Sunday, August 31, 2008
Presidential Trivia - VP Becoming Pres Edition
Labels: John Adams
A Bit About This Blog & It's Slightly Pazzo Author
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Intercessory Prayer Committee for the Closing of the DBQ PP Clinic
Which Group Has the Real Catholics in It. . . .
40 Days for Life Announces the Fall 2008 Campaign Sites
40 days of prayer and fasting
40 days of peaceful vigil
40 days of community outreach
Over 150,000 have joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
More than 35,000 people have taken to the streets, forming peaceful 40-day prayer vigils outside of Planned Parenthood centers and abortion facilities
Reports from around the country document that more than 500 lives have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
Five abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
Two Planned Parenthood facilities abruptly stopped performing abortions and another abortion facility completely shut down following a local 40 Days for Life
Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
More than 300 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast
Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery
Labels: 40 Days for Life
McCain Choses a Pro-Life Governor for Running Mate
Friday, August 29, 2008
EveryBODY Wants to Be Italian
Archbishop Chaput Talks to Neil Cavuto About Pelosi
Well, Her Big Mouth Has Gotten Some Bishops to Actually Say Something
Those Catholics who take a public stance in opposition to this most fundamental moral teaching of the Church place themselves outside full communion with the Church, and they should not present themselves for the reception of Holy Communion."
Archbishop Hanus, Are You Paying Any Attention?????
The future of a community, a people, a Church and a nation depends on the children who will inherit it. If we prevent our children from being born, we remove ourselves from the future. It's really that simple. No children, no future.
Here in America, and especially here tonight, we need to remember two basic truths.
Here's the first truth. Society has an obligation - and Christians have a Gospel duty -- to provide adequate and compassionate support for unwed and abandoned mothers; women facing unintended pregnancies; and women struggling with the aftermath of an abortion. It's not enough to talk about "prolife politics." The label "prolife" demands that we work to ensure social policies that will protect young woman and families, and help them generously in their need. In the Archdiocese of Denver we try very hard to do that through the Gabriel Project and other forms of outreach and support. But much more needs to be done. And we will cooperate with anyone of good will who wants to pursue that vital work.
Here's the second truth. Killing an unborn child is never the right answer to a woman's or society's problems. Acts of violence create a culture of violence -- and abortion is the most intimate form of violence there is. It wounds the woman, it kills the unborn child and it poisons the roots of justice and charity that bind us all into one human family.
Or to put it in the words of the great Protestant pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
"Destruction of the embryo in the mother's womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed on this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder."
Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of abortion and family suppression services in the United States. This facility in this minority neighborhood should offend every African-American and Latino family, and all of us, because every child lost to abortion here subtracts one more life, one more universe of possibilities and talent, from the future of this community. Every time Planned Parenthood provides propaganda, pills or medical procedures to teens without parental permission, it undermines the Black and Latino family. The business of Planned Parenthood is the prevention of the future - and business is good, and very profitable, at the expense of this community.
I've been a great admirer of Dr. Alveda King for many years. She does the memory and legacy of her extraordinary uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, proud -- and it's a great blessing to be with her tonight. We're very grateful that she's willing to bring her message here to Denver at this critical moment in the life of our country. I'm also very grateful for the many African-American pastors who do such powerful work inspiring their congregations about the sacredness of human life, and anchoring their people in respect for the dignity of all life, from the unborn child to the elderly and poor. And I'm also delighted to greet my brother in the ministry, Bishop James Conley, who also joins us tonight despite his own demanding schedule.
Finally, I want to thank you all for being here tonight despite your many other obligations. The hope of our Denver community resides in all of you, and especially your unselfish love for children and commitment to the sanctity of human life. May God bless all of you and your families.
Executive Assistant
Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc.
2205 Carter Rd.
Dubuque, IA 52001
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Archbishop Burke to Pro-Abortion "Catholics" in Name Only - THOU SHALT NOT RECEIVE COMMUNION!!!!
Archbishop Burke, former archbishop of St. Louis, has made reverence for the Holy Eucharist a central theme of his role as a shepherd of souls.
"Archbishop Burke's great love and zeal for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament compels him to send a clear message: Don't desecrate the Holy Eucharist by presenting yourself for Communion while persisting in your support of child murder," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. "We are excited to see Archbishop Burke continuing to battle for the lives of innocent preborn children."
Archbishop Burke spoke to the Italian magazine Radici Christiane last week, specifically addressing the subject of "Catholic" pro-abortion politicians who "support abortion, which entails the taking of innocent and defenseless human lives."
"A person who commits sin in this way," he stated, "should be publicly admonished in such a way as to not receive Communion until he or she has reformed his life."
The archbishop then went on to explain that when ministers of Communion deny the sacrament to public officials who support abortion, "it is not with the intention of interfering in public life, but rather with the concern of the spiritual state of the politician or public official who, if Catholic, should follow the divine law in the public sphere as well."
