This Is JUSTICE??????????????
Woman who killed baby convicted, freed
A 29-year-old accused of killing her baby and burying him in Druid Hill Park pleaded guilty Wednesday to involuntary manslaughter and was given a 10-year suspended sentence, The Sun's Nick Madigan reports.
While Lakesha Haynie was able to walk free for the first time since her arrest 10 months ago, she will be on probation for five years, must report to the Department of Social Services if she becomes pregnant again and is forbidden to have unsupervised contact with children ages 6 and younger. She must also attend a counseling program at Planned Parenthood on Jan. 24.
Baltimore Circuit Judge Charles J. Peters told Haynie that if she violates any of the terms of her probation, "this court will not hesitate to put you in jail" for the rest of the 10-year sentence.
Haynie was charged in March with first-degree murder and child abuse in the death of 1-month-old Rajahnthon, whose skull was found to be fractured after his body was discovered, in a tethered bag, in a shallow grave in the park.
Yes folks, you read it right. She is charges with 1st degree murder but gets off with probation & a counseling session at Planned Parenthood. We'll get to the rest in a minute, but what in the theological place of eternal damnation is that judge thinking by sending her to PP for counseling????????????????
I suspect the reason he is sending her to PP is for counseling about birth control so she won't get pregnant again & violate that part of her parole. Let's see, send a black woman to an organization that was founded to further Margaret Sanger's racist eugenics agenda. Send her to an organization that wants to push birth control & virtually unbriddled sex knowing full well that the birth control will fail & the woman will likely come back for an abortion. Send her to an organization known for skirting the law so that when she does become pregnant she can have an abortion rather that acknowledge she violated her probation. Have an abortion so she won't have to report to the Department of Social Services if she becomes pregnant again.
Only in the "culture of death" mindset could something like this happen.
This judge should be run out of town on a rail.
It gets even worse when you know the rest of the story. Without knowing that, most people would assume that this likely was an accident & that she panicked rather than get help. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the news report of what happenned leading up to the child's death, & after: "Haynie was charged in March with first-degree murder and child abuse in the death of 1-month-old Rajahnthon, whose skull was found to be fractured after his body was discovered, in a tethered bag, in a shallow grave in the park. The boy also showed signs of asphyxia, according to an autopsy.
. . . . Haynie's four other children were removed from her custody before her last baby's birth.
. . . . the defendant's other children had been removed from her care before Rajahnthon's death because of "neglect," and that she had lost parental rights to at least three of them. In the case of her youngest child, Drake said, Haynie showed "gross and wanton negligence" in her treatment of him during his brief life, even refusing to deliver the baby in a hospital for fear that the authorities, having taken her other children from her, might remove her newest son too.
According to the prosecutor's account to the judge, Haynie told the boy's father, Soleme Smith, that she had put her hand over the baby's mouth "to keep him from crying and that he had stopped breathing." After the infant's death, Haynie took Smith to the park to show him where she had buried the baby, took the body out of the grave, "held it for a few minutes and then put it back," Drake said.
Two weeks later, after Smith was unable to persuade Haynie to turn herself in, he went to the police and told them what had happened, according to the prosecutor. Under questioning, Haynie told detectives that she had "found the baby dead in bed" and that his death might have been caused by Smith's rolling over on top of him, Drake told the judge.
Two or three days before Rajahnthon died, he suffered a skull fracture that "would have caused considerable crying," Drake said, reading from a medical examiner's report. The autopsy also showed other injuries that would have prompted suffering and "changes in behavior that would have been apparent to an attentive parent." In addition, there were "numerous air spaces in the baby's lungs" that could have been evidence of "past asphyxial events," Drake said.
"Their presence is consistent with multiple efforts to quiet the baby by placing a hand over the baby's mouth," the prosecutor said. While the medical examiner "could not rule out an accidental asphyxiation," she went on, the manner of death was declared to be homicide."
So what we have is a woman who had her other children taken away from her before the baby's birth due to "neglect." She loses parental rights to 3 of them. His treament by Haynie was described as showing "gross and wanton negligence". Rather than give the child the care he deserved she aphyxiates him. The baby had a skull fracture. The autopsy showed other injuries etc. She hid the death for 2 weeks & then when the husband finally turned her in lied about the death.
I know some people could say she panicked. But there is way too much that shows she knew exactly what she was doing. Granted, I don't think it rose to the level of 1st degree murder. But it was definitely NOT involuntary manslaughter either. & why was the husband let off for not going to the police right away?
Yes she may have panicked at 1st. But it is clear to me that she knew exactly what she was doing when she covered up. & to get off with probation for 5 years, time served & being sent to PP so they can help her kill future children before birth is not justice.
I will grant that it looks like the Maryland Department of Social Services acted within the letter of the law. & they may well not have had the time or manpower to do any preventative actions. Maybe.
Meanwhile, you can be sure PP is supplying her with birth control they know will eventually fail. & when she panicks this time, you can be sure she will go to PP for an abortion to cover up rather than a crisis pregnancy center or Social Services as she should. Of course, given this is the same Baltimore that has tried to silence the CPCs, this latest isn't that surprizing.
How did "Mary"land, founded as a Catholic colony, drift so far from its roots? (OK, rhetorical question, but I had to ask.)
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood
At 7/2/11 1:08 PM ,
Patrick Button said...
There was once a day when people who did things like this were sent to a mental institution for the protection of society and for their own good.
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