Answering a Pro-abortion Catholic
I was discouraged and even angered at your comments about President Obama. He is one of the most inspirational figures of recent times. As a Catholic educator for over 30 years, I am proud that we gave each student a book about Barack Obama on Inauguration Day. Most teachers have his picture in our Catholic classrooms and talk about his thoughtful, open, and integrity‐based life. He cares about LIFE ‐ education and health care are life issues, how we handle war and the economy are life issues. How we talk with people in dialogue is a life issue. Measuring all life issues through the lens of abortion is outrageous to say the least. Obama's commitment to prevent abortion and to support healthy life for all is a critical moral issue. God created us to be able to choose. It is our job in churches to help form conscience so that we may choose life.
Working on his campaign in the fall, and the Catholics for Obama campaign, was one of the most important times I have experienced in my 55 years of life.
It is clearly deeply Christian to be PRO‐LIFE and PRO‐CHOICE both.
It is offensive to promote such negativity toward the president of the United States.
Peace and grace,
Hi Kathy.
I was so disappointed to see that you call yourself a "Catholic educator" and a "proud member" of the Catholic Church and yet you express only emotion and no fact to back up your claims that it is okay for Christians to be both pro life and pro choice as well as your claims that the president is "for life" as you put it. As the old Wendy's commercial use to say "where's the beef?"
From your note I get the sense that you have very little awareness of the fallout from abortion on women, men, families, the economy, increased rates of drug abuse, the connection to abortion and breast cancer, increased suicide attempts with post abortive women etc. and most importantly the loss of life with 50 million babies lost in this country (17 million of whom are African Americans) yes Barack Obama's own people have suffered the greatest causalities since the legalization of abortion in this country.
Regarding all the above issues here are some web sites for you‐, and one of the best of course Are you aware that most abortion centers are unregulated and that there have been many cases, several recently, of statutory rape that have gone unreported by these abortion centers? Are you also aware that the majority of women having abortions say they feel they are being forced to do so and that there was little "choice" involved but threats and coercion? A great amount of research has been done in all of these areas although it rarely gets any attention. Have you ever heard of the Silent No More Awareness campaign? where women and men tell their painful post abortive stories?
Regarding being negative, abortion is negative. Nothing good about it.
Before I go any further ask yourself this question: why do you call yourself "pro‐choice" and not "pro‐abortion"? Think about that. If you think legalized abortion is an okay thing than why not be honest and call yourself pro abortion instead of trying to do the PC thing and call yourself pro choice. It is a cop out and a term for those who deep down know abortion is abhorrent to hide behind. I know because I used to buy into too but that's before I knew the truth about abortion and the full toll it has taken on society. I am so sorry for buying into the lies and thinking that I was "pro women" by supporting abortion when just the opposite is true. Abortion hurts everyone but especially women. I was irate when I realized how I had been lied to by radical feminism, Planned Parenthood etc. NARAL‐Pro Choice American admits that they actually added "pro choice" to the end of their name a few years ago to make abortion more acceptable because the title "National Abortion Rights Action League" sounded too harsh. But again if you think abortion is a good thing why not promotes it lock, stock, and barrel as they say? Some things just don't add up and should cause us to stop and really think.
Are you also aware of the financial toll abortion has taken on the economy with some 60‐70 trillion dollars in productivity that has been lost in connection with the loss of 50 million people killed since Roe vs. Wade? Seems to me that if the president really cared about the economy he would take a look at this and maybe also rethink the amount of tax dollars that go to the abortion industry in the U.S. Including 330 million annually to Planned Parenthood‐the number one abortion provider in the country.
So why do think it is just fine to be "pro choice and pro life" as a Christian? According to whom? What's your source and where's your documentation of such disregard for the truth of the Church you say you are a proud member of‐‐‐the Catholic Church which claims just the opposite in the Catechism specifically paragraphs 2270‐75, not to mention countless other documents that have been written over the centuries and more recently including Humanae Vitae, Evangelium Vitae etc.
Regarding the president‐show me your reasons as to why you think he is "for life". What are some actual facts on which you base this statement? Well here are some facts for you to consider and here are just some of the reasons that I won't back down on my criticism of the most pro abortion president in U.S history. These are very recent and don't even include all the pro death efforts he took while he was in the U.S Senate especially in the area of infanticide.
• Just two days after his inauguration Obama rescinds the Mexico city policy and now more of our tax dollars is going overseas to fund abortions
• In the last week or so the president has announced his administration's support of the UNFPA the UN Fund which works closely with China and that nation's instituted one child population control policy, and also does forced abortions, forced sterilizations, and is subject to a long list of human rights abuses. Is this Obama's idea of "choice."?
• Just recently Barack Obama rescinded limits on embryonic stem cell research and experimentation and he also lied to the American people claiming that embryonic stem cell research will lead to cures of such things as Alzheimer's. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not one person has been helped by embryonic stem cell research today and doctors in a report that aired last year on ABC Nