Especially when it keeps the USCCB bureau-weenies from doing more damage than the otherwise would. (Now if only Congress would do the same thing.)
Actually, what would be even better would be a complete housecleaning, starting with getting rid of the moonbats that funded ACORN for years & not replacing them. & there are plenty of other departments that could be discontinued as well. Next, give the money you would have wasted on all these superfluous (For Bishop Trautman & the other English challenged USCCBers, that means "not needed, unnecessary, irrelevant") programs & give it to Pro-Life groups & crisis pregnancy centers where it would actually do some real good. & I can think of a certain Catholic Televsion Network that could use a little support for doing what you should be doing. (
Eternal Word Television Network) Do you get my point Cardinal Mahony?
& for those of you who may be worried about all these people being out of a job, well, they could probably get jobs in the incoming Obama administration, esp since most of them would have no problem with his agenda anyway. & Obama owes them for what they did for ACORN anyway.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The slowed economy has forced officials at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to freeze wages and department budgets for 2009. Msgr. David Malloy, USCCB general secretary, made the announcement to staff Dec. 11. Mercy Sister Mary Ann Walsh, USCCB director of media relations, said the step became necessary when investment income fell as the economic situation worsened throughout 2008. She said conference officials decided to roll back individual department budgets to 2008 levels even though the bishops approved a 2.25 percent increase in allocations to conference programs at their annual fall meeting in November. The wage freeze became necessary in large part to meet pension obligations, Sister Mary Ann told Catholic News Service Dec. 17. At CNS, which is part of the USCCB communications department, Anthony Spence, director and editor in chief, said the news agency is working to minimize the impact of the budget freeze. Staff members belong to the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild and are under contract to receive a 3.25 percent wage increase Jan. 1. Spence said he has scheduled a meeting with guild representatives to seek "some accommodation that will acknowledge CNS' financial condition."
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