based on its involvement in the abortion business.
Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri has said it would consider suing the state over the new budget, which CEO Peter Brownlie complained would “undermine women’s health” by defunding the abortion giant.
The bill signed on Monday, SB 36, will require that state abortion clinics be inspected at least twice a year, and will hand a wealth of additional oversight powers over abortion clinics to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
SB 36 also requires abortionists to be physically present to dispense the abortion drug RU-486, thereby banning the dangerous “telemed” abortion procedure spearheaded by Planned Parenthood, and ensures the right of women to view their ultrasounds before an abortion.
Also passed on Thursday was a bill that bans health insurance packages from incorporating abortion coverage; it allows the coverage in a separate insurance rider, however. Brownlie has also threatened to challenge the health insurance restriction, saying that a possible technicality during passage could bring down the bill.
The Kansas legislature has passed five pro-life bills this year - a situation that Kansas-based pro-life leader Troy Newman of Operation Rescue called “night and day” from that under the deeply pro-abortion administration of former Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius, now Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary.
“You go from radically sold-out abortion supporters who would cover up abortion, to all of a sudden one that is willing to sign pro-life legislation,” said Newman in a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews.com Tuesday.
Newman said that previously not only the administration, but the “entire government apparatus” was radically pro-abortion, including the state health department, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts, and the Attorney General’s office. This, he said, made it impossible for years to prosecute abortionists breaking the law, including slain late-term abortionist George Tiller.
“I’ve yet to find an abortion mill that doesn’t violate the law,” said Newman, whose organization is dedicated to exposing corrupt practices among abortionists in the United States. He said that if the government actually prosecuted according to the new laws, it “will close two abortion mills right off the bat” in the state.
The pro-life leader credited the recent victories to the November elections, when Kansans and the rest of the country took to the polls to vent their anger against the radically liberal policies of the Obama administration, particularly the health care law.
“People are waking up and saying, doggone it, now I’ve got to get involved to right the wrong,” said Newman. “Obama has been one of the greatest gifts to the pro-life movement, because he shows the antithesis of what we are as Americans.”
Related Stories
Kansas Gov. Brownback moves to strip Planned Parenthood funds
Kansas abortion rates nosedive
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
My Mind's Made Up Don't Confuse Me With Facts, They're Lies Anyway
GoAnimate.com: Kat. by p7446
In Indiana: Unborn Babies 2 - Planned Parenthood 0
“I will sign HEA 1210 when it reaches my desk a week or so from now. I supported this bill from the outset, and the recent addition of language guarding against the spending of tax dollars to support abortions creates no reason to alter my position,” Daniels said. “The principle involved commands the support of an overwhelming majority of Hoosiers, as reflected in greater than 2:1 bipartisan votes in both legislative chambers.”
Daniels also said that he “commissioned a careful review of access to services across the state and can confirm that all non-abortion services, whether family planning or basic women’s health, will remain readily available in every one of our 92 counties. In addition, I have ordered the Family and Social Services Administration to see that Medicaid recipients receive prompt notice of nearby care options. We will take any actions necessary to ensure that vital medical care is, if anything, more widely available than before.”