Saturday, December 31, 2011
Things That Made Baby Jesus Smile In 2011
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Rockford Abortion Mill
Making Baby Jesus Cry in 2011

1. Once again Nancy Pelosi did her best to keep Jesus in tears. While continuing to claim she was a devoit Catholic, she attacked the USCCB for daring to speak up about their concerns with ObamaCare & how it would force Catholic doctors & hospitals to provide birth control, abortifacient drugs, & abortions, even though providing birth control and performing abortions runs counter to Roman Catholic teaching. She dismissed their concerns as lobbying. Then there was her statement where she said "I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it . . . but they have this conscience thing’’ that she insists put women at physical risk" & went on to say that risk was to let women die on the floor rather than give them health care after a botched abortion. Then there was the blasphemous statement where she claimed embryonic stem cells "really have the biblical power to cure in a very, very special way."
I could go on, but many of them would be repeats from last year's list that have continued into 2011. So rather than repeat them just follow the link to read the list from last year.
*Catholics should be the 1st word, but I refuse to use it since they are anything but Catholic.
Labels: Making Baby Jesus Cry, Planned Parenthood
Friday, December 30, 2011
On the 6th Day of Christmas, a Little Christmas Cheer From the 70s.
Next up is One Small Child (The video features the album cover):
Oh Holy Night from a '78 Dutch Christmas appearance:
& from that same Christmas Special, Mary's Boychild
Next up, No Room
& one more from that special, 1000 Candles
Finally a more recent version of Come On Ring Those Bells:
These days many artists come out with a holiday album that will be mostly forgotten in a year or 2. Evie's music not only is still fresh, it is a much needed antidote to the secularization we see the world pushing on us to forget what Christmas is really about.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Killing the Holy Innocents - 2000 Years Ago & Now
Labels: Abortion's Twisted Mindset, Coercing Abortions, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Lime 5, Maafa 21, Planned Parenthood, Rockford Abortion Mill, Silent No More
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Feast of St. Stephen
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gath'ring winter fuel
"Hither, page, and stand by me
If thou know'st it, telling
Yonder peasant, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?"
"Sire, he lives a good league hence
Underneath the mountain
Right against the forest fence
By Saint Agnes' fountain."
"Bring me bread and bring me wine
Bring me pine logs hither
Thou and I will see him dine
When we bear him thither."
Page and monarch forth they went
Forth they went together
Through the rude wind's wild lament
And the bitter weather
In his master's steps he trod
Where the snow lay dinted
Heat was in the very sod
Which the Saint had printed
Therefore, Christian men, be sure
Wealth or rank possessing
Ye who now will bless the poor
Shall yourselves find blessing
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Padre Pio's Christmas Meditation
Far into the night, at the coldest time of the year, in
a chilly grotto, more suitable for a flock of beasts than for humans, the
promised Messiah – Jesus – the savior of mankind, comes into the world in the
fullness of time.
There are none who clamor around him: only an ox and an ass lending
their warmth to the newborn infant; with a humble woman, and a poor and tired
man, in adoration beside him.
Nothing can be heard except the sobs and whimpers of the infant God.
And by means of his crying and weeping he offers to the Divine justice the first
ransom for our redemption.
He had been expected for forty centuries; with longing sighs the
ancient Fathers had implored his arrival. The sacred scriptures clearly prophesy
the time and the place of his birth, and yet the world is silent and no one
seems aware of the great event. Only some shepherds, who had been busy watching
over their sheep in the meadows, come to visit him. Heavenly visitors had
alerted them to the wondrous event, inviting them to approach his cave.
So plentiful, O Christians, are the lessons that shine forth from the
grotto of Bethlehem! Oh how our hearts should be on fire with love for the one
who with such tenderness was made flesh for our sakes! Oh how we should burn
with desire to lead the whole world to this lowly cave, refuge of the King of
kings, greater than any worldly palace, because it is the throne and dwelling
place of God! Let us ask this Divine child to clothe us with humility, because
only by means of this virtue can we taste the fullness of this mystery of Divine
Glittering were the palaces of the proud Hebrews. Yet, the light of
the world did not appear in one of them. Ostentatious with worldly grandeur,
swimming in gold and in delights, were the great ones of the Hebrew nation;
filled with vain knowledge and pride were the priests of the sanctuary. In
opposition to the true meaning of Divine revelation, they awaited an officious
savoir, who would come into the world with human renown and power.
