Thursday, December 31, 2009
If Ian Fleming Wrote About ObamaCare to explain it to Children
This is adopted from a scene from the 1968 movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang based on the book written by Ian Fleming of James Bond fame. Yes, he did write a children's book. He was also a news reporter so this works on so many ways for me.
Labels: ObamaCare
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Is Catholic Health Association President, Sr. Carol Keehan, Talking Out of Both Sides of Her Mouth Again?????
by Steven Ertelt Editor
On December 17, Sister Carol Keehan, the president of the CHA, released a statement obtained showing it praising a phony compromise on abortion funding
Sen. Bob Casey floated a compromise in an attempt to get Sen. Ben Nelson to withdraw his then-objection to the Senate bill because of its abortion funding. The measure would have forced pro-life advocates to opt out if they objected to their tax dollars paying for abortions. Otherwise, Americans would be forced to pay for abortions under the legislation.
The proposal was thoroughly trashed by pro-life groups with the National Right to Life committee and other organizations calling it "unacceptable" and Richard Doerflinger, a spokesman for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, saying the bishops appreciated the goals of some of Casey’s proposal, but that they did not actually stop taxpayer funding of abortion.
But Keehan said in the statement that, although she hadn't seen the text of the Casey proposal, "we are encouraged by recent deliberations and the outline Senator Casey is developing."
Keehan claimed that "now that a public health insurance option is no longer on the table, we are increasingly confident that Senator Casey’s language can achieve the objective of no federal funding for abortion."
"It is our understanding that the language now being written would prohibit federal funding of abortion," Keehan said.
The language did not ban abortion funding and it left some Catholics -- and the New York Times -- with the impression that CHA was at odds with the Catholic bishops.
In a Christmas Day news story, "Catholic Group Supports Senate on Abortion Aid" the Times reported that there is "an apparent split with Roman Catholic bishops over the abortion-financing provisions of the proposed health care overhaul" and that "the nation’s Catholic hospitals have signaled that they back the Senate’s compromise."
The Times exploited the supposed divide with quotes from pro-abortion Representative Diana DeGette, who said “We have known for quite some time that the Catholic hospitals and also the nuns are really breaking from these hard-line bishops."
Today, Keehan talked with the Catholic News Service about the dustup.
She said CHA has never wavered in its commitment to health care that protects "from conception to natural death" and she disputed the Times' report.
"There is not a shred of disagreement between CHA and the bishops," Sister Carol said. "We believe there is a great possibility and probability that in conference committee we can work toward a solution that will prevent federal funding of abortion."
She told CNS that CHA, representing over 600 Catholic hospitals, "brings a lot of expertise with funding structures in the marketplace" to the debate and hopes to "bring that to bear" during the conference committee process.
Keehan also commented on the December 17 statement praising the Casey amendment, that was not ultimately adopted.
"I felt they were making progress and were getting where we needed to be," she said. "I understand that it doesn't make a good story to say (CHA and the USCCB) are working together. But it would have been an honest story."
Catholic Culture, a pro-life web site that follows Catholic and pro-life issues, commented on the tenuous situation -- which clearly saw CHA have a different take on the Casey language than the Catholic bishops, even if Keehan doesn't want to describe it as a difference of opinion.
'The Catholic Health Association has not endorsed the health legislation that was passed by the Senate," it noted. "Nor did it endorse the Casey compromise language that was later opposed by the bishops’ conference."
However, the web site pointed out that "a Catholic Health Association officer made significant contributions to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Obama campaign."
"One or more of the officers of the Catholic Health Association, then, may privately support the health care bill that was approved by the Senate and opposed by the bishops," it contended.
Whether the CHA is in disagreement or not, Catholic Culture appeared to urge CHA officials to do a better job of crafting its take on the abortion-health care process to help avoid future confusion.
"The failure of the Catholic Health Association to follow the bishops’ conference’s lead in opposing the Casey compromise and the eventual Senate legislation lends plausibility to the idea of a private parting of ways on the issue," it concluded. "Reports of a public split, however, seem premature."
