Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Timing of Publishing My Latest Letter in the TH Seems a Little Fishy
Labels: Habitless Hussies, Sinsinawa Dominicans
Friday, December 28, 2012
166 Years Old Today - & Still the Best State in the Union
Both the seal & flag have an eagle carrying a banner with the state motto, "Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain."
I could go on & on about all Iowa has done for the country. President Herbert Hoover was born in Iowa. Presidents Richard M. Nixon & Ronald Reagan lived in Iowa for a time. Henry Wallace was Vice President onder FDR. Two 1st ladies hailed from Iowa, Lou Henry Hoover & Mamie Dowd Eisenhower.
There are way to many other famous Iowans to mention them all. Some of them include Carry Chapman Catt, Buffalo Bill Cody, Grant Wood, Johnny Carson, John Wayne, Bill Baird, Le De Forrest (Vacuum tube), William Frawley, Donna Reed, Glen Miller, Andy Williams, The Everly Brothers, Elijah Wood, Simon Estes, Norman Bourlag, Bix Beiderbeck, Cloris Leachmen, John L. Lewis, Roger Williams, Dr. James Van Allen, Wyatt Earp Simon Estes & Meredith Willson. Others lived for a while in Iowa, working or attending school. They include Don Ameche (buried in Asbury), George Washington Carver, Gary Cooper, Harry Reasoner, the Wright Brothers & Herbie Hancock. (See here for a more incvlusive list) In addition the 1st digital computer was invented in Iowa in 1942.
I could go on, but you get the point. I am using this date to do a little bragging about what is the, unarguably, best state in the Union. & why the USA would be much the poorer without us.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle
Next up is an instrumental version of the carol.
Yes, playing an accordian is acceptable for Italianos. However, for those of you who are into a little more classical style of music
Here is a version done by a boys' choir in Brazil
Finally, I repeat the video of the Pope at the 2009 Midnight Mass processing out with some children to the precipio with Il Bambino Gesu.
Tu scendi dalle stelle
Tu scendi dalle stelle
O Re del Cielo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo.
O Bambino mio Divino
Io ti vedo qui a tremar,
O Dio Beato!
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
A te che sei del mondo,
Il creatore,
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Caro eletto pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà
Più mi innamora,
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
You Come Down from the Stars
(English Translation)
You come down from the stars
Oh King of Heavens,
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
Oh my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh Blessed God
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
For you, who are of all the world
The creator,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord.
Dear chosen one, little infant,
This dire poverty,
Makes me love you more,
Since Love made you
Poor now,
Since Love made you
Poor now.
Labels: Tu scendi dalle stelle
Monday, December 24, 2012
Padre Pio's Christmas Meditation
Far into the night, at the coldest time of the year, in a chilly grotto, more suitable for a flock of beasts than for humans, the promised Messiah – Jesus – the savior of mankind, comes into the world in the fullness of time. There are none who clamor around him: only an ox and an ass lending their warmth to the newborn infant; with a humble woman, and a poor and tired man, in adoration beside him.
Nothing can be heard except the sobs and whimpers of the infant God. And by means of his crying and weeping he offers to the Divine justice the first ransom for our redemption.
He had been expected for forty centuries; with longing sighs the ancient Fathers had implored his arrival. The sacred scriptures clearly prophesy the time and the place of his birth, and yet the world is silent and no one seems aware of the great event. Only some shepherds, who had been busy watching over their sheep in the meadows, come to visit him. Heavenly visitors had alerted them to the wondrous event, inviting them to approach his cave.
So plentiful, O Christians, are the lessons that shine forth from the grotto of Bethlehem! Oh how our hearts should be on fire with love for the one who with such tenderness was made flesh for our sakes! Oh how we should burn with desire to lead the whole world to this lowly cave, refuge of the King of kings, greater than any worldly palace, because it is the throne and dwelling place of God! Let us ask this Divine child to clothe us with humility, because only by means of this virtue can we taste the fullness of this mystery of Divine tenderness.
Glittering were the palaces of the proud Hebrews. Yet, the light of the world did not appear in one of them. Ostentatious with worldly grandeur, swimming in gold and in delights, were the great ones of the Hebrew nation; filled with vain knowledge and pride were the priests of the sanctuary. In opposition to the true meaning of Divine revelation, they awaited an officious savoir, who would come into the world with human renown and power.
