After reading the letter from Russell Wise (TH, Aug. 19) I have to ask if he really understands what he is saying when he is telling people to shut up and stop protesting what our elected officials are doing. It seems that he is intentionally trying to silence us, keeping us from defending what the Declaration of Independence says are our "unalienable rights," including life and liberty that God, not government, endowed us with, because he disagrees with what we stand for?To protect our free exercise of them, the Constitution and especially the 1st Amendment are there.
First there is free expression of religion. Under Obamacare regulations, our religious liberty has come under attack. So people are exercising their free speech and assembly rights to speak up and protest this attack.
Pro-lifers are also speaking up to defend life from the moment it starts at fertilization. We have every right to peaceably assemble and protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Another right is to petition the government when we disagree with what they are doing, like putting in the red-light cameras.
All we are doing is what those protesting slavery did in the 1800s. Following his logic, since slavery was legal they should have shut up. Ditto, the Civil Rights protests in the 1960s.
Sorry, we are not going to shut up. We vote, we run for office and we'll exercise our God-given right to speak up as well, to make things happen in our best interests.
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