That may be good advice because Keehan's December 17 statement also alleged: "As we understand it, the Senate intends to keep the President’s commitment that no federal funds will pay for abortions and in addition, provide significant new support for pregnant women."
But President Barack Obama has repeatedly violated that commitment and the Senate actually rejected the Nelson amendment to ensure no federal funds pay for abortions.
Also, the CHA statement made it appear to many pro-life Catholic stalwarts -- including respected writer Deal Hudson -- that it had endorsed the phony Casey compromise.
This isn't the first time Keehan has raised eyebrows within the Catholic community.
She caused controversy last December when she defended President Barack Obama against criticism from pro-lifers and praised his choices of pro-abortion Health and Human Services secretary Tom Daschle and deputy health care director Jeanne Lambrew.
Labels: ObamaCare
Susan B. Anthony Would Approve of This
Crossed purchased Anthony's historic Massachusetts birthplace on the 100th anniversary of her death and turned it into a museum.
Now, former Feminists for Life vice president Sally Winn has been hired as the museum's executive director.
Crossed told the local iBerkshires news web site that the hire helps the museum focus on communications and promotions as it prepares to open this winter.
"We are grounded and rooted in history, we have 10 exhibits that are near completion [and] now it's a matter of promoting the museum and educating the public about Susan B. Anthony," she told the web site. "Since 2010 is the 90th anniversary of the Anthony [19th] Amendment; it's a very appropriate time to take it to a new level."
Winn starts her new position in January and Crossed said she brings communications, administrative and fundraising skills to the museum.
"Part of communication is getting our message out that will attract donors. We know have a museum [and] that it will be up and running; now its [focus is] education and [Anthony's] legacy," she told IBerkshires.
Crossed said the museum will include information on Anthony's pro-life views -- which run contrary to the abortion advocates who use her for their efforts.
"We have pro-life articles and statements, those kinds of things are going to be one-tenth of the museum," she said. "That is a particular part of her legacy that is unsettled, that attention will be drawn to ... we're not going to censor her comments in that regards."
Anthony referred to abortion as "child murder" in her publication The Revolution and she refused to accept advertisements for drugs that would cause an abortion.
She also foresaw the problems women who had abortions would face, saying abortion would "burden her conscience in life."
The museum plans a ribbon cutting ceremony for its grand opening on February 14.
The museum held an initial open house in February where Crossed announced that two phases of renovation and preservation were completed.
"We have a new roof, a state of the art heating system and site stabilization. The second floor is a modern space for an office and storage. Guests will have an opportunity to register as friends and supporters of the museum and to offer written suggestions," Crossed said at the time.
Feminists for Life of America promoted the open house, which celebrated the suffragist's birthday on Sunday, February 15.
Serrin Foster, the group's president, told at the time that she appreciated Crossed's hard work in preserving the home.
"Our congratulations and sincere thanks go to Carol Crossed, who purchased this important home for generations to come, and the Birthplace Museum’s board of directors for their efforts to restore the home and their exciting plans to create a museum worthy of Anthony," she said.
Susan B. Anthony was born in the Adams, Massachusetts home in 1820. Linda and James McConchie purchased the home in 1998 with the intention of turning it into a museum but they were unable to complete the project.
Located at 67 East Road, the Federal style home was built by Anthony's father, Daniel, in 1818 and his famous daughter was born there two years later. The house has been on the National Register of Historic Places for 24 years; the dream of making the house into a museum has persisted since 1910.
Related web sites:Susan B. Anthony Birthplace -
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
We the People
H/T: Jill Stanek (Lunch Break: We the people)
Labels: ObamaCare
Add Another 1 to the Adult Stem Cell Column, Embryonic Stem cells Still at Zero
Stem cell treatment restores sight to partially blind man
Stem cells grown on a special membrane were used to treat the patient and seven others with sight loss
Russell Turnbull, 38, suffered massive damage to his right eye when he was caught in a scuffle after a night out in Newcastle in 1994. On the bus home, Turnbull had tried to intervene in a fight between two men but was injured when one of them began squirting passengers with ammonia.
