I had to laugh when I saw this video. Barney Frank (D-MA) is beginning to see the truth in the old saying "You reap what you sow!" as he was an
expert in doing this when the Demos were in the minority.
So, why exempt American Samoa? The answer is simple. This is a dig at Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the fact that by some strange reason the 1st Minimum Wage law that doesn't exempt US Territories & Commonwealths still exempts American Samoa. The major employer in American Samoa with about 75% of the workforce? StarKist. The parent company of StarKist? Del Monte. The location of Del Monte's HQ? Nancy Pelosi's House District in San Francisco. Coincidence? I think not.
Not that Signora Nancy isn't known for talking out of both sides of her mouth. It is well documented that while she claims to support labor unions that the vineyard, hotel, & restuarant chain her & her husband own are non-union. (
The ‘Real' Speaker Pelosi, Newsmax.com using info from the book
Do As I Say (Not As I Do) Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy by Peter Schweizer that I highly recommend. After reading it, or before, take the
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