Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
You Can't Make These Things Up - DBQ Frannies Edition
Instructor: Marian Klostermann OSF
T’ai Chi Chih is a series of 20 movements that are slow, gentle, and easily done by anyone regardless of age or physical condition. By circulating and balancing the “chi” or vital energy within us, the T’ai Chi movements promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony and well-being. Marian has practiced and taught T’ai Chi for more than 25 years. T’ai Chi Chih is a modified form
(provided by massage therapists from Wellness on Davis)
- Clare’s Prayer: Gaze, Consider,
- Contemplate, Imitate
- Franciscan Charism Today
Leader/Instructor: Diane Konshak
Wouldn’t you like to build your own unique tabletop fountain? They’re soothing, refreshing and relaxing, and they are easy to make and personalize. In scripture, the well is a rich symbol on various levels. During the fountain making process, participants will explore this symbol at each level of construction and hopefully gain insight into the “hidden springs” within each of us. At the end of the workshop each person will go home with a completed fountain.
of a Religious Revolutionary" by Marcus J. BorgWednesdays, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12
9:30am – 2:30 pm (9:15am – continental breakfast)
Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF
Episcopalian Marcus J. Borg is internationally known as a respected biblical and Jesus scholar. This book is described as “a rounded and compelling portrait of Jesus as charismatic healer, sage, and prophet, a man living in the power of the Spirit and dedicated to radical social change.” In it, Borg reveals Jesus as a real man of his time, directing his teaching to the people of his time and place. The book, therefore, challenges readers who want to be true followers of Jesus to listen more carefully to how and what we are called in our own time and culture.
Each session will begin with prayer and each participant will be given a booklet to aid personal reflection throughout the day. Faith-sharing and prayer will conclude each day.
Labels: Habitless Hussies
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Republican Party Pro-Life Platform

Memo to Obama, His Administration, Planned Parenthood & All the "Culture of Death" Gang
Labels: ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Our Tax Dollars At Work (In a Way They Weren't Meant To)
Labels: ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood
Monday, August 27, 2012
That's One Small Step for Man
This past Saturday, Neil Armstrong passed away at the age of 82.
He was selected as backup command pilot of Gemini 11. He also was backup commander for Apollo 8, the 1st manned spacecraft to orbit the moon. Fortunately, he didn't have to step in, so he was able to serve as commander of Apollo 11. The rest, as they say, is history.
After his flight he decided not to fly again. In 1970 he became deputy associate administrator for aeronautics at NASA. He also served on the panel that investigated the Apollo 13 explosion. In 1971 he resigned from NASA. He taught aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati for several years. He was on the commission that investigated the space shuttle Challenger disaster. He also served on the board of directors of several companies.
For the most part, he did his best to keep a low profile. But in 2010 he went public with his concerns about President Barack Obama's space policy. He was concerned that it shifted attention away from a return to the moon & emphasized private companies developing spaceships. He also testified before Congress. In an email to The Associated Press, Armstrong said he had "substantial reservations." Along with more than two dozen Apollo-era veterans, he signed a letter calling the plan a "misguided proposal that forces NASA out of human space operations for the foreseeable future." (more on this later)
But no matter how much he accomplished, & it was a lot, he will always be remembered for his participation in Apollo 11 & the 1st landing on the Moon.
For me the events of 20 July 1969 are indelibly etched on my mind. It was a somewhat warm Sunday afternoon. My Grandpa & Dad had gone fishing. Like, many others I was watching the coverage of the landing that afternoon, CBS with Walter Cronkite of course. The Eagle (name of the lunar module) touched down at 4:17 pm CDT.
Like I said, I grew up with the space program, from the launch of Mercury 3 with Alan Shepherd, through the Gemini program, thrrough the fire in Apollo 1 killing 3 astronauts to its culmination in our landing on the Moon. Like many a kid, I became addicted to orange Tang.
I had built a model of the Apollo Space craft orbiting the moon with a detatchable lunar module. Thanks to my Uncle Sam, I had a moon globe so I could see exactly where the landing. I still have it, although the far side is lacking in the details now available.
The year before this, the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey came out. It showed mankind having a permanent presence in space, from a space station orbiting the Earth to a permanant manned presence on the Moon to preparing to go further out into the Solar System. Now it seemed to me & many others of my generation that 2001 was more reality than fiction.
We do have a space station. But it is nothing like that in the movie. We don't even have a shuttle, government or privately run flying to space. (PanAm doesn't even fly planes these days, it just runs a railroad.) We have no base on the Moon & no definite plans for anything beyond.
