Help C-FAM Gather 1,000,000 Signatures As those of you who regularly read this blog know many UN agencies and many nations support the killing of the unborn child in the womb. Some even call such child killing a universal right. In fact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights calls for the right to life!
With your help C-FAM (Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute) is hoping to present one million names on a petition to the UN this December. It will ask Member States to begin interpreting the Universal Declaration as protecting the unborn child from abortion. This petition calls UN Member States to return to the proper understanding of the right to life. This petition asks nations and the UN itself to recognize that a proper reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must begin by protecting all life, most especially the most defenseless, the unborn child!
In early December, only a few short months away, they will present these one million names to the UN. They will present them to the Secretary General, to select Ambassadors & to the UN press. Their hope is to have them formally presented to the UN General Assembly.
I join with C-FAM to urge you to sign this petition, as I have, & then send a note to all of your family and friends urging them to sign it, too. You can sign the petition in any one of 15 languages at the link above!
Please help and get all of your family & friends to help, too!
On 13 October 2009, Vatican U.N. representative Archbishop Celestino Migliore submitted
a letter to the President of the 64th General Assembly, calling on the U.N. to drop its population control agenda and recognize the right to life of the unborn child. LifeSiteNews reports the "
letter was sent in conjunction with the U.N.'s commemoration of the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo." (
Vatican Calls on U.N. to Recognize Unborn Right to Life, Drop Population Control) Archbishop Migliore points out that "
Suggesting that reproductive health includes a right to abortion explicitly violates the language of the ICPD, defies moral and legal standards within local communities and divides efforts to address the real needs of mothers and children."
As I have pointed out before, esp using info from C-FAM, LifeNews & LifeSiteNews, many UN organizations like UNICEF & the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) promote abortion & birth control. UNFPA has worked to promote the Maputo Plan of Action that pushes for legal abortion. (Human Life International has a whole website devoted to the
Maputo Protocol as it is also known.)
Fortunately, not everyone at the UN is buying into the push to reduce populations as the solution to 3rd world problems. On Monday. 12 October 2009, the head of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Dr. Jacques Diouf,
criticized the highly-influential overpopulation theory of Thomas Malthus before the Synod of African Bishops in Rome. Diouf said that he disputes the gloomy Malthusian economic model that predicts that worldwide famines will necessarily follow unregulated growth of the human population. Malthus, he said, "
had no consideration for science and technology."
Unfortunately, despite promises to the Pope by Obama, the current administration has done all it can to promote an increase in the number of abortions. In a speech last week at Howard University Law School, United States (US) Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Susan E. Rice recapped the Obama Administration’s foreign policy departures from previous Bush Administration policy. 1 of those was the policies that concern abortion. Reviewing the new Administration's first nine months in office, Rice touted Obama’s reversal of the "Mexico City policy" that had prevented US funding of organizations engaged in abortion overseas and his decision to fund the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). (
Obama's UN Rep Touts Administration’s Abortion Sea Change) Of course, her bragging was couched in the term "reproductive health services" that groups like Planned Parenthood use as a code word for abortion.
We cannote be silent. We must join in & speak up. Again I urge you to sign the petition. Support those groups that are speaking out & educating people about what is really going on in the UN 7 elsewhere to promote abortion. & above all, as I have said time after time, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!
You can read the complete letter from Archbishop Migliore
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