While I think it shows how low the Main Stream Media & our culture have sunk when Time Magazine thinks environmentally friendly sex toys (Sex and the Eco-City: Getting It On Is Getting Greener) are worthy of coverage, the article makes a point that even the author may not have realized. A point that supporters of artificial birth control may not like as it again shows the wisdom of doing things God's way. & that what Pope Paul VI wrote in Humanae Vitae was right.
In the 3rd paragraph I came across this: "Another big enviro-sex trend: birth control that's au naturel. Like all good Catholics, my husband and I had to attend church-run marriage prep before we tied the knot last year. I was surprised, however, during the hard sell on natural family-planning (NFP), that this updated version of the rhythm method was being advertised not only as morally correct but also as "organic" and "green." I was even more surprised when I found out that some of the most popular instructors of NFP--known in secular circles as the Fertility Awareness Method--are non-Catholics who praise it as a means of avoiding both ingesting chemicals and excreting them into rivers and streams."
Gee, a method of family planning that follows God's way & is "green" as well. Who'd of thunk it?????
When Pope Paul wrote Humanae Vitae 41 years ago he was prophetic in his warning of the damage that artificial birth control would wreck on marriage & the family. But I think it is safe to say he wasn't thinking about the effect it would have on the environment.
But the fact that NFP is gaining ground among the "green gang" shows another reason why artificial birth control is wrong. Supporters of the Pill have been downplaying the dangers in it. But the message is still getting out despite the attempts to stop it.
A couple of years ago, American Life League kicked off a new program, The Pill Kills. Besides the fact that it can cause an abortion, there is a whole list of harmful side effects that is usually downplayed by groups like Planned Parenthood. & know there is mounting evidence of the environmentale damage being done as the excess amounts of the hormones in the pill are passed into the water supply.
While the environmental effects of following God's plan for family planning are only a footnote in the grand scheme of things, it does show once again how God's ways are so much better than man's.
Unfortunately the article uses its look at NFP as an opportunity to give Trojans an opportunity to plug the use of condoms. & the whole article is basicly a plug for sexual license. While the author may be Catholic, by the fact she was willing to write this article the way she did, I suspect she is more of a "Catholic in Name Only" than a faithful Catholic. As I said, the fact that this article was even written, let alone printed in Time Magazine, is a sorry commentary on the state of our culture.
Natural Family Planning works both ways, it also enables a couple to better able know when they can get pregnant so they can. & while NFP is basicly a method, it does have some spiritual underpinnings. It would be interesting to see how well it works with practicing Catholics/Christians versus those who leave the Christian aspects out.
At 21/10/09 10:23 PM ,
Dustin said...
Excellent article! I actually read this same TIME article and felt compelled to respond. You can read my "mixed-bag" feelings on my marriage site. Thanks for spreading the Good Word!
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