But God, always ready to confound the wisdom of the world, shatters
their plans. Contrary to the expectations of those lacking in Divine wisdom, he
appears among us in the greatest abjection, renouncing even birth in St.
Joseph’s humble home, denying himself a modest abode among relatives and friends
in a city of Palestine. Refused lodging among men, he seeks refuge and comfort
among mere animals, choosing their habitation as the place of his birth,
allowing their breath to give warmth to his tender body. He permits simple and
rustic shepherds to be the first to pay their respects to him, after he himself
informed them, by means of his angels, of the wonderful mystery.
Oh wisdom and power of God, we are constrained to exclaim –
enraptured along with your Apostle – how incomprehensible are your judgments and
unsearchable your ways! Poverty, humility, abjection, contempt, all surround the
Word made flesh. But we, out of the darkness that envelops the incarnate Word,
understand one thing, hear one voice, perceive one sublime truth: you have done
everything out of love, you invite us to nothing else but love, speak of nothing
except love, give us naught except proofs of love.
The heavenly babe suffers and cries in the crib so that for us
suffering would be sweet, meritorious and accepted. He deprives himself of
everything, in order that we may learn from him the renunciation of worldly
goods and comforts. He is satisfied with humble and poor adorers, to encourage
us to love poverty, and to prefer the company of the little and simple rather
than the great ones of the world.
This celestial child, all meekness and sweetness, wishes to impress
in our hearts by his example these sublime virtues, so that from a world that is
torn and devastated an era of peace and love may spring forth. Even from the
moment of his birth he reveals to us our mission, which is to scorn that which
the world loves and seeks.
Oh let us prostrate ourselves before the manger, and along with the
great St. Jerome, who was enflamed with the love of the infant Jesus, let us
offer him all our hearts without reserve. Let us promise to follow the precepts
which come to us from the grotto of Bethlehem, which teach us that everything
here below is vanity of vanities, nothing but vanity.
Appearing in volume four of
the Italian-language edition of Padre Pio's letters, this essay was taken from
Padre Pio's hand-written notebooks. To the best of my knowledge, it is presented
here for the first time in English.
Translated by Frank M. Rega,
December 2005.
"Padre Pio da Pietrelcina:
Epistolario IV," Edizioni Padre Pio, San Giovanni Rotondo, 2002, pages
Tu scendi dalle stelle
There are many versions out there of this hymn, some serious & some a bit more lighthearted. Part of the tradition is to share 1 lighthearted version that I love followed by some other versions. The verses in Italiano & an accurate translation in English are at the end of this post.
Next I Piccolo Coro Santa Maria Ausiliatrice di Milano, al concerto di Cassano Magnago del 13 dicembre 2008
& our final stop is St Peter's at the end of the 2009 Mass:
Tu scendi dalle stelle
Tu scendi dalle stelle
O Re del Cielo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo.
O Bambino mio Divino
Io ti vedo qui a tremar,
O Dio Beato!
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
A te che sei del mondo,
Il creatore,
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Caro eletto pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà
Più mi innamora,
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
You Come Down from the Stars
(English Translation)
You come down from the stars
Oh King of Heavens,
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
Oh my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh Blessed God
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
For you, who are of all the world
The creator,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord.
Dear chosen one, little infant,
This dire poverty,
Makes me love you more,
Since Love made you
Poor now,
Since Love made you
Poor now.
Labels: Tu scendi dalle stelle
Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Very Democratic Party Christmas Special
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Notred Dame, Catholic Health Association Continue Their Sell Out to Obama Administration
Catholic Health Ass’n, Notre Dame pushing dangerous compromise on birth control mandate: watchdog
The full Cardinal Newman Society letter to Secretary Sebelius is below.
December 20, 2011
The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius
Secretary of Health and Human Services
United States Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 120F
Washington, DC 20201
Dear Secretary Sebelius:
We are writing with concern about the dangerous implications of a proposal that has been presented to you by the University of Notre Dame and the Catholic Health Association, which could violate the religious liberty of the faithful Catholic colleges and universities that The Cardinal Newman Society promotes to Catholic families.