The chemical severely scarred Turnbull's cornea, the clear membrane that covers the front of the eye, and destroyed stem cells that usually help keep the cornea healthy.
"I was in unbearable pain. It burned my eye shut," Turnbull told the Guardian. "I was in hospital for two weeks and eventually I was able to open the eye again. It was like looking through scratched perspex."
Turnbull was left with "limbal stem cell deficiency" (LSCD), a condition that seriously impairs sight, and was in pain every time he blinked or saw bright lights.
In an experimental treatment devised by doctors at the North East England Stem Cell Institute in Newcastle, stem cells were taken from Turnbull's healthy eye and grown on a layer of amniotic tissue, which is routinely used as a burn dressing. The NHS banks amniotic sacs donated by women who have had a Caesarean section.
When the cells had covered the membrane, a piece the size of a postage stamp was transplanted onto Turnbull's damaged eye. Two months later the membrane had broken down, leaving his damaged eye with a fresh supply of healthy stem cells, which repaired the cornea.
Eye tests six months after surgery showed that Turnbull's vision was nearly as good as it had been before the attack.
"I had a lot of anger inside me for a long time after the attack. I lost my job because of it and I had always been a keen jet skier, which I wasn't able to do. It ruined my life and I went through a really difficult time. But then this treatment came along," said Turnbull.
"The pain and discomfort were better almost immediately and I started to get my sight back a month or so later. I used to be able to see only the largest letter at the top of the eye chart, but now I can pick out letters on the bottom row," he added.
Doctors led by Majlinda Lako and Francisco Figueiredo treated seven other patients, all of whom had LSCD in one eye. Some of the patients fully regained their eyesight, while others had more serious damage and experienced only limited improvement in their vision.
The study is published in the US journal Stem Cells.
Sajjad Ahmad, a member of the team, said 25 more patients will be treated before the results are submitted to Britain's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), which could approve the procedure for use in the NHS next year.
Labels: Stem Cell Research
Planned Parenthood Opposed to Truth In Labeling
AUL Files Brief Detailing Abortion’s Suicide Risk
by Melanie Johnson on December 22, 2009
“Abortion is not a safe choice for women,” noted Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President of AUL, “and the mounting evidence of its negative physical and psychological impact cannot be ignored. We have a legal and moral responsibility to inform them about the well-documented, increased risks of depression and suicide associated with abortion.”
In June 2005, Planned Parenthood filed suit against a newly-enacted South Dakota law requiring abortion providers to inform women that abortion increases the risk of suicide, that women have an existing relationship with an unborn child, and that abortion terminates “the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.” Later, in August 2009, a federal district court invalidated the first two requirements, but permitted the requirement that women be told that abortion ends a human life to be enforced.
AUL Attorney Mailee Smith explained, “In challenging this law, Planned Parenthood has demonstrated – yet again – that it is not a defender of women’s health. If this were the case, Planned Parenthood would fight for laws that protect women rather than advocating for laws that attempt to hide risks from them.”
On the brief, AUL is representing several well-respected medical groups: the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA), the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the Catholic Medical Association, Physicians for Life, and the National Association of Pro-life Nurses.
AUL’s brief in Planned Parenthood v. Rounds is available at
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Difference Between A US Democratic Senator & A Hooker

Labels: ObamaCare
3 Holy Innocents Saved From Rockford Equivalent of King Herod
Three Christmas miracles at Rockford killing center on Broadway
Just as Herod slaughtered countless innocent children in his attempt to wipe out God, life, and love and hold onto his place in this passing world - so Rockford's abortion mill spent the Christmas holiday in the fashion of Herod by killing ten of God's children.
The Glory of the Lord will be revealed. (Is 40:5)
At this same killing center a few short hours before Christmas in Rockford over 50 followers of Jesus Christ, like the shepherds and wise men, "went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger." These people came because they love the Christ child and to pray and sing Christmas carols for every child ever killed at this place of death in the heart of our city.
On this cold and windy morning at a building where over 50,000 children have been killed the power and grace of Christmas was experienced in the hearts of at least three young families. As the beautiful sound of Christmas carols was filling the air three mothers chose life for their children! When all three mothers entered the killing center parking lot they heard the sound of people praising "The news of great joy, today a Savior is born for us, Christ the Lord."
The "truth and grace" of these Christmas carols touched the hearts of these mothers. One young woman stayed in her car with tears in her eyes but the Lord "turned her mourning into joy" as she quickly left this "valley of tears" in Rockford.
For countless Christmases yet to come three families will experience the life and joy that always comes when we respond to the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
And as long as children are killed at the Northern Illinois Woman's Center in Rockford Christians will not only pray at the manger of Jesus we will also "Stand by the cross of Jesus" until we all see the final and eternal victory, in the fullness of time, of the child born to a Virgin over those who reject God and destroy life.
Labels: Rockford Abortion Mill
Senator Casey Liar & Betrayer of His Father's Memory
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Dehumanizing the Unborn, Dehumanizing Us All???
No Human Rights for Fetuses because of Undeveloped Nervous System: Ethicists
December 22, 2009 ( - While the unborn child could be considered a "patient," such a status should not be confused with having human rights - something the child would only gain later thanks to a more developed nervous system, insist the authors of a new report justifying the ethics of abortion. In a response to the article, however, a director at the National Catholic Bioethics Center said that the authors "really ought to learn to pick on those their own size," saying that "human fetuses or newborns do not need to be able to balance a checkbook or have a nervous system" before being given human rights.
The article, entitled "An ethically justified practical approach to offering, recommending, performing, and referring for induced abortion and feticide" and written by Frank A. Chervenak, MD and Laurence B. McCullough, PhD, was published in the online American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology in September 2009.
The article's goal is to craft an ethical framework that allows for the killing of unborn children - and requires doctors to refer for the procedure - by making distinctions between "autonomy-based and beneficence-based obligations" and "professional conscience from individual conscience."
"Because of the immaturity of the fetal central nervous system, the fetus lacks the capacity to generate a perspective on its interests," write the doctors. "The ethical principle of respect for autonomy and the concept of autonomy-based rights therefore do not apply to the fetus."
The authors state that "one of the concept's main advantages" is that "it prevents ethical analysis of induced abortion and feticide in medical ethics from being paralyzed by divisive debates about a fetal right to life that have been going on for decades, indeed centuries, without any basis for resolution."
"Beneficence-based obligations to the fetus exist when the fetus is reliably expected later to achieve moral status as a child and person," they continue.
The paper argues that, in the case of a viable child's severe disability, physicians and mothers also have "a beneficence-based obligation" to prevent risk of live birth by killing the child in the womb before expulsion. Should the woman allow early induction but refuse feticide, the authors conclude, "such contradictory thinking suggests significant impairment of autonomous decision making," and thus "it is reasonable for the physician to require that the pregnant woman accept feticide as a condition for performing termination of her previable pregnancy."
Killing in the womb in such circumstances, they note, "exonerates the physician from being accused of performing a so-called partial-birth abortion."
In the matter of conscience rights, the authors maintain that all physicians, if unwilling to arrange an appointment with an abortionist, have an "obligation" to give women seeking abortions information about local abortion providers. At the same time, the doctors claim that "providing information about fetal development or showing images of fetal development to prevent remorse or regret" is an "ethically impermissible distortion of the physician's professional role in the informed consent process."
(The full article is available here.)
In response to the article, Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., the Director of Education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center, said that "Chervenak, McCullough, and other academicians of their stripe really ought to learn to pick on those their own size, rather than leveraging their age and educational advantage to mount unjust attacks against those younger and not-yet-educated human beings still in the womb."
