The idea for this post came to me before Mass yesterday morning. The list obviously is not inclusive as there are way too many things to put into 1 post. Some of the things I could mention are obvious, like the fact that over 3200 babies (more likely 4000 or more) are murdered in the USA each day via abortion. But what I have decided to focus on those things that have a Catholic connection. Some are national or international, others more Iowa based. & I am sure many of you have your own to add to the list I am not aware of. (Note: These are in no particular order, just as they came to me.)
1. Nancy Pelosi's claim to be an "ardent Catholic" while promoting abortion, supporting Planned Parenthood (Cecile Richards was Pelosi's deputy chief of staff), ObamaCare & way too many other things to list here. (Although some will be listed below)
2. Catholics in Congress who voted for ObamaCare even though the USCCB made it clear it was pro-abort. Includes Iowa's Sen. Tom Harkin (D), Pelosi, Kucinich (D), Patrick Kennedy (D), John Kerry (D) & way to many to list.
3. Ditto those who voted to end "Don't ask, don't tell".
4. Faux Catholic groups aka Catholycs like Catholics United, Catholics for Choice, Call to Action Chicago Women-Choice, DignityUSA, FOSIL, National Coalition of American Nuns, New Ways Ministry, Roman Catholic Womenpriests—USA, Take Back Our Church, Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual, & Women's Ordination Conference, that supported ObamaCare, worked to undermine Catholic teaching & overall were anything but Catholic. Rainbow Sash Movement gets dishonorable mention for its disruption of Pentecost Masses.
5. Sr. Carol Keehan & the Catholic Health Association for their endorsement of ObamaCare that gave some Catholics cover to vote for it.
6. Ditto the 60 nuns who signed a letter endorsing ObamaCare (Such as head of Sinsinawa Dominicans).
7. Catholic VP Joe Biden ('nuf said)
8. Those women who claim they were ordained as Catholic priests & blasphemeously pretent to say Mass.
9. Iowa Speaker of the House Pat Murphy (Democrat) who claims to be a good Catholic but refused to allow a vote in House on Marriage amendment to Iowa Constitution.
10. Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller - Democrat (who was a Catholic, but according to some sources has left the Church) who refused to investigate illegal "telemed scheme" operated by Planned Parenthood.
11. Christie Vilsack (wife of Catholic former Democratic Iowa Governor & current US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack) promoting Avoid the Stork, a program of The Iowa Initiative To Reduce Unintended Pregnancies that pushes birth control & Planned Parenthood. (& while there are a few pro-abort Catholic Republicans have you noticed almost all the pro-abort Catholic politicians listed are Democrats?)
12. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Phoenix, for allowing an abortion & its parent corporation Catholic Health Care West that has been show to promote abortion, Birth control & totally undermine Catholic teachings on the life issues.
13. Media treatment of Pope's comment on condoms in recent book interview trying to make it sound like he was changing Catholic teaching. Ditto those "catholycs" that aided & abetted them.
14. Ongoing scandals at Catholic Campaign for Human Development (USCCB) & Development & Peace (CCCB) where they fund pro-abort groups & others opposed to Catholic teaching.
15. All the various events too numerous to list at all those colleges claiming to be Catholic that support abortion, gay marriage etc (In other words, about every Catholic college not on the Cardinal Newman Society faithful college list. See
CNS website for a sampling of examples of anti-Catholic teaching events.) Dishonorable mention to Notre Dame for their ongoing treatment of the
Notre Dame 88.
16. All those Catholics who were awarded Human Life International's Millstone Award in 2010.
17. Habitless Hussies like Joanie Chittister, O.S.B. & way too many others to mention at the LCWR.
18. Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Bishop Gumbleton, Archbishop Weakland & (sadly) way too many other priests, Bishops & deacons who preach & teach heresy & work to undermine authentic Catholic teaching.
19. So called Catholic newspapers & magazines that promote abortion, gay marriage, women's ordination etc. such as US Catholic, National Catholic Reporter, America, Commonweal, The Tablet (UK), Western Catholic Reporter (Canada)
20. Missalette companies that include songs that promote heresie like Pelagianism (Ashes), self-worship & agrandizement (We have come to tell our story) or rewrite hymns to make them PC, like changing "pleased as man with man to dwell" to "with us to dwell" & include many other songs like Sing a New Church that are anything but Catholic in the doctrine they promote.
21. Untold number of liturgical abuses like changing words in the prayers, lack of reverance towards the Eucharistic presence etc.
I could go on & on but I think you get the gist. Of course whenever any of us sin we also make Baby Jesus unhappy & sometimes cry.
& remember, whenever Baby Jesus cries it makes the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph unhappy & cry as well.
Labels: Making Baby Jesus Cry
At 27/12/10 6:42 PM ,
Larry Denninger said...
Yay!! I didn't make your list!
Merry Christmas Al!
At 28/12/10 12:09 AM ,
Al said...
Now if I'd have done a things that made Jesus smile in 2010 then you would have made the list. Keep up the good work in 2011!!!!!
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