OK, I have to start by saying I am not a fan of Justin Beiber, but I respect his willingness to speak out honestly about his views on abortion. Yes, he could have said some things better, but in this day & age, especially in the entertainment industry anything that even reeks of pro-life is verboten. So, I am not surprized the attacks have begun.
Among the attacks there is 1 statement in particular strikes me as a prime example of relativism at it's worst.
“Justin Bieber’s unfortunate comments reflect entrenched anti-abortion rights messaging that presents one view of morality, hereby declaring anyone with another view immoral,” said NOW Action Vice President Erin Matson, in comments quoted by Politico.
1st of all, I haven't read anywhere that Beiber said other views were immoral. He just shared his view. I am not surprized however to see the pro-aborrt side misrepresent what was actually said. In this case I suspect it it because she knows deep down that being pro-choice or pro-abort is an immoral view. So rather than simply say I disagree she attacks because he actually has the courage to say abortion is killing.
But the heart of the comment is her saying that there is no 1 right view of morality. In other words there is no absolute truth. & no 1 has the right to say there is, at least when it comes to abortion.
& therein we also see the hypocricy of the pro-abort side. They demand that the only moral view is 1 that allows the woman a choice to kill her unborn child. & any view that "forces" a woman to carry that child against her will is immoral. & anyone who dares to disagree with them is labeled as immoral.
So, I wonder if Erin Matson feels the same way about murder, or slavery? Following her logic, you can't say anyone who is in favor of slavery etc is wrong.
Sorry lady, but there are some absolutes. Murder is 1 of them. Abortion is murdering a human being & thus immoral, always. & while I won't say those who support abortion are completely immoral, I will say that at best their morality suffers from some serious flaws.
16-year-old pop superstar Justin Bieber: abortion is ‘like killing a baby’
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