"Human fetuses or newborns do not need to be able to balance a checkbook or have a nervous system before we will 'grant them moral status,' since their moral status and dignity doesn't depend on us granting it in the first place," Pacholczyk told (LSN) in an email Tuesday.
"Only the most pride-filled academician could ever suppose that he had the ability to grant moral status to a fellow human being who happens to be very young."
Labels: ObamaCare
St. Joseph - Father Extraordinaire
Labels: St. Joseph (San Giuseppe)
Obama Baby
Source: Fr. Erik Richtsteig @ Orthometer ("Merry Christmas To The White House.")
Great parody but I still prefer the original:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Playboy Philosophy of Health Care
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner’s take on the Tiger Woods saga is that monogamy is over-rated. Of course, that randy old coot does not speak for the majority of Americans — at least not yet. And a large proportion of those with whom his philosophy does resonate fully understand that it goes hand in hand with the ultimate goal of all on the left: massive government intervention into every aspect of the individual’s life.
The parallel ascensions of government intervention and a highly permissive, sexualized culture are not coincidental. One buttresses the other. The last line of defense against creeping statism is the traditional family. Renowned economist and social critic George Gilder wrote in 1986’s Men and Marriage that, “women transform male lust into love, channel male wonderlust into jobs, homes and families; link men to specific children; rear children into citizens; change hunters into fathers. . . “
With the weakening of the family unit over the past forty years, big government invariably seeps in to fill the void. It is true of the socialist, sexually sophisticated states of Europe, notably France, which liberals sneered was laughing at the uproar over the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. Observers have noted that the account of Mary Kay Latourneau, the teacher who had an affair with and married a student, while shocking to Americans, is considered a love story in the land of brie and beaujolais.
Meanwhile, Americans instinctively perceive government-sponsored health care as the death knell of a free society, thus the impassioned opposition. We consider ourselves autonomous individuals, united by family, community and work, not by the frills and fashions of a continental culture where self-gratification and government-mandated summer holidays are the highest ideals. The U.S. has accepted many tenets of the Playboy Philosophy, but has yet to embrace it in totality.
Admittedly, to some, Hugh Hefner is lovably naughty cavorting through the entertainment channels with his current trio of twenty-something girlfriends. Is it telling that two in his current crop — twins — frequently sport Obama t-shirts? They, as well, will pass their sexual expiration dates somewhere in their twenties. And then, if they don’t find real work, they may eventually end up turning to one of the Big Government welfare programs to find another yet benefactor to pay their ways.
For ordinary people, the love ‘em and leave ‘em lifestyle is a recipe for social disaster. Hef is not the object of envy he fancies himself — many Americans are repulsed at the notion of leaving women and children to either fend for themselves or become wards of government bureaucracies. Not just conservatives but, no less a Democratic icon than the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan noted, in a 1965 report on the “State of the Negro Family,” the alarming rates of unemployment, welfare dependency — and illegitimacy.
Of course, not all or even most welfare recipients are African-American. The over-riding point is that divorce and unwed motherhood have been the most common reasons people apply for welfare. Once government has stepped in and assumed the roles of husband and father, is health care provider not a logical next step?
One could argue that it’s a stretch to link the latest sex scandal to far-reaching government policy, but culture sets the tone for what is and is not permissible. The mores of an if-it-feels-good-do-it, who-am-I-to-judge culture invariably bleed into national politics.
Fortunately, in America, as in golf, the standards of gentlemanly and ladylike behavior remain high, and we still depend on ourselves and our families for our welfare. Despite his fortune, Hugh Hefner is just a soft-core pornographer and not a statesman, and we will fend off the Nanny state by promoting not his definition of cool but what we think is right.
David Bozeman is a Liberty Features Syndicated writer for Americans for Limited Government.
A Kingly Way to Celebrate the Feast of Stephen
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gath'ring winter fuel
"Hither, page, and stand by me
If thou know'st it, telling
Yonder peasant, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?"
"Sire, he lives a good league hence
Underneath the mountain
Right against the forest fence
By Saint Agnes' fountain."
