Maybe It Just Floated Down From Heaven?
Thursday, 15 October 2009 12:18
Remember the MIAC Report from last February? This was the report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) to law enforcement officials across the state warning them to watch out for supporters of limited government. The report, titled "The Modern Militia Movement", caused quite a stir in the media and the blogosphere.
Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government, filed a FOIA request to obtain the information that went into creating the report. The results of that FOIA were not surprising. The information did not exist.
According to Steven Frisbie, the Custodian of Records at the Missouri Highway Patrol, no background materials that were used while the author drafted the report existed. And even more interesting was the claim that they have no record of who wrote the report.
The group tasked with collecting intelligence in Missouri cannot even keep track of its own office. It would appear that the MIAC operation is nothing but an amateur operation complete with mustache/glasses disguise kits. They have no idea what is going on inside of their own office.
At 19/10/09 11:53 PM ,
TH2 said...
That would be an interesting case for a reporter to investigate. Oh, wait, a minute... there is no such thing as an "investigative reporter" any more in the MSM... their too busy brown nosing Obama and his ilk.
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