While I am sure Armstrong was not opposed to private companies developing spaceships, he was opposed, & rightly so, to Obama basicly gutting manned space flight for America. But the government does still have a huge role to play.
As John Steele Gordon said last in a lecture last February (published in the July/August 2012 issue of Imprimus) "government can be good at doing basic research, such as in space technology, where the costs were far beyond the reach of any private organization. Only government resources could have put men on the moon. Nevertheless, I’m encouraged to see that the next generation of rockets is being developed by private companies, not NASA. That’s a step in the right direction." The same could be said of going to Mars. Instead of making it a balanced both, Obama has basicly put limits on what we will be able to do in the immediate future.
I am very happy to see private companies step up. This is what has happenned throughout history. The 1st explorations of America by Europe were funded by governments. But later private enterprize stepped in. Sadly for many years after Apollo private development was discouraged & only recently encouraged. But we still need a manned space program from NASA as well.
Besides Tang (not invented by NASA, just made famous), much of what we take for granted today is a result of manned space flight. The list is too long to include but you can read about some of them here & here. These came about because of a proper cooperation between the government & the private sector.
Instead of wisely spending money, we are just getting further into debt. In doing so, we are destroying the possiblity for America to continue to be great & the leader in developing the technology of the future. While I suspect this is exactly what Obama wants, we can't let it stand. What we have done has been to the benifit of all, not just America. Without what we have done, much of the tools to aide those in the 3rd world to have clean water, be cured of diseases & help them lead a better life wouldn't exist.
Armstrong was a space pioneer & a hero. The best way we could honor him now is to go back to what made us great, the willingness to find challenges, like manned flight into space, & find solutions to what keeps us from overcoming them.
Yes, there will be risks, like there were for those who explored the oceans*, but the cost is worth it.
*I don't think the average person really grasps the risks made by those pioneers in space flight. Even though I watched all the coverage of the Mercury, Gemini & Apollo flights, I know I didn't fully understand until I visited the US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville AL in 1989. (Ditto with Columbus & the other exploratory voyages until I was on a replica of La Niña.) I got to see an actually Mercury capsule, a Gemini trainer capsule & an Apollo capsule. They were smaller than most cars. I got to stand besides 1 of the Saturn V rocket nozzles, which was 1/3 taller than me. Then to see a full sized replica of the Apollo 11 Saturn V. The Apollo capsule is miniscule in comparison to the rest of the rocket. The early astronauts were truly heros who bravely risked all so that I can be sitting here typing this on a computer that wouldn't be without their efforts & those who developed the equipment they used.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Those of Us Speaking Up For Life & Liberty Will Not Go Away
Letter: Stop your whining and do something FROM RUSSELL WISE 2291 HELLE COURT, ASBURY, IOWA | 13 comments
After reading it, I knew I had to reply. My response was printed in today's paper. It appeared exactly as I wrote it.
Letter: Protesters have right to speak for cause
Telegraph Herald | 5 comments
Why You MUST See 2016: Obama's America
As I said before, by the time you finish with this movie, you will have a much better idea of who Obama is based not only on his own writings, but by knowing what his father stood for & how much Obama buys into it, as well as that of his "founding fathers". It paints a picture of where he will take us if he gets a second term. & the picture is NOT a pretty one. It is downright scary. If reelected we could likely see the end of America & what made it so great. Yes, there are flaws & problems. D'Souza doesn't deny that in the movie. But Obama's final solution is not the answer. Like I pointed out, it could very well mean WW III.
Now I don't say this simply to scare people, but to say something MUST be done to stop Obama. Getting people to see the movie is part of it. Another part of it, in fact the most important, is to do what Fr. Parker said to us after the movie, we need to pray. Prayer, add to that repentance for the sins of the nation, & working to elect Pro-life candidates who want to make America the land of opportunity for all, like it was for my immigrant Italiano grandparents, not destroy it & the opportuinity it can still offer.
Labels: ObamaCare
Friday, August 24, 2012
Rebecca Kiessling v Gloria Allred on Piers Morgan
Labels: DCRTL
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Huge Spiritual Battle Is Brewing In Dubuque
Labels: 40 Days for Life, DCRTL, Planned Parenthood, Telemed Abortions
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Announcing Dubuque County Right to Life's New Executive Director
Marian Bourek
Age: 57
Lives in: Farley, Iowa
Family: Husband, Virgil, a Dyersville veterinarian, and five grown children
Job: Starts as the executive director of Dubuque County Right to Life Inc. on Sept. 10. Formerly a special-education teacher, religious education director and stay-at-home mother.