"Bring me bread and bring me wine
Bring me pine logs hither
Thou and I will see him dine
When we bear him thither."
Page and monarch forth they went
Forth they went together
Through the rude wind's wild lament
And the bitter weather
"Sire, the night is darker now
And the wind blows stronger
Fails my heart, I know not how,
I can go no longer."
"Mark my footsteps, my good page
Tread thou in them boldly
Thou shalt find the winter's rage
Freeze thy blood less coldly."
In his master's steps he trod
Where the snow lay dinted
Heat was in the very sod
Which the Saint had printed
Therefore, Christian men, be sure
Wealth or rank possessing
Ye who now will bless the poor
Shall yourselves find blessing
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gath'ring winter fuel
What We Can Learn From the Feasts Between Christmas & New Year's Day
I wonder, as I wander out under the sky
Friday, December 25, 2009
What Really Happenned When Washington Crossed the Delaware:
Don't beleive this is how it really happenned?
Perche would a nice Ragazzo Italiano lie????
Tu scendi dalle stelle
As I did last year, after that bit of fun here is a more serious version. This year we have Luciano Pavarotti's version with pictures of several presepi. Italianos have a huge love for them ever since San Francesco set up the 1st presepio in the town of Greccio near Assisi, around 1220/3.
O Bambino mio Divino
A te, che sei del mondo
Labels: Tu scendi dalle stelle
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's Christmas at Our House
Silver Bells
Sung by Bob Hope & Marilyn Maxwell
(Aided & abetted by William Frawley)
Some Thoughts From Archbishop Sheen for Christmas

Drawing source: Fulton Sheen
Home for the Holidays
First Jesus-era house discovered in Nazareth
NAZARETH, Israel – Just in time for Christmas, archaeologists on Monday unveiled what may have been the home of one of Jesus' childhood neighbors. The humble dwelling is the first dating to the era of Jesus to be discovered in Nazareth, then a hamlet of around 50 impoverished Jewish families where Jesus spent his boyhood.
Archaeologists and present-day residents of Nazareth imagined Jesus as a youngster, playing with other children in the isolated village, not far from the spot where the Archangel Gabriel revealed to Mary that she would give birth to the boy.
Today the ornate Basilica of the Annunciation marks that spot, and Nazareth is the largest Arab city in northern Israel, with about 65,000 residents. Muslims now outnumber Christians two to one in the noisy, crowded city.
The archaeological find shows how different it was 2000 years ago: There were no Christians or Muslims, the Jewish Temple stood in Jerusalem and tiny Nazareth stood near a battleground between Roman rulers and Jewish guerrillas.
The Jews of Nazareth dug camouflaged grottos to hide from Roman invaders, said archaeologist Yardena Alexandre, excavations director at the Israel Antiquities Authority. But the hamlet was so far off the beaten path that the caves were apparently not needed, she said.
Based on clay and chalk shards found at the site, the dwelling appeared to house a "simple Jewish family," Alexandre added, as workers carefully chipped away at mud with small pickaxes to reveal stone walls.
"This may well have been a place that Jesus and his contemporaries were familiar with," Alexandre said. A young Jesus may have played around the house with his cousins and friends. "It's a logical suggestion."
The discovery so close to Christmas pleased local Christians.
"They say if the people do not speak, the stones will speak," said the Rev. Jack Karam of the nearby basilica.
Archaeologist Stephen Pfann, president of the University of The Holy Land, noted: "It's the only witness that we have from that area that shows us what the walls and floors were like inside Nazareth in the first century." Pfann was not involved in the dig.
Alexandre said workers uncovered the first signs of the dwelling last summer, but it became clear only this month that it was a structure from the days of Jesus.
Alexandre's team found remains of a wall, a hideout, a courtyard and a water system that appeared to collect water from the roof and supply it to the home. The discovery was made when builders dug up the courtyard of a former convent to make room for a new Christian center, just yards from the Basilica.
