She looked at how the "ACORN scandal shows that if Congress wants to act, it can." She goes on to say: "But similar publicized abuses at Planned Parenthood -- workers agreeing to cover up rape or earmarking funds to abort black babies -- all captured on video and audio -- produced no similar action in Washington to cut off funds."
& then she asked the big question: "Why?" After looking at the circumstances she gives the answer: "The outrage is not great enough. Too many still turn a deaf ear or a blind eye."
People do not want to hear or see the truth. She talks about men & women hurt in a variety of ways by abortion. & that those stories need to be heard by more people. As she so eloquently puts it: "If somehow a whole nation could grasp this experience things would change."
Sadly"People all over our country are hurting and we are in widespread denial. A great lie has found its way into our national culture -- a lie that has deadened our senses -- that we can contend with life's challenges in a morally relative way. That we can live, produce, compete, and deliver health care while we pretend that hard issues about life, about the unborn, are above our pay grade." Moral relativism, sounds to me like she is taking a page from Papa Benedetto's play book. & she is absolutely right. Too many of us are not speaking up loudly enough.
& to that I would add that the silence begins in our prayer time. How many of us pray & intercede as we should? How many of us are calling on God as we should to act? How many of us are saying "Lord, what do you want me to do?" let alone do it? & FYI, I ask myself these very questions to insure that I do not get complacient.
& while many of our Church leaders (Catholic or Protestant) are silent about, or worse, even supportive of abortion, that doesn't excuse the rest of us from doing what we can. We need to pray, speak up loud & clear & not let others silence us. We need to show people what abortion really is. We need to show them the damage it does to everyone, starting with the unborn child, but then going on to show what it is doing to the rest of us. & yes, this includes getting pictures of what abortion is (
“Is This What You Mean?” ) out there as well as ultrasounds.
In her article Star Parker makes a comparison in the country's attitude now about abortion to that of slavery before the Civil War. We saw how slavery nearly destroyed our country. & unless we put an end to abortion soon, the result will be the destruction of this country. Silence is no longer an option.
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