I can hear the reaction from some of my readers, "What in the theological place of eternal damnation is he talking about? Rosaries aren't a weapon, are they?"
1st of all, I have talked many a time about the importance of prayer AS THE WEAPON OF CHOICE in our battle to build the "Culture of Life" & defeat the "culture of death". I have used examples like the Battle of Lepanto to show how the Rosary is 1 of the most important prayer weapons we have.
That having been said, the reason I am bringing this up is a document that I have come across a document from the Missouri Information Analysis Center dated 20 Feb 2009 on the
Modern Militia Movement. There are a couple of lines that, because of how they are presented, CAN lead to some scary conclusions.
1st of all, it concerns me that they are seemingly lumping all militia movements together as a danger. Under their definition our Founding Fathers would have been considered a danger. Yes there are some far out groups, but many, if not most, militia groups are true Americans concerned with protecting the rights the Founding Fathers secured for us.
The report says there are certain things that are signs of right wing extremist movements. The report identifies anti-immigration rhetoric as being a sign of being a white nationalist. In fact they even define anti-illegal immigration groups as a danger. It also lists tax resistors (like I was saying about our Founding Fathers). I could go on & on about how what they are saying are dangerous groups are only dangerous in so far as they actually take the Constitution seriously.
But what really gets me is the bit labeled Miltant Abortion. What they failed to realize is that, even though this is actually a section aimed at Pro-lifers, they labeled THE REAL DANGER, PRO-ABORTS. They point out in this section the rare example of a person claiming to be pro-life but using violence as the norm. In fact they have to go back to 1996 for an example.
Their source info is the Dept. of Homeland Security.
What is scary is that we are seeing a clear viewpoint coming from the Federal Government that any criticism is dangerous. This is 1 of the concerns I had under President Bush & much of the Homeland Security Act. & I am even more concerned now. The fact that I have criticised Obama for his anti-life actions has probably already gotten me on a file somewhere.
The more I see, the more concerned I am that our Constitutionally protected, God-given rights are being undermined on a daily basis. But what else can you expect from a country that has lost respect for human life? When they don't respect the rights of a human being before birth, why should they after birth?
Anyhow, at this point, I refuse to be silent. I will continue to defend the rights of all, pre-born & post-born.
& as for my Rosary, they will have to pry it out of my cold dead hands.
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