But when you deal in death why should you provide anything that does anything to truly improve the health of women? They may try & deny it, but when PP talks about health care, it really means death care. They don't want to provide poor women with the type of health care they really need. This is obvious by the mere fact that they are handing out birth control (like the pill) with no exam. If these were regular doctors dispensing drugs in this way they would be in big legal trouble.
What PP is doing is setting these women up so that when the get pregnant they will come back, get an abortion & PP can make even more money off of them courtesy of our tax dollars.
Santa Barbara, CA (LifeNews.com) -- Thousands of Americans face the challenge of homelessness every day and, while most of them struggle with finding food, shelter or work, Planned Parenthood believes they need something else. The local affiliate of the nation’s largest abortion business in Santa Barbara, California is offering the homeless birth control and abortion.
Women, and men, who are homeless routinely lack basic medical and health care that most Americans enjoy -- including providing for daily nutritional and hygiene needs.
Working in concert with other local charities, Planned Parenthood has collaborated on a new Women's Free Shelter Clinic that focuses on some of those needs -- and ones a pro-life advocate says aren’t necessary.
During the first few months of the clinic’s existence, the women will also be given reproductive services such as birth control without any physical exam beforehand. Eventually, Planned Parenthood wants a more comprehensive clinic that can provide birth control implants, which are surgically inserted under skin.
At all times, there will be abortion referrals for Planned Parenthood centers that do abortions.
Pat Fajardo, Planned Parenthood’s vice president of clinical services, told the Santa Barbara Independent newspaper, “I’m all about increasing access, and this population is nontraditional. They have special needs,” she said of the homeless women she targets.
The abortion business will provide all of the birth control at no cost to the new clinic.
But Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, tells LifeNews.com that Planned Parenthood is not providing the kind of basic health care homeless women really need.
“Homeless women have a variety of health needs, but Planned Parenthood does not provide the range of medical care that these women need,” she said. “Women who go through Planned Parenthood’s ‘services’ at this shelter won’t receive the basic care that customary medical clinics (including free clinics) provide.”
“How much better it would be for these women to engage medical personnel who treat the whole woman, instead of those who treat women as sexual objects,” she said.
At 22/12/08 12:27 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree with your comments here.
Planned Parenthood are obsessed with abortion and contraception.
The sooner this lot has its government funding removed the better.
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