Previous pro-life activity: Founded right-to-life groups in Ames, Farley and Dubuque; held leadership positions with Dubuque County Right to Life; member of Iowans for Life and held leadership positions; on the board of directors of Life Decisions International.
Labels: DCRTL
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Paul Ryan for VP - Putting the Cafeteria Catholics on Notice
Like Bishop Morlino, Archbishop Aquila looks at the difference between between what is non-negotionable & what requires prudential judgment. He goes on to explain how to properly debate these issues. "But a primary element of the debate for Catholics- for all reasonable adults- must be the long-term consequences of our choices. St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica insists that strategic decisions take place in light of our end, or purpose, and the means to get there- rather than the dictates of immediate sentimental inclinations."
Paul Ryan is concerned that America will soon be bankrupt, and so we must make hard choices. If he is right, and we ignore the message because the consequences seem compassionless, our sentimental affections may cripple the ones our Lord loves the most- our children."
Cardinal Dolan affirmed on his radio show this week that the social-assistance state is “not the end-all, be-all. And it shouldn’t become an end in itself, and sometimes, it can become strangling.” He went on to credit Ryan with considering subsidiarity & solidarity in his approach to public policy. “It’s a both-and, not an either-or,” consideration, as most things in Catholic chemistry are.” Dolan also explained the proper application of subsidiary & solidarity. "The subsidiarity would seem to say, “Hey, we need to work at the local level: families, neighborhood, churches, volunteer associations. The closer we can get to the folks, and the more we can avoid ‘Big Brother’ government, the better off we are.” That’s subsidiarity, and that’s always been a classic part of Catholic social justice. . . . Solidarity, though, also balances it out to say, “By the way, a civil, virtuous society is going to come together to take care of those most in need.” Now, somewhere between the two — which is another great classic of Catholic social justice — usually in the middle stands virtue."
Monday, August 20, 2012
Arab Spring or Christian Winter????
Lopez went on to add “So, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code. It’s obligatory to comply with Shariah. And yes, it’s for shock value also to be sure.”
So much for democracy. What we are seeing instead appears to be full blown implimenting of Sariah & what it may mean elsewhere as it is allowed, including what may lie in store should it be allowed to be implimented here.
Lopez also had a warning for Egypt’s Christians. She compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany. “The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward.”
(Added @ 3:12 PM) I just came across an article that talks about what is going on in Lybia. According to the article "over the past 10 years "approximately 12 Christian children, some as young as 10, have been abducted and murdered, then crucified near their homes in an effort to torment their parents and warn the Christian community at large." The article also looks at what has been going on in Iraq as well. IMHO, it just confirms what I said above.
Friday, August 17, 2012
A Report From the 2012 Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) Assembly
It's In the Cards (pts 1 & 2) - Having the right tools and the skills to use them is important if you are to give your clients the best possible counciling for how to deal with their difficulties as well as find the answers to their questions and their own personal truth. One of those tools is the Tarot cards. Yes, any deck will work in a crunch. But there are a variety of sizes & styles of the images on them. So if you can find the deck that best reflects your personality, you will acheive optimum efficency in your use of them. The second part of this workshop will help you to hone your skills in reading the cards so you can give your clients a better reading.
Does the Enneigram Still Count? - Lately the enneigram has fallen into disuse as a counseling tool in many places. It shouldn't. It is still one of the most effective tools to use to help those who come to you understand themselves. In fact it is needed now more than ever, especially since the male patriarchy at the Vatican raised questions about its use.
There was also a list of exhibitors at the convention. It included this intro:
We are glad to announce that once again we had every booth in our exhibitors hall is filled. This exhibitors range from publishers as well as retailers. There are also individual booths where some of the authors of the latest in New Age books & feminist theology will be available to talk to as well as autograph their works.
The exhibtor we are most excited to have this year is that of Beelzebub, LTD (a division of Lucifer, Inc.). They will have on display the original copy of the contract that President Obama signed in his own blood when he sold his soul to Satan.
Here is a part of the opening prayer service. It was held on Tuesday evening in an open field in a secluded rural area. The nuns got off the buses & gathered arround a huge cauldron. It is resting on a huge pile of wood that is unlit. Many of the nuns are carrying various items. So you can follow along I have included a list of abbreviations for those who said various parts of the prayers. I have also included a couple of pictures of the goings on.
ALL - The entire group assembled
After everyone has gathered arround the cauldron & it is the proper time, Pat, accompanied by Flo & Mary will enter, each carrying a torch.
P Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.
PE Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined.
PP Harpier cries 'Tis time, 'tis time.
The torches are now thrown on the wood, lighting it. As the flames rise the chant begins. We ask that when the time comes, each person bring froth the item mentioned she is carrying & throw it in the cauldron.
P Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.
ALL Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
PE Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
ALL Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
PP Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg'd i' the dark,
Liver of orthodox Catholic^,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Silver'd in the moon's eclipse,
Nose of Papist and his lips,
Finger of aborted babe
Done by Planned Parenthhood,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
ALL Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
PE Cool it with a male priest's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
P O well done! I commend your pains;
And every one shall share i' the gains;
And now about the cauldron sing,
Live elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that you put in.
Next Pat says the following prayer, as she mentions a name, a nun brought up a picture of the person named. I won't include them all for reasons of space & time.
P Oh great goddess Astarte, we ask thee to smite our enemies that they might forever burn and suffer for daring to try to stop us from from accomplishing Gaia's will. Since we cannot burn them ourselves here and now, we throw their pictures into the flames as a sign of our faith that you will see this done.
First we curse those who control the Catholic Church and oppose what we are doing.
Here they brought forth pictures of Pope Benedict, Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Peter Sartain (leader of bishops who are to work with LCWR to clean up act) Bishop Burkewitz, Bishop Cordeleone & many others
Next we bring those women who claim to be nuns yet have betrayed our cause by siding with the patriarchy.
Mother Angelica, Mother Miraim of the Lamb of God & leaders of other faithful orders like Ann Arbor Dominicans & Nashville Dominican.
Finally we bring those male bloggers who have mocked us or lied about who we are by twisting our truths to match their lies.
LarryD of Acts of the Apostasy, Fr. Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say?, & way too many others to mention.
Each day included a prayer service. The nuns were required to be skyclad+ at the Friday one, for the rest it was optional (Thank God!).
Saturday Night Banquet
The guest of honor at the banquet was Marie Laveau, New Orleans voodoo priestess. Instead of an opening prayer, Madonna came out in 1 of her infamous bustiers & sang "Like a Prayer." & instead of a closing prayer Lady Gaga sang "Born This Way" wearing only a Saran Wrap outfit. After the dinner there was a dance with the music provided by Baron Samedi & His Zombies.
Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass (or at least what they claim was a Mass) was co-presided by Olivia Doko, MA, OSB, Cam. Oblate (a womynpriest gang's alledged bishop) & Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. Several other womynpriests concelebrated. They were born in on a litter carried by Cardinal Mahoney, Archbishop Weakland, & Bishops Gumbleton & Trautman. The men were dressed as slaves.
At the time of what they called the penitental rite the four bisops who carried the litter were stripped to the waist & chained to posts. by the concelebrants. At that time Fathers Richard Rohr, Ron Rolheiser, Thomas Rosica & Hans Kung (yes he still is a priest even if banned from teaching), also dressed as slaves) came out. They carrying a silver charger with a whip on it. The co-presiders, Sr. Pat Farrell & Barbara Marx Hubbard each took one. As what they called each sin against women by the male patriarchy of the Catholic Church was recited by one of the 4 women, all four bishops were whipped & then responded with "We are guilty. May Gaia & Sophia have mercy on us."
For those who are curious, yes there was plenty of litugical dancing & giant puppets throughout the whole "liturgy".
1st of all, in one sense, New Age is not a single movement. Instead it describes a sycretistic set of beliefs & practices that have their roots in gnosticism, Eastern religions & Wicca.
Gnosticism was the 1st major heresy to invade Catholicism in the late 1st Century AD. But it has some preChristain roots in the East as well. The main goal in gnosticism is realisation of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge), called by some enlightenment. Unfortunately, this inner light, truth or knowledge isn't that promised by Jesus who is really THE TRUTH & THE LIFE. History is repleat with examples of what goes wrong when people seek enlightenment from other sources than that God established through His Church. A prime example is what happenned as a result of the French Age of Enlightenment in the mid 18th Century, the Reign of Terror.
Next, mix in with gnosticism a return to worship of pagan gods, which included sacrificing children to Molech. Toss in a return to Gaia worship, sometimes disguised as radical environmentalism. Then toss in some spiritualism like crystals. Add to that some wiccan beliefs & practices. & with groups like this, add radical feminism that includes abortion as its sacramental return to worshipping Molech.
For more I recommend JESUS CHRIST THE BEARER OF THE WATER OF LIFE, A Christian reflection on the “New Age” put out by the Vatican a few years ago.
+ Skyclad = Nude