As I was reading it I came across this line: "Italian law and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities make it illegal to refuse to care for or provide medical assistance to a person based on his or her disability, Sacconi said."
Something clicked in my mind. I wondered if I missed something in the last article, because I didn't remember the UN being mentioned.
So I went back to look at the LifeSite News article I shared & saw this line: "He referred to Article 25 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that says to stop feeding and hydration is discrimination against disabled people." OK, I saw it, but it was worded in such a way that the UN wasn't mentioned.
So what was it that clicked? The fact that the document was a UN Convention. That set off a train of thought that raised a question in my mind. All these same people who were screaming about the Catholic Church & the others fighting to save Terri Sciavo should butt out & let her die are the same bunch who want the UN's opinions to overrule US law. So, by what is in this UN Convention they should have been at the front of the line fighting to save her.
But, we see once again the hypocricy of those who are sold out to the "culture of death". When the UN destroys American sovereignty that is OK. When a UN orginization upholds abortion, fine. When the same UN group attacks Judeo-Christian morality, great. But silence when the UN actually gets something right & doesn't uphold their "culture of death".
It is too late for Terri Schiavo, but not for Eluana Englaro. I hope & pray that the efforts of Maurizio Sacconi, Italia's welfare minister, to save her will be successful. But I can guarentee you that the these UN idolators/minions of the "culture of death" will remain silent rather than be consistant in their demands that what the UN says goes.
At 22/12/08 2:13 AM ,
Anonymous said...
It's good you make those connections. I think all the UN is interested in is pushing the culture of death agenda.
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