Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I Cannot Tell A Lie, My Grandfather Was George Washington
Monday, February 20, 2012
PP-Heartland's Jill June - Using Smoke & Mirrors to Divert People From the Truth
& with what I reported about how more & more fraud is being uncovered at Planned Parenthood, you can be sure this is only the beginning of their attempts to distract people. I am willing to bet Jill June would NOT welcome an impartial audit because it would uncover similar evidence that has been found elsewhere.
•Planned Parenthood Supporter Plans To Get a Mammogram From Them! (
•Planned Parenthood Bullies Food Pantry Group to Support It (
•‘Hooking Kids on Sex’: Graphic New Vid Report Shows How Planned Parenthood Is Creating ‘Future Customers’ (
•Report Cites 20% of Planned Parenthood Affiliates for Financial Irregularities (
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood - More Evidence of Fraud
Labels: ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Koman
Sunday, February 19, 2012
14th Annual Virtual St. Joseph's Altar
Labels: St. Joseph (San Giuseppe)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
When Gunnery Sgt. Ermey Speaks, Everybody Better Listen
H/T: Patrick Button (R. Lee Ermey Gets Out the Vote)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
We Interupt This Blog For An Important Announcement
PS: Thank God I am having the surgery now before Obama takes over complete control of the health industry. (Which, God willing, will never happen.) I am sure that if he ever does, since I am defined by his administration as one of those pro-life, pro-gun ownership pro-tea party terrorists, i wouldn't be elligible for any health care, just a slow miserable death as 1 of those arrested & detained indefinitely in 1 of his prison camps.
The 98% Catholic Women Use Birth Control Claim Is A Lie
Figure That 98% of Catholic Women Use Birth Control Debunked
Labels: ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Why Rape & Incest Are NOT a Justification for Abortion
At 30, I learned that my mother was raped by her father…and I was that child
by Kristi Hofferber

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Planned Pornography Hoods
This video raises an excellent question: “If a dirty old man showed this book to kids in a park, he’d be arrested. Why does Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer-funded organization, get to distribute these books to our children and get more government money?" We all know the answer to that. This is just 1 more reminder of what the corrupt bargain between the Democratic Party, the Obama administration & Planned Parenthood reults in.
Remember, never take PP's claims about their motives at face value. They don't really care about kids any more than they really care about women. They are a part of the "culture of death" & that means their goal isn't to promote or protect life in any way, shape or form.
For more: How Planned Parenthood hooks kids on sex (WARNING: graphic material)
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Bishop Jenky to Polosi & Sibelius - Remember You Will Face A Final Judgment From God

He believes the present White House administration is also motivated by a “determined secularism,” while Communist dictator Joseph Stalin would “admire the uniformity of the American press, with some exceptions.”
Labels: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, ObamaCare
Happy Birthday Benjamin Kubelsky!!!!!
Another running gag was how cheap Benny was. There was 1 bit, originally done on radio in March of 1948 that, more than anything else, solidified this image:
Love in Bloomioso was a joke about his theme song, Love In Bloom.
His appearance on The Lucy Show ties in all the jokes about his personality.
Monday, February 13, 2012
How Planned Parenthood Pads Its Numbers to get the 3% Abortion Number
Answering Deceptive Arguments Made by Planned Parenthood
1. According to Guttmacher, the average fee paid for a standard first trimester non-hospital abortion with local anesthesia in the U.S. in 2009)
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Koman
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Planned Parenthood Trying To Use Food Bank As Cover
Stanek weekend question: Would you accept food donations from Planned Parenthood?
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness. ~ II Coringhtians 6:14Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:11
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Koman
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Roots of Obama's "No Birth Control Left Behind" Agenda

‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’
Labels: Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Eugenics, Then & Now
Labels: Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Super Nuns Battle Super Bowl Sex Trafficking
Catholic Nuns to Battle Sex Trafficking at Super Bowl

Labels: Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Koman
The Dickens You Say
Some lines from his books automaticly connect us with the book without even mentioning the title. If you hear "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," you autiomaticly think of "A Tale of Two Cities." "Please, sir, I want some more." takes us to Oliver Twist.
Other times it is specific characters that have come to be symbols. Scrooge has come to symbolize everything miserly. Uriah Heep stands for obsequiousness & insincerity that hides treachery. Little Nell symbolizes unselfishness & sweetness.
His Christmas stories have influenced the way we celebrate Christmas.
His books have been adopted into plays, musicals & movies. Some actors seemed like they were born simply to play a specific Dickens characeter. Alistair Sim is the standard by which all other Scrooges are measured. WC Fields perfectly embodied Wilkins Micawber.
One of Dickens greatest fans was GK Chesterton (an understatement). He was asked to write the entry on Dickens for one edition of The Encyclopædia Britannica. In 1906 Chesterton wrote , Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. One line from Chapter 1 makes it clear what Chetserton thought about Dickens: "Whatever the word "great" means, Dickens was what it means."
To that I will add nothing else.
Monday, February 06, 2012
1 Less Abortion Mill In Iowa
I won't go into details now, but I know that at least 2 priests have already been out there with others praying & using other spiritual weapons given to us by God through the Catholic Church to battle what Satan wants to do there.
Additionally, I know of others who have stopped there as well to pray that it won't open.
If you add all these prayers together then it is only a matter of time until they are driven out. Not because of me alone, or because of any one of us alone, but because we are in agreement in our asking God for this to come about. Matthew 18:19 is our assurance that if we remain faithful in our prayers we will see it Planned Parenthood driven out as it has happenned elsewhere. Including Storm Lake.
It has now been over 5 months since PPH announced their big move. But so far, except for a couple ads mentioning the new location (with no address), there has been no sign that anything is going on at the new site. They claimed back then to be "renovating the new space to the specific needs of our patients and staff." If they were, then you would think by now that some sign of that going on would be seen.
Additionally, the old site has been changing its hours arround & arround over the past few months. After 3-1/2 years you would think they would know what is best. But when they openned they claimed there was a need for them to be open 40 hrs which proved wrong as well.
Now there are several possibilities for the delay. They just opened a new site in Lincoln that took the place of 2 others in the area. They could have been focusing their efforts there, but that isn't likely. Their "Breaking New Ground" capital campaign could be faltering. They claimed last Suumer to already have raised $8.5 million of the $11.5 million goal. But how much of that was actual cash, & how much was pledges? & if it was, as is usually the case, mostly pledges, then how well are people fulfilling them?
They could be having troupble finding local people willing to do the work. That is a strong possibility given that I know of several businesses that they would need to contract with for renovations are openly pro-life.
Whatever the problems, God is working behind the scenes. Some people I know feel that they may not even open because of all the prayers. We shall see. it could very well be.
What makes this quite a story has to do with the history of the place. This PPH abortion mill is located in Storm Lake. Last August, Bishop Nickless of the Sioux City Diocese led a Eucharistic procession that stopped in front of the site to pray. It was the site of a 40 Days for Life Campaign last Fall. Obviously this is a story of the power of prayer. It is a story of how God is powerfully using the 40 Days for Life to battle abortion.It is a story of how God works through His shepherds when they are willing to lead as the should in the battle against the "culture of death". But there is still 1 more thing that makes this story unique, something that has never happenned before in the history of the 40 Days for Life campaigns. But rather than give away the surprize I will let you read it for yourself below:

Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
Labels: 40 Days for Life, Planned Parenthood, Telemed Abortions