The other day Planned Parenthood's propeganda arm, The Guttmacher Institute, released its latest report to push its agenda to make abortion more available. (
“Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress,” ) It was released under the guise of promoting laws for safer abortions & greater access to birth control. But the reality is, the more access to birth control there is, the more abortions there end up occurring. Including those caused by the pill.
It says "The number of abortions worldwide fell from an estimated 45.5 million in 1995 to 41.6 million in 2003." Lets assume that those numbers are reasonably accurate. Next lets take the lowest number & multiply it by 9 (the number of years covered in the statement). The result is a minimum of 374.4 million killed by abortion. Then lets take that same number & multiply it by 5 to cover 2004-2008. That comes to a total of 208 million. Now lets do the math:
Then lets add another 41.6 million to cover part of 2009 & 1994 so we have an approximate number of abortions over the last 15 years. The result, approximately 624 million children murdered via abortion over the last 15 years. That's right 624 million.
Like I said at the start, this is based on the Guttmacher numbers. If the estimates are low then things are even worse. & if the estimates are high (inflated), that raises the question of why would they want the access to "safe abortion" look more better than they claim it is. So, I think the numbers are as accurate as possible.
So, how does that compare to the worst mass murdering dictators of the 20th Century.
Hitler & the Nazis - Counting everyone they killed the number comes in between 11 to 17 million people. & that is over the entire period they killed people.
Stalin - According to records made available after the fall of the Soviet Union they come up with an approximately 3 million people killed during the many years Stalin was in power. The highest estimates come in at 60 million.
Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge) - Best guess puts it at at 1.6 million but may be up to 3 million people killed.
Mao Zedong - In the Cultural Revolution of 1966 - 1969 - 500,000.
& remember these numbers are spread out over several years & none approaches the 41+ million killed by abortion each year, per year or total combined. Some experts figure the total number of those killed by abortion since 1980 to be over 1 billion. Given the math, that is a very real possibility.
The abortion industry is making the worst of the worst in the 20th Century look like amateurs when it comes to mass murder. & I don't say that with any joy but disgust. Every one of those dictators & their minions had to answer to God for the millions they murdered. How much more will our culture have to answer for if we don't put an end to abortion? & not merely our culture. Each of us will have to account for what we did or didn't do. I don't know about you, but I vow to continue the fight as best I can. As always, I will start with prayer but will speak up in words & actions as well. The time is short. The time to answer for the sin of abortion being tollerated draws nigh. We will answer for our sins some day. Just like every nation & culture that failed to heed God's word has in the past. It is not too late yet, but it soon will be.
New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed: Pro-Life Activists
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