A little over a week ago I put up a
post on why I think that what Live Action is doing is OK. A couple of days ago I came across
Peter Kreeft's take on the issue. Naturally, I was interested to see what he said since I think very highly of him. But before I get to what he wrote, I'd like to share a little background about him.
I 1st came across Peter Kreeft back in the early 80s when I came across his book Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley. The book grabbed my attention for the obvious reason that it dealt with CS Lewis as well as Kennedy & Huxley. Over the years I have read some of his other writings including The Snakebite Letters which was his taken on The Screwtape Letters.
Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College & at the King's College (Empire State Building), in New York City.
Given his philosophical background, he approaches the recent Live Action controversy from the perspective of ethics. He starts out by saying "not only (1) that its actions were right but (2) that they were very clearly right."
Then he goes on to explain why he says what he said. In short he gives a lesson in moral philosophy. No it is not a complex commentary. It is a simple easy to understand explanation that anyone can understand.
Follow the link below to read his entire arguement. There is also a link to Mark Shea's response. Good people are obviously disagreeing on this issue. & I am sure that none of us are going to settle it decisively. I may be wrong, Peter Kreeft may be wrong. But for now, until I see stronger evidence to the contrary, or a direct statement from Papa Benedetto, I am siding with peter Kreeft & Lila Rose.
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