It is not clear how big the dwelling is. Alexandre's team has uncovered about 900 square feet of the house, but it may have been for an extended family and could be much larger, she said.
Archaeologists also found a camouflaged entry way into a grotto, which Alexandre believes was used by Jews to hide from Roman soldiers who were battling Jewish rebels for control of the area.
The grotto could have hidden around six people for a few hours, she said.
However, Roman soldiers did not end up battling Nazareth's Jews because the hamlet had little strategic value. The Roman army was more interested in larger towns and strategic hilltop communities, she said.
Alexandre said similar camouflaged grottos were found in other ancient Jewish communities of the lower Galilee, such as the nearby biblical village of Cana, which did witness battles between Jews and Romans.
Archaeologists also found clay and chalk vessels likely used by Galilean Jews of the time. The scientists concluded a Jewish family lived there because of the chalk, which Jews used to ensure the ritual purity of the food and water kept inside the vessels.
The shards also date back to the time of Jesus, which includes the late Hellenic, early Roman period that ranges from around 100 B.C. to the first century, Alexandre said. The determination was made by comparing the findings to shards and remains typical of that period found in other parts of the Galilee, she said.
The absence of any remains of glass vessels or imported products suggested the people who lived in the dwelling were simple, but Alexandre said the remains did not indicate whether they were traders or farmers.
The only other artifacts from the time of Jesus found in the Nazareth area are ancient burial caves that provided a rough idea of the village's population at the time, Alexandre said.
Work is now taking place to clear newer ruins built above the dwelling, which will be preserved. The dwelling will become part of a new international Christian center being built close to the site and funded by a French Roman Catholic group, said Marc Hodara of the Chemin Neuf Community overseeing construction.
Alexandre said limited space and population density makes it unlikely that archaeologists can carry out further excavations in the area, leaving this dwelling to tell the story of what Jesus' boyhood home may have looked like.
The discovery at "this time, this period, is very interesting, especially as a Christian," Karam said. "For me it is a great gift."
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I Came That They Might Have Life. (John 10:10)
Why We Have the 2nd Amendment
DMPA is Harmful to Women
Study Finds Half of Women on "Birth Control Shot" Suffer Bone Problems
The study, reported in the January 2010 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, was the first to show that women on the birth control shot who smoke, have low levels of calcium intake and never gave birth are at the highest risk for BMD loss. The researchers also found that high risk women continued to experience significant losses in BMD during the third year of the use of the contraceptive injection, especially in the hip - the most common facture site in elderly women.
DMPA is an injected contraceptive administered to patients every three months. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, more than two million American women use the birth control shot, including approximately 400,000 teens. DMPA is relatively inexpensive compared with some other forms of contraception and doesn't need to be administered daily, which contributes to its popularity.
The study followed 95 DMPA users for two years. In that time, 45 women had at least five percent BMD loss in the lower back or hip. A total of 50 women had less than five percent bone loss at both sites during the same period.
By and large, BMD loss was higher in women who were current smokers, had never given birth and had a daily calcium intake of 600 mg or less - far below the recommended amounts. Moreover, BMD loss substantially increased among the women with all three risk factors.
The researchers followed 27 of the women for an additional year and found that those who experienced significant BMD loss in the first two years continued to lose bone mass.
A Tale of 2 Shephards
Hate Crimes and a Tale of Two "Shephards"
Many violent assaults of heterosexuals by homosexuals ignored in hate crime discussions
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, December 21, 2009 ( - Both Matthew Shephard and Jason Shephard are alleged to have been victims of hate crimes. Both are alleged to have been targeted by their respective assailants over their sexual orientation. But unlike the former Shephard, Jason Shephard was murdered for his heterosexuality by a homosexual assailant, and one pro-family group wants to know whether the new federal hate crimes law would be applied in both cases.
The American Family Association of Pennsylvania argues that heterosexuals targeted by homosexuals over their sexual orientation should receive the same charges as heterosexuals targeting homosexuals. The new federal hate crimes law, "Matthew Shephard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act," applies special federal protections for victims of crimes who are targeted by their assailants over their "actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.'
