A Real "Inconvenient Truth" or 3 that Planned Parenthood Doesn't Want You to Know
By Connie G. Hardie 62 Fremont Ave.
Why oppose Planned Parenthood coming to Dubuque? Isn't it a fine organization that educates our youth about sexuality, provides contraception to prevent pregnancy, tests for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and refers for abortion only when no other option exists? That's what PP will tell you.
Let's examine the truth " and follow the money " with Planned Parenthood's three-step business plan:
1.) Sex education. PP receives an average of $300 million every year -- our tax dollars -- for "sex education and prevention" programs. Consequently, PP has artfully produced Web sites, DVDs and printed materials to promote its business.
PP's education does not emphasize the only behavior that will prevent STIs and pregnancy: abstinence. Rather, it encourages sexual activity and use of contraception. In its "Comprehensive Sex Education" materials for middle school-age children, behaviors are coded "red," "yellow" or "green light." "Green light" ("OK") activities include "showering with your boy/girlfriend" and "hiding condoms on your body and having your boyfriend find them." Don't take my word for it. Check the Project Reality site and www.parentsfortruth.org/video.
PP is lobbying our legislators to include these materials in Iowa's Core Curriculum, mandated in all schools, public and private.
2.) Contraception. After PP's indoctrination of our pre-teens and teens that all forms of sexual activity are normal, harmless, expected and fun, PP provides them with contraception for "safe sex." However, PP knows the facts: Contraceptives fail " especially in teenagers who are less reliable in correct usage. PP provides all forms of contraception to teens -- all without parental consent or notification.
The sinister effect of this strategy is that hormonal and IUD contraceptives do nothing to prevent STIs. PP asserts that STIs are escalating because of "failed" abstinence programs; it is dead wrong. STIs are increasing because more children are having sex more often with more partners under a shroud of "safe sex."
3.) Abortion on Demand " for any reason, in any month of pregnancy. This is its moneymaker. PP is the largest abortion business in the country. Under PP's plan, when steps 1 and 2 predictably fail, the teen "needs" an abortion. (Half of all women -- all age groups -- seeking an abortion were using at least one form of birth control.)
Kudos to PP for a brilliant marketing/business plan: Spend our tax dollars on Comprehensive Sex Education teaching that sex with contraception is "safe." Then distribute that contraception which increases sexual activity because it creates a false sense of protection. Sexual activity starts younger; the frequency of sexual encounters and the number of partners multiplies. Result: Increased rates of STIs, pregnancies and -- voila! -- abortions. PP created the need and now it can solve the "problem" through abortion -- the ultimate form of "birth control" it sells. A result: Record profits ($114 million last year).
PP doesn't address the emotional and psychological damage of too-early sex and the devaluation of young people. Sex is not a healthy choice for kids. Planned Parenthood doesn't get that. PP tells us abstinence fails. Abstinence fails when not "used as directed." But all other forms of birth control can fail even when used as directed.
Parents would never tell their kids: "Don't do drugs, but if you do, here's an antidote that may or may not save your life." Or: "Don't drive drunk, but if you do, wear your seat belt, because you might be OK if you buckle up." The implicit Planned Parenthood message is: "Go ahead and have sex, because we know you are too weak or stupid to say 'No.' We know you really don't care about yourself, your health, your girl/boyfriend, your future. So, go ahead, use this 'protection' that may or may not work, and take a chance."
Teens deserve more respect. Parents must get involved early and stay involved. Your 12-year-old can't be given Tylenol at school without your permission, but PP can give your 12-year-old hormonal steroids, an IUD, condoms, RU-486 and a surgical abortion without your permission or even your knowledge!
Know the truth. Planned Parenthood Dubuque has announced it expects to hire an education outreach coordinator, and a three-month promotion of "free" birth control. Now you know why. Be neither idle nor silent. Speak out against Planned Parenthood. Now.
Connie Hardie is a wife, mother, and registered nurse who has lived in Dubuque most of her life. She is a volunteer and advocate for many organizations, including Dubuque County Right to Life, which endorsed this column. Her e-mail address is Hardie63@mchsi.com.
Labels: Planned Parenthood
At 1/9/08 8:04 AM ,
Smilin Bill said...
The Timeless, 4-Star rated, marriage handbook, "LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED" (http://www.cleave2.com) reveals the scriptural truths about our sexuality. Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 not only commands us to "Go Have Sex" it reveals the principles on "Why and HOW" we are to fulfill that command. In this book you will discover the knowledge to handle these ‘God given sexual passions.’ It should be required reading for all persons aged 10 to 110. Only by renewing our minds with truth can we control the ‘sexual passions within us’ that are intentionally misdirected by Planned Parenthood.
William A. Cummins, Author-Speaker-Family Man
Port Orange, Florida
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