As anyone who knows the facts is aware, there has never been a ban on stem cell reasearch, embryonic or adult. The only ban was on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, except for the lines then already in existance. The article does admit it was embryonic stem cells in the 1st paragraph that they are talking about.
But then they go on to make it sound like that is the only kind out there. "Bush limited federal funding for stem cell research only to human embryonic stem cell lines that already existed ." That is a lie. There was never any ban on using federal funding for research using adult or umbilical stem cells. A lie.
Then there is this: "It was a gesture to his conservative Christian supporters who regard embryonic stem cell research as destroying potential life, because the cells must be extracted from human embryos." I will grant that in their minds it was a gesture as they can't see anything like this as being done from strong moral convictions. But then it goes & misrepresents what Pro-lifers stand on this is. 1st they use the term "conservative Christian" as a perjorative. Then they use the term "potential life". There is nothing potential about it. It is a living human being. Something they admit in the next line even if they would deny it.
Next comes the half truth misdirection. "Embryonic stem cells are the most basic human cells which can develop into any type of cell in the body." So can umbilical & adult stem cells. But they don't mention that. & I am sure it was intentional to make add to the lie that the only stem cells are embryonic. The article does admit in the last paragraph that not all stem cells are embryonic. But it doesn't mention any of the others. It just says: "Embryonic stem cells are considered the most powerful kinds of stem cells, as they have the potential to give rise to any type of tissue." No where in the article does it mention that past research with embryonic stem cells has only ended in disaster. & that those problems never showed up in adult stem cell trials.
The article also says: "Scientists believe the research could eventually produce cures for a variety of diseases, including Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease and spinal cord injuries." Nowhere in the article does it mention any of the over 70 treatments using adult cells that are already in use. For the very things they just listed. They omitted that fact because then it undermines their whole purpose of encouraging a type of research that is not only not needed. & in doing so, give false hope for a future treatment while denying the real hope of a current treatment to many people suffering from those diseases.
But, the fact that the Main Stream Media is telling lies about this should be no surprize. They are sold out to the "culture of death". As Fr. Euteneuer said & I have pointed out many a time, the "culture of death" is demonic in origin. In other words, it is Satanic. & as Scripture points out Satan is the Father of Lies.
As for Obama's reason for lifting the ban: "
to return science to its proper place in the United States." I guess that is true if you think the proper place of scientific reseach is identical to that of Nazi Germany. & that is exactly what this style of research is, unethical & immoral.
Dr. Josef Mengele (aka the
Angel of Death) would feel right at home.
At 17/2/09 10:11 AM ,
Robert Simms said...
If we compare Obama (and abortion) to Nazis and the Holocaust we are called extremists. Yet, the comparison is appropriate.
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