1 of the things that I constantly remind people of is the importance of prayer in our battle to defeat the demonic "culture of death" that has murdered about 55 million preborn babies in the USA since 1973. In addition it has pushed euthanasia & assisted suicide as an acceptable way to end your life. & with the advent of ObamaCare we will
definitely see death panels as well.
So the need for prayer is more urgent than ever as a frontline weapon against this attack on life.
Just a quick explanation about the demonic spirit behind the "culture of death". I would remind you that every human being is created in the image & likeness of God, no exceptions. We all are made in His image from the moment of conception (fertilization). Satan & his demons know that they can't attack God directly, so they go after those of us made in His image. The attack is 2 pronged. 1st, Satan gets people to sign on to his agenda, often through deception, using lies to convinve people that what the "culture of death" is promoting is good, not the evil it really is. In this way he works to snare people into putting their souls at risk for eternal damnation in Hell.
2nd, he uses those lies to destroy as many humans as possible.
As St Paul reminds us "For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens." (Ephesians 6:12) So we must us spiritual weapons. That means prayer. Prayer is a part of putting on the full Armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6. Another part of the armor is truth. Which means we are also called to proclaim the truth, call people to repentance, sharing the message of God's forgiveness, love & mercy with all.
But back to prayer.
This event takes place from 9 pm EST Dec. 8th to 1 am EST Dec. 9th. (Starting 8 Central, 7 Mountain & 6 Pacific) It is held in Catholic Churches across the land. It is a pro-life prayer service consisting of exposition & adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 20 decades of the Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer & hymns.
This date was chosen because it "was on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (then celebrated on December 9th) that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the unborn, first appeared to St. Juan Diego. The National Night of Prayer for Life bridges these two feasts to honor Our Blessed Mother and to pray for the sanctity of all human life."
If your parish, or 1 in your community, is not sponsoring a Night of Prayer, you can still participate. The 1st is to find an adoration chapel. Go there to pray. You can use the
prayers for the night, praying them silently, so as to not disturb the others gathered there. Otherwise, you & your family can pray at home. You do not have to spend all 4 hours in prayer either. But pray.
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