As you know, many religious organizations have sought the repeal of the Interim Final Rule on Preventive Services published in the Federal Register on August 3, 2011 (76 Fed. Reg. 46621), which mandates health insurance coverage for sterilization and contraceptives, including some that cause abortions. At the least, religious organizations and individuals seek conscience protection to be exempted from this mandate.
The Cardinal Newman Society, which works to help renew and strengthen the Catholic identity of Catholic colleges and universities, is especially concerned about the impact of this mandate on Catholic higher education. As we noted in our September 29th comment to your department, joined by 18 Catholic colleges and universities and the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ committee on Catholic education: “No federal rule has defined being “religious” as narrowly and discriminatorily as the Mandate appears to do, and no regulation has ever so directly proposed to violate plain statutory and constitutional religious freedoms.” Of great concern is the impact on Catholic college health plans for students, which are not currently exempt from the regulation.
The religious exemption in the regulations is inadequate, but so is the replacement proposed by the University of Notre Dame and the Catholic Health Association in their own comments to your department. They propose language similar to Internal Revenue Service Code Section 414(e), which describes organizations exempt from provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Embracing 414(e)-like language would mean leaving many Catholic colleges unprotected, just like the flawed religious exemption it is intended to replace.
A religious exemption similar to 414(e) would only marginally expand the current HHS exemption and would undermine religious liberty. Under the 414(e) rule, exemption is available only to an organization that is “controlled by or associated with a church or a convention or association of churches,” meaning that the organization must at least share “common religious bonds and convictions with [its] church or convention or association of churches.” In 2001 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit said that three factors bear primary consideration when deciding whether an organization shares “common religious bonds and convictions” with a church:
1) whether the religious institution plays any official role in the governance of the organization; 2) whether the organization receives assistance from the religious institution; and 3) whether a denominational requirement exists for any employee or patient/customer of the organization.
The Fourth Circuit set a precedent that has been followed by other federal courts, and it is not a test that most Catholic colleges and universities are likely to meet. Many are unaffiliated with a religious order; indeed, some of the most faithfully Catholic colleges are entirely lay-controlled. Few impose religious tests when hiring employees or accepting students. It is even an open question as to whether Notre Dame would meet the criteria for a 414(e) exemption, which the university has never sought, according to Notre Dame spokesman Dennis Brown.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops argued against the 414(e) option in its September 17th comment to your department: “…[S]uch an exemption would be inadequate, because it would fail to protect many stakeholders with a moral or religious objection to contraceptives or sterilization, including individuals, insurers, and even many religiously affiliated organizations.”
While our mission relates to Catholic education, we also support the concerns of religious organizations that are inter-denominational or non-denominational. As explained by Dr. Paul Corts, President of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, in a note to The Cardinal Newman Society yesterday: “While some of our institutions… are religious not because they are associated with a church or denomination but rather because of their legitimate religious beliefs and practices that are openly held out to the public as such—the critical legal characteristics of a religious entity—and yet, would not be recognized as such under an exemption requiring conformity with the requirements of IRS Code Section 414(e).”
Secretary Sebelius, the fact is that the 414(e) language would fail to protect the religious liberty of too many religious organizations that object to sterilization, contraception or abortion, including many faithful Catholic colleges and universities. This is unacceptable.
We continue to urge you to repeal the mandate altogether, or at minimum to protect the consciences of all individuals and organizations that oppose sterilization, contraception or abortion because of their religious beliefs.
Patrick J. Reilly
cc: Joshua DuBois, Executive Director, Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Enterprises
See also: Notre Dame, CHA Push Dangerous Compromise on Religious Liberty
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Lily of the Mohawks to Be Declared a Saint
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas At Our House
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Christian Bale Attacked for Trying to Visit Opponant of China's Forced Abortion & Sterilization Policy
Lying About Gingrich Is Getting Worse
Iowans for LIFE is not responsible for producing this material or placing it on vehicles at the event at Hoyt Sherman Theater in Des Moines.”