"We thank Archbishop Burke for his clear teaching in regard to pro-abortion politicians who call themselves 'Catholic,'" said Brown. "It is our hope that more Catholic bishops will follow his lead and dispel the confusion and darkness of the culture of death in which we live. You cannot be Catholic and 'pro-choice.'"
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
Spero News: Church Cracks Down on Pro-Choice Politicians (20 August 2008)
Novena for the 2008 Election
Date: August 25, 2008 540-220-0095
Washington, DC – Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, the largest Catholic organization devoted exclusively to ending abortion, announced a nine-week “Novena of Prayer” starting on Monday, September 1, to prepare for our national elections. The Novena concludes on Monday, November 3, the day before Election Day. The prayer, in English and Spanish, can be found at and is interdenominational. Priests for Life is asking pastors to promote it in their churches, and families to pray it together.
“The intentions of this prayer are that citizens participate in an active and informed way in the elections,” Fr. Pavone explained, “and that their voting choices are wise. Wisdom means that we see things from God’s perspective, put first things first, and discern what’s important and what’s not. One of the practical effects of such wisdom is that we realize that when the state fails to protect the right to life, it ceases to be a true democracy and instead becomes a tyrant state.”
Fr. Pavone also pointed out that wisdom in the elections means not only registering and voting, but getting others to register and vote, and taking advantage of such provisions as early voting in states that allow it. Priests for Life has established an election website at where one can find the voter registration deadlines and the early voting policies for each of the fifty states. Many other election-related resources, including a non-partisan voters’ guide for the Presidential race, are on that site.
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What Catholic Church Does Nancy Pelosi Belong To?
Thank You ALL for Getting the News Out, Our Local Paper Sure Isn't
WASHINGTON, D.C. (22 August 2008) – Despite vandalism and intimidation attempts, American Life League Associate group, Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc. promised to keep up the fight against the nation's largest abortion chain. Previously, Dubuque was the largest city in Iowa without a Planned Parenthood.
KCRG-TV: Planned Parenthood Opens in Dubuque (21 August 2008)
Telegraph Herald: Planned Parenthood Foes Plan to Step Up Efforts (13 August 2008)
Telegraph Herald: Catholics Urged to Take a Stand (12 August 2008)
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Violence/Vandalism Against Pro-Lifers
Obama, If It's Above Your Pay Grade, Then You're Not Qualified to Be President, Let Alone a U.S. Senator
We were recently treated to the remark by Barack Obama that the question of when a baby receives human rights was beyond his pay grade. At the public forum at Saddleback Church, he said: “… whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity … is above my pay grade.”
That, of course, is exactly what the Supreme Court said in Roe vs. Wade, the decision that legalized abortion in American throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Faced with a question it found too uncomfortable, the majority said the following:
“We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer” [410 U.S. 113, 159].
So what are we to think of those who speak this way? Is it vice or virtue? Do they display a careful effort not to play God, or a cowardly unwillingness to assert the rights of their fellow human beings?
Some say that the government should not be involved in the personal, private decision of abortion. They don’t know how right they are. The government got “too involved” in the abortion decision when it legalized it. Despite its profession of ignorance about whether what is aborted is in fact a human life that has already begun, the Court nevertheless declared, “the word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn” [410 U.S. 113, 158]. What part of the pay grade of government is the right to define the boundaries of human rights or the limits of protection for the human family? Since when does the government get involved in deciding who qualifies for human rights?
Claiming ignorance about who has human rights is a frightening abandonment of responsibility. Some may think it’s an effort not to “play God,” but it is actually just the opposite: the claim to be God. We may claim not to decide, but in practice, we cannot escape deciding: either every human being will be protected, or we will start deciding whom to exclude.
This gives rise to two thoughts, one from common sense and one from Scripture. Common sense tells us that if someone is hunting and doesn’t know whether what’s moving behind the bush is a bear or a man, he should refrain from shooting until he is sure. Doubt, in other words, leads to an abundance of caution, not an abandonment of it.
Scripture, moreover, tells us that the man who committed the first murder claimed ignorance about the one he had killed. “Where is your brother?” God asked Cain. “I don’t know” was his answer. It was a lie, and it doesn’t allow either Cain or the Supreme Court or anyone else to escape their responsibility to protect their vulnerable brothers and sisters.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Planned Parentood's DBQ Location No Coincidence
Archbishop Hanus, Your Scandalous Silence is Just Getting More & More Scandalous
Aug. 13, 2008 - Beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 25, 2008, Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will join Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for a peaceful prayer vigil near the new Planned Parenthood Clinic in Stapleton. The event will take place in Martin Luther King Park (E. 38th St.), just one block west of the clinic. Dr. King, Archbishop Chaput, and pastors from churches in the neighborhood.
A candlelight procession will follow the rally, proceeding from the park and around the perimeter of the Planned Parenthood Clinic.
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What Planned Parenthood Doesn't Want You to Know

It is interesting to look at the methods used by them back then & to see how little things have changed. The names have changed, the lies have been given a new coat of paint, but the aim is still the same.
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Finally, A Statement About Planned Parenthood From the DBQ Chancery
Labels: Planned Parenthood