. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Like My Opinion of Keith Olbermann Could Get Any Worse
Both LifeNews & LifeSiteNews are reporting the latest proof that Keith Olbermann is so desperate to be loved by the "culture of death' that he is slandering 1 of the great heroes of the Pro-Life movement, Jill Stanek.
Since Olbermann ratings are slipping more & more, he is resorting to outright lies in his accusations of her. His accusations are a part of the abortion industry's attempts to silence the Pro-Life movement.
So what lies did he spread. As Newsbusters points out: "MSNBC’s partisan-in-chief Keith Olbermann used his “Worst Person in the World” segment on Thursday evening to falsely accuse pro-life blogger Jill Stanek of posting the “addresses of the only two remaining physicians who will provide late-term abortions when the woman’s life is in danger,” thus enabling “a bunch of crazy people, like your readers, where they can find somebody and abuse, threaten, or kill them.” Stanek actually did not post addresses of the two abortionsts, LeRoy Carhart and Warren Hern, in the two items in which she included pictures of Cahart’s drab-looking center. The former nurse, who achieved notoriety for her testimony about the exposure deaths of infants who survived their late-term abortions at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, pointed out in her retort to Olbermann that the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press had done the something similar- posting pictures of both physicians’ centers. She also snarked back that “Keith had best make Google the ‘Worst Search Engine in the World!’ for posting a map and directions to Carhart’s Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska and Hern’s Boulder Abortion Clinic.” "
As for Jill Stanek's response. On her blog said this in her post about it: " My award comes for supposedly making the supposedly last 2 late-term abortionists in the free world sitting ducks for Tiller copycat killers by posting their addresses and photos of their mills. Never mind that I didn't actually post the addresses of LeRoy Carhart and Warren Hern (see posts here and here), had I done so it would have been akin to posting the address of President Obama and being accused of making him a target for nutcases. Libs, get a brain. These guys both advertise on the web. They want people to know where they operate, pardon the pun."
& she ends the post with "Still, I proudly accept my award. Thank you for the badge of honor, Keith! "
Here is the AP picture that shows the truth about Carhart's clinic (It doesn't exactly look like a high quality place, does it?):
Here is Olbermann at his best in proving how poor a reporter he is as well as how big of a horse's backside he is (we won't go into his arrogance throughout the entire segment):
So, following Olbie's logic when he said: "you can be complicit in such a crime, even if you never met the man nor his assassin." it sounds to me like he is admitting he has the blood of the 3200+ unborn killed each day by abortion, that of the many, many women killed or permanently physically injured by what was supposedly a "safe" abortion in a clinic, as well as being responsible for the emotional & psychological damage done to the women & men involved in an abortion.
Olbermann has big time psychological and personal problems. My guess is that eventually he is going to have a breakdown. I am just amazed at how oblivious he is to the hateful nonsense that spews forth from his mouth. He speaks before he thinks.
Though I find it difficult, I will pray for him. The Divine Mercy is unfathomable...
Sono Italiano-americano. I am a member of St Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church. I am an advisor to Alpha Phi Omega & College Republicans at Loras College. I am a member of the Dubuque Co. Republican Central Committee. I have been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement since 1974. For me the overriding issue of the day is defending the preborn & upholding their right to life. If we don't value life before birth, we devalue it after birth. Life is a gift from God. This is why I am a supporter of the work that Dubuque County Right to Life does in my area. & that is why I am politically active. Our nation's laws need to be changed to protect all from conception to natural death.
At 6/6/09 12:22 PM ,
TH2 said...
Another great post.
Olbermann has big time psychological and personal problems. My guess is that eventually he is going to have a breakdown. I am just amazed at how oblivious he is to the hateful nonsense that spews forth from his mouth. He speaks before he thinks.
Though I find it difficult, I will pray for him. The Divine Mercy is unfathomable...
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