I have seen this reported several places. It is more good new for Pro-Life, but more bad news for those trying to paint embryonic/fetal stem cell research as the only hope for any cures.
North Carolina’s Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Harvard University have issued a report (7 January 2007) in the online journal
Nature Biotechnology (
Isolation of amniotic stem cell lines with potential for therapy) about a new study that shows stem cells found in amniotic fluid could provide a new viable source of stem cells that negate the need for using embryos or fetuses as a source for them. Another plus, these stem cells do not form tumors like embryonic stem cells have been proven to cause.
According to the story from
LifeSiteNews.com: "The study reports that amniotic stem cells have many of the properties of both embryo cells and adult stem cells. They can double in number every 36 hours, dividing at least 250 times without mutating, and without forming tumours. They were successfully turned into new bone, heart muscle, blood vessels, fat, nerve and liver tissues in lab mice."
The story goes on to say: "The research coincides with similar findings from the University of Pittsburgh in 2005 in which it was discovered that the placenta could be a rich source of embryo-like stem cells. It is in line with the discovery, also in 2005, by Dr. Dario Fauza of Boston’s Children’s Hospital of possible uses for amniotic fluid stem cells to treat a variety of birth defects."
The Wake Forest University news release has the following quote from Anthony Atala, M.D., senior researcher and director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.: “Our hope is that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs as well. It has been known for decades that both the placenta and amniotic fluid contain multiple progenitor cell types from the developing embryo, including fat, bone, and muscle. We asked the question, ‘Is there a possibility that within this cell population we can capture true stem cells?’ The answer is yes.”
The other good news acoording to the Wake Forest University release is that "a bank with 100,000 specimens theoretically could supply 99 percent of the U.S. population with perfect genetic matches for transplantation. There are more than 4 million live births each year in the United States."
There is 1 small concern that LifeSiteNews adresses in its article: "With the condition of firm assurance that these amniotic cells will only be harvested without posing any danger to preborn babies immersed in the fluid along with assurance that the collection will be not done as part of "search and destroy" amniocentesis procedures, the method is certain to receive wholehearted support of pro-life citizens and leaders." As long as there is assurance that these conditions are met, I agree. Here is another source of stem cells that is an ethical, moral source.
The timing couldn't be better as the House is about to debate a bill similar to the one vetoed last year by President Bush to expand funding for embryonic stem cell research. This report is more proof that there is no need for that type of research. According to a
Republican National Coalition for Life report
the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, should come up to the floor for action on 11 January 2007. Contact your representative at the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or on line with the House of Representatives
Write Your Representative. Tell him/her that there is no need for this funding for both the reasons that it is immoral as well as that there is no need for this type of research.
An amazing fact is that this is actually getting attention from the Main Stream Media. According to a e-mail from White House Communications the following have reported this news: Newsweek, L.A Times, Washington Post, USA Today, NBC & ABC News. Normally, they try to ignore or bury this news, esp when it will hurt their pro-abortion cause. I don't know why the exception this time. But, I'm not complaining.
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