because I wish I was wrong. But what I predicted last week about the abortion industry & their accomplices inside & outside the Main Stream Media has been proven true. (
Tiller: Making A Murderer a Martyr)
Every Pro-Life group, every pro-lifer decried the actions by Roeder. No 1 was happy to see him dead. His murder went against everything we stand for.
But the "crocodile tears" were flowing fast & furious among the Pro-abortion gang. It was like they were all working off of the same script. They did everything they could to demonize the Pro-life movement. The called us zealots, extremists, domestic terrorists & a whole lot more. Their glee at being able to openly attack us while appearing to be righteous was palpable. Self-righteous?, yes, righteous?, no. All that was missing in their attacks was the war-whoops & the dance of joy.
So, they attacked us. They think they have the upper hand, that they have been dealt the winning hand, won the lottery, hit the jackpot, _______________(fill in with your own simile). But they haven't. All they are doing is proving Jesus right when He said:
"Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs. 'Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven; this is how they persecuted the prophets before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)
Let the attacks continue. We are on the winning side. There is no need to be demoralized. There is every reason to rejoice. We know we are on the side of the angels. We are doing the work God called us to do. & no matter what may happen in the short run, they may slander us, they may even kill us, but God has assured us that our efforts won't be for naught. God will bless us. All we need to do is stay faithful until the end.
At 7/6/09 4:00 PM ,
Simplex Vir said...
AMEN! You got it right my brother!
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