The Skies Just Ain't Friendly Anymore
Ray Stevens does it again.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759
The FBI in New York has reportedly arrested Theodore Shulman, a radical abortion rights campaigner with a long history of threatening pro-life activists, and charged him with making interstate threats against two abortion opponents who were not identified.
The 49-year-old Shulman was arrested on Thursday and was being held without bond at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City, according to pro-life activists who were alerted to Shulman's incarceration by federal investigators. An officer at the correctional center referred a calls about inmates to the public relations office, which is closed over the weekend.
"This is a huge relief to us that Ted Shulman is behind bars where he belongs," Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, a prominent anti-abortion organization, said in a story on the group's website. "He often posted threatening comments to our website and called me on my cell phone too many times to count."
(Follow above link for the rest of the story)
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Labels: Baby Joseph
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli OP
4 November 1806 - 23 February 1864
In 1966 on Hwy. 11, 1 mi. W of Benton, Lafayette County in Wisconsin the below historical marker was erected.
The text reads:
In 1835 Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, Dominican missionary, came to the lead region from the Green Bay-Mackinac frontier. One year later he addressed the opening session of the territorial legislature. Soon he was establishing schools and preparing teachers for the children of the settlers. In 1847 he formed Wisconsin's first teaching sisterhood, the Sinsiniawa Dominican Sisters. At Benton he founded St. Clara Academy and taught science with the earliest laboratory instruments. To the Irish miners, this American from Italy was "Father Matthew Kelly." To settlers of many creeds, he was civic leader and friend, builder of the city of man and the city of God. At his death in 1864, Father Mazzuchelli was interred in the cemetery of St. Patrick's Church in Benton, one of the twenty churches he designed and built in the upper Mississippi Valley.
The cause for Fr. Mazzuchelli's sainthood was opened in 1964 & he was declared a Servant of God. )n 6 July 1993 he was declared Venerable by Pope John Paul II. There is currently a miracle being investigated that could lead to his being declared Blessed sometime soon.
There is an historical exhibit of historical artifacts at Sinsinawa Mound. I recomend seeing it depsite the other problems with Sinsinawa Mound these days. It is a fascinating collection that, despite a few PC comments added, gives a great insight into who Fr. Mazzuchelli was as well as the years of work he put in serving the Lord as a missionary. (A half hour documentary suffers from the same PCitus.)
1 of the artifacts there is his Penance Chain he wore to unite himself with the suffering of Christ. Many sick have come to the Mound to have that chain laid on them & receive prayer for his intercession. In 2001 Robert Uselmann, a resident of Monona, Wisconsin had gone to Sinsinawa Mound with his family in to pray to Mazzuchelli for his intercession in curing him of cancer. While there he prayed with the sisters, using Mazzuchelli's penance chain. Uselmann later discovered that a cancerous tumor had disappeared from his lung. In 2006, Bishop Morlino received official notice from Fr. Vito Gomez, a Dominican priest who serves as the Postulator (or "Promoter") of all Dominican Causes being examined by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome about the possible miracle. At the request of Fr. Gomez, on 20 February 2007 Bishop Morlino issued a decree constituting a diocesan Board of Inquiry into the miracle. On 21 August the tribunal concluded its work. The work done by that tribunal has been sent to Rome. It is now in the hands of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints who will make the final determination if this was truly a miracle. If it is determined it was, that will allow the process to go forward for his beatification. If so, given the practice of Papa Benedetto, it is likely the beatification rites will be held somewhere in this area with the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints designated to preside over the ceremony as Papal Delegate. At that time an official feast day will be added to the US calendar as well. (Although not today as it is the memorial of St. Polycarp.) God willing, that day will be soon.
I have to add a couple of interesting little bits of trivia. Today is the feast of St. Polycarp of Smyrna. St. Polycarp was the disciple of St. John the Evangelist. 1 of St Polycarp's disciples was St. Irenaeus of Lyons. Irenaeus was Bishop of Lyons, France (then known as Lugdunum, Gaul). Lyons is the diocese where Bishop Loras was ordained a priest. Bishop Loras was also a tutor to St John Mary Vianney. (Bishop Loras is supposed to have slapped St. John in the face 1 day from fustration at the difficulty he had in learning Latin.) & as I pointed out. Fr. Mazzuchelli helped Bishop Loras get the DBQ Diocese organized. These connections remind us of how the Catholic Church today is the One, Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church founded by Jesus.
The other bit of trivia is on a more personal level, not that the above wasn't because of of being in the DBQ Archdiocese all my life. Fr. Mazzuchelli died 1 day after my grandfather, George Washington Troup, was born in Haggerstown, MD. (22 February 1864)
Other resources: Mazzuchelli, Samuel Charles 1806 - 1864 (Wisconson Historical Society)
Father Samuel Mazzuchelli (Historic Marker Erected (Wisconson Historical Society)
Wikipedia entry
Cause for sainthood moves forward
Labels: Sinsinawa Dominicans
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Labels: Baby Joseph
Labels: Baby Joseph
Of course his rude ignorant behavior is no surprize. & he doesn't want the truth about Planned Parenthood to get out. & despite claims to the contrary, he doesn't want to understand. In fact Matthews has his head buried deeper in the sand than any ostrich ever did. If he really wanted the truth he would have looked at those videos. & he would have asked the pro-aborts how the justify PP getting any money in light of what they really do.
I have to be honest, if I was on the show, I think I would have told off Chris Matthews after the 1st time he interupted & told him to quit making an ass of himself.
The end of the interview was clearly a self-serving peice of BS to justify his making a total fool of himself & showing that he has sold his soul to the devil. & in this case, I mean that literally as well as figuratively.
Labels: Planned Parenthood