Homosexual activists fought for passage of the bill, which Congress passed as an amendment to a must-pass defense bill and President Obama signed in October.
But what about heterosexuals targeted by homosexuals over their sexual orientation? The AFA of Pennsylvania says that if the law were taken at face value, then homosexuals should also face prosecution for brutally assailing victims targeted for their heterosexuality. However these names get little recognition, especially in the national media.
Unlike Matthew Shephard - whose attackers confessed to brutally murdering over drugs and not his sexual orientation - Jason Shephard of Philadelphia was strangled to death in 2006 by William Smithson, 44, for resisting his homosexual advances and rape. Smithson worked at the firm where Shephard was interning, and premeditated the sexual assault on Shephard, slipping a date-rape drug into Shephard's drink during a dinner. To cover-up the crime, Smithson personally filed a missing person's report, and even introduced himself to Shephard's family, before police finally caught him red-handed trying to dispose of the decomposing corpse.
On Friday, the Pennsylvania Superior Court upheld Smithson's first-degree murder conviction and life sentence.
And unlike Matthew Shephard, the murder of the heterosexual Jason Shephard by a homosexual has little recognition beyond Pennsylvania and no major legislation or public initiatives invoking the tragedy of his death. The young man who described himself as "a kid from Cavalier going to see what the world had to offer" has a simple Facebook page dedicated to his memory for the sake of those who knew him.
"Who in America recognizes their names or now the name of Amanda Collette?" asked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, demanding to know whether the cases of heterosexual victims would also get the same special protections accorded to homosexuals targeted for sexual orientation under the hate crimes law.
Collete, a fifteen-year old student at a Miami high school, was murdered by a sixteen-year old lesbian classmate for rebuffing her homosexual advances. The Miami Herald reported that Teah Wimberly, 16, confessed to police that she shot Collete in November 2008 "so she would feel pain too."
In Prairie Grove, Arkansas, Joshua Brown and David Carpenter tied up 13-year old Jesse Dirkhising and sodomized him to death. WorldNetDaily reports that Dirkhising died in his own vomit while Brown and Carpenter took a lunch break from their savage sexual assault. Nicholas Gutierrez of Chicago raped, battered, stabbed and strangled Mary Stachowicz, 51, before stashing her body under the floorboards of his apartment, for the simple reason that Stachowicz had asked him to leave his homosexual lifestyle.
For Gramley, those brutal cases - no less brutal than Matthew Shephard's murder - seem well-qualified for hate crimes charges. But as AFA of PA points out, only homosexuals as "hate crimes" victims need apply for national attention: Matthew Shephard's murder generated over 3,000 stories in the month after his death, while only forty stories developed in the month after Dirkhising's brutal rape and murder.
"Just the fact that the hate crime bill signed by the President in October is named after homosexual Matthew Shepherd reveals the true intent of its advocates - give special protections to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender individuals," commented Gramley. "I predict the murders of heterosexuals by homosexuals will continue to be ignored."
Many pro-family groups suspected that the Matthew Shephard Act was intended to make homosexuals and transgenders a protected class under federal law. But other serious concerns remained.
Opponents of the hate crimes legislation in general have charged that the law violates the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution by making an individual's thought as much a factor as the nature of his act in prosecuting a crime.
The US Commissioners on Civil Rights wrote letters to US House and Senate leaders condemning the legislation, saying they "regard the broad federalization of crime as a menace to civil liberties." The commissioners also pointed out that the law creates a legal loophole to the Constitution's prohibitions to double jeopardy, because it allows the federal government to try an individual for a second time, who has already been acquitted in a state trial, for the same crime.
What NOT to Get Someone for Christmas
Mission to Magadan - Christmas 2009 Update
Archdiocese of Anchorage
Anchorage AK 99501-2409
All I can add is to echo Fr. Sheilds. "Christ is Born--Praise Him!!!!!"
Labels: Mission to Magadan