Is this someone who is supporting another candidate but doesn't want that fact out because of the backlash? Is it someone who is really pro-abort & is trying to sabotage the Pro-Life movement? Is there some other reason? I have no idea. What I do know is that we have to be sure that the person or persons behind this do NOT suceed in doing damage to the Pro-Life movement. There are plenty good Pro-life candidates running for the Republican nomination. None of them are perfect, but all of them are better than Obama. & we can't let people like those behind the attacks derail us from our real goal, to end abortion & save the lives of millions of unborn children.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Maybe the Gang at Susan G. Koman Might Want to Read Exodus 20:13
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Koman
A Bit More on the RoboCalls About Newt
Monday, December 12, 2011
What Is the Real Reason behind These Calls
I began wondering if there might be some ulterior motive for these calls which seemed to be hijacking the group for a purpose unrelated to their claim to be single issue, personhood. So I decided to see who Pearson & Sorenson are endorsing for the Republican nominee. Sorenson has endorsed Bachmann & Pearson has endorsed Ron Paul. The fact that they endorsing different candidates eased my doubts, but only a little.
That aside, back to why the mudslinging?, because that is exactly what I see this as. Is it because of Gingrich's past, especially his divorces? Or is it because Gingrich wasn't as pro-life as he claims to be now. OK, even if Gingrich wasn't as strong as he could of been in the past, he could change (ditto Romney). After all, Reagan did. When he was governor of California he signed the legislation legalizing abortion. He later realized his mistake & became vocally pro-life to the point of writing piece on the subject while president. It later cmae out as a small book, & sitting presidents don't normally write books. But Reagan did.
One thing I AM sure about is that these robocalls are not accurate, not even close. & that they are a waste of money that should be used to promote the Iowa personhood amendment instead. So other than forcing me to delete 2 or 3 of them a day from my answering machine as well as having the Ginrich campaign waste time their workers could be putting towards the campaign, these calls are accomplishing nothing worthwhile. Except maybe for someone who wants to sabotage Gingrich's campaign. & is willing to harrass Pro-lifers with multiple calls to do it.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of the Pro-Life Movement
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Ugly Fact of Sex Selective Abortions
PRI President Steven Mosher testifies before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the House Committee on the Judiciary on December 7th, 2011, on the topic of sex-selective abortion.
Mary & the Church
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Where Are the Churches in the Battle to End Abortion?
By Steven N. Brody
The longer that I am involved in the pro-life movement, the more I am convinced that the battle cannot be won without a more unified involvement from our church community.
When I began my role as executive director of Dubuque County Right to Life back in 2008, one of the priorities I wanted to focus on was meeting with church leaders to broaden and expand our relationships. I had the naive notion that Dubuque’s churches were pro-life, but for some reason, not all were involved with our organization. What followed was an eye-opening experience to me.
I learned of the rifts and schisms within denominations that caused some to support abortion and some to oppose abortion. Within the Lutheran Church, those affiliated with the Missouri Synod were pro-life. However, if the church was affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), they were pro-abortion/pro-choice. Within the Presbyterian Church, same issue. Affiliate churches belonging to Presbyterian Church USA are pro-abortion/pro-choice, while affiliate churches belonging to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church are pro-life.
Some Baptist churches in town have no problem partnering with our organization. But others choose not to because of our relationship with Catholic churches.
A Methodist church in town declined to work with us because, in their words, “Our discipline differs from your point of view.”
And it may come as a surprise that although we may be viewed as a Catholic organization, some Catholic parishes do not uphold the sanctity of life to a level higher than other issues.
Finally, I will never truly understand why so many of the Jewish faith are pro-abortion/pro-choice, given the holocaust they suffered in Europe and the abortion holocaust going on today.
Within the evangelical Christian community, I have found more support, even though their congregations tend to be smaller than some of the other mainline churches in town. But even so, I have been turned away by some. They usually say something like: “We are pro-life but that is not something we focus on. We focus on bringing people to Christ. You respect what we do, and we’ll respect what you do.”
While speaking recently at an Assembly of God Church, I had an epiphany that will no longer allow me to accept this excuse. We are both in the business of saving lives! Our role is to save babies from being killed in the womb, so they can have an opportunity to live and perhaps one day enter into a relationship with Christ. If churches wish to succeed in saving lives and saving souls, they should understand and endorse the commitment of saving lives in the womb as potential lives to be saved later in life.
I am pleased to say that our church partnerships have grown and we are grateful. However, there are plenty more we would love to enter into fellowship with.
If you believe in the sanctity of life, and know it is a fight worth fighting, please join us. Together as a united front, we will succeed.
Steven N. Brody is executive director of Dubuque County Right to Life. Comments:
Labels: DCRTL, Planned Parenthood, Sinsinawa Dominicans