But God, always ready to confound the wisdom of the world, shatters their plans. Contrary to the expectations of those lacking in Divine wisdom, he appears among us in the greatest abjection, renouncing even birth in St. Joseph’s humble home, denying himself a modest abode among relatives and friends in a city of Palestine. Refused lodging among men, he seeks refuge and comfort among mere animals, choosing their habitation as the place of his birth, allowing their breath to give warmth to his tender body. He permits simple and rustic shepherds to be the first to pay their respects to him, after he himself informed them, by means of his angels, of the wonderful mystery.
Oh wisdom and power of God, we are constrained to exclaim – enraptured along with your Apostle – how incomprehensible are your judgments and unsearchable your ways! Poverty, humility, abjection, contempt, all surround the Word made flesh. But we, out of the darkness that envelops the incarnate Word, understand one thing, hear one voice, perceive one sublime truth: you have done everything out of love, you invite us to nothing else but love, speak of nothing except love, give us naught except proofs of love.
The heavenly babe suffers and cries in the crib so that for us suffering would be sweet, meritorious and accepted. He deprives himself of everything, in order that we may learn from him the renunciation of worldly goods and comforts. He is satisfied with humble and poor adorers, to encourage us to love poverty, and to prefer the company of the little and simple rather than the great ones of the world.
This celestial child, all meekness and sweetness, wishes to impress in our hearts by his example these sublime virtues, so that from a world that is torn and devastated an era of peace and love may spring forth. Even from the moment of his birth he reveals to us our mission, which is to scorn that which the world loves and seeks.
Oh let us prostrate ourselves before the manger, and along with the great St. Jerome, who was enflamed with the love of the infant Jesus, let us offer him all our hearts without reserve. Let us promise to follow the precepts which come to us from the grotto of Bethlehem, which teach us that everything here below is vanity of vanities, nothing but vanity.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Unique, All-Star Version of "A Christmas Carol"
Then there is the 1979 version starring Rich Little that was done by him for HBO.In it he, naturally, played every part, except for the extras. Only with Rich Little could you still have an All-Star cast like this.
It stars:
W. C. Fields as Ebenezer Scrooge
Paul Lynde as Bob Cratchit
Johnny Carson as Fred
Laurel and Hardy as the two solicitors
Richard Nixon as Jacob Marley
Humphrey Bogart as the Ghost of Christmas Past
Groucho Marx as Fezziwig
James Stewart as Dick Wilkins
Peter Falk as Columbo as the Ghost of Christmas Present
Jean Stapleton as Edith Bunker as Mrs. Cratchit
Truman Capote as Tiny Tim
Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
James Mason, George Burns &John Wayne as the three businessmen
Jack Benny as a boy
Since it is rarely seen, I offer you this chance to watch it (Note: there are some plugs for other shows at the beginning of part 1, it starts about 3 minutes and 30 seconds in)
Saturday, December 22, 2012
"A Christmas Carol" Was Scrooge a Liberal turned Conservative?
Labels: ObamaCare
Friday, December 21, 2012
Sadly, He Probably Does Think Something Like This
Dashing Through the Snow In a 1 Horse Open Sleigh
All this was just in time for the Winter Solstice. It arrived at 5:12 AM CST, the earliest since 1896, the year my maternal grandfather was born in Italia.
Since it won't be getting warm enough to melt it all the next few days, it looks like we won't have to dream of a white Christmas.
& don't forget, Santa Claus IS watching you, so you better be good.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
What If Obama Was Pro-Life?
Source: VIDEO: Imagine if Obama were pro-life
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A Field Trip Like No Other
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Somebody Beat Me to the Punch on Obama's Crocodile Tears
Another article I came across today had the following poster at the end that summarized some of what I planned on saying:
We also need to face up to the demonic root of the "culture of death" that encourages people to justify violence against their fellow human beings as a way to deal with their problems. As long as we tell children that a woman hs the right to kill a preborn child because it is inconvenient for her, or that getting rid of the child is the solution to the problems in her life, we are telling them that it is OK to kill another human being who is a problem in his or her life.
As 1 article ponts out, "Twenty innocent children were killed in Newton on Friday while more than 3,500 innocent children were also killed on Friday at abortion clinics." You don't hear a call for stricter control on scalpals & suction machines. Instead, even the call for basic regulations on abortion to treat it like any other surgical proceedure that abortion supporters claim is all the proceedure is, they scream that even those minimal regulations are meant to stop abortion, not prevent women from being subjected to conditions that you wouldn't even allow a Veteranarian to have in his clinic.
As I said, the truth is that at the root, this is a spiritual problem. We buy into evil by allowing abortion. So why should we be surprized when this same sort of demonic evil rears its ugly head at a place like Newtown?
I pray that God will reach out & bring His healing mercy to those who have lost family & friends in this horrific tragedy. I also pray that God will open up our eyes to the truth about the "culture of death" so that this country will repent from the sins that are the fruit of building this demonic "culture". Those of us who know the truth must continue to pray as well are make reperation (penance) for the sins of our nation. We should take the example of Daniel in our prayers "I set my face to the Lord my God, to pray and make supplication with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.and I prayed unto Jehovah my God, and made my confession, and said, Alas Lord! the great and terrible God, keeping covenant and loving-kindness with them that love him, and that keep his commandments: we have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even turning aside from thy commandments and from thine ordinances. . . . O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our princes, and to our fathers that have sinned. But to thee, the Lord our God, mercy and forgiveness, for we have departed from thee: And we have not hearkened to the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his law, which he set before us by his servants the prophets." (Daniel 9: 3-5, 8-10) Daniel goes on to mention the fruit of this rebellion, fruit that we could very well face as well if we continue the whole-hearted "culture of death" our country has been doing.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Doesn't the Bible Warn About Adding or Subtracting From What Is Written Within
Bible Rewritten to Comply With Homosexual Agenda
See also: Recently Released 'Queen James' Purports to Be First-Ever 'Gay Bible'
Also, notice they used a translation that wasn't protected by copyright.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
5 Top Pro-Life Videos of 2012
3 Silent No More
4. The Final Frontier of the Civil Rights Movement
5. Aaron
The true story behind this video.
Here are 3 others that are also up there.
Perfect The story of a man who wanted to abort his daughter when she was diagnosed with Down's syndrome. & how he was glad his wife refused to go along.
I Heart Adoption This comercial tells the facts about adoption as the real choice that the abortion industry doesn't want women to know about.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Bishop Morlino Bans New Age Nuns From Operating In Diocese
Today the Wisconsin State Journal printed a article based on a leaked letter to the priests of the Diocese of Madison dated 27 November 2012. The letter to the priests informed them that there were grave concerns about what Wisdom’s Well Interfaith Spirituality Center (aka “Wisdom’s Well”) taught, as well the "animating spirit of the center, namely that the center and its members may espouse certain views flowing from New Ageism, panentheism, and indifferentism, and may not share anauthentic view of the Catholic Church’s approach to interreligious dialogue. These views are often associated with a spirit of relativism that can be an extreme result emanating from the “hermeneutic of rupture” as a misinterpretation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council."
The article also fails to address sufficiently the risk that materials and methods of the members of Wisdom’s Well may appear to promote opinions that are contrary to the Church faith. The Diocese of Madison pursued this matter with utmost confidentiality to protect the reputations of all parties. The specific limitation of this issue to members of Wisdom’s Well and the confidential documents sent to the priests were also communicated personally, confidentially, and directly by me to the Prioress of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation at the time of the confidential communication to the priests in the Diocese of Madison."
Additionally I pointed out how Sinsinawa wasn't exactly supporting authentic Catholic teaching in many other areas.
As I said, that they support them is no surprize. But in doing so, they are admitting they support dissent from authentic Catholic teaching as well as giving more evidence that the Vatican was right in saying that things need to be cleaned up at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious & their member religious orders.
I applaud Bishop Morlino for his efforts & boo the Wisconsin State Journal in their efforts to create a huge scandal & undemine the Bishop.
Labels: Habitless Hussies, Sinsinawa Dominicans
Monday, December 10, 2012
Yesterday Was the 33rd Anniversary of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen's Death
I had the blessing of seeing Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen in person twice. Since I didn't get a chance to honor his memory yesterday I would like to do so today.
Here is a short video where he recited a poem he loved to share, Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue:
Here is his appearance on What's My Line?:
There are way too many videos to chose from, so I will leave you to go to You Tube & watch them.
May God soon grant us the blessing of his being raised to the honors of the altar.
Prayer for Canonization
Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people.If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
A Reminder - Tonite is the 32nd Annual Night of Prayer for Life
Friday, December 07, 2012
Judge Slaps Down Obama Administration Attempts to Stop Archdiocese of New York Lawsuit
Sources: Court Rules Obama HHS Mandate Doesn’t Protect Religious Liberty
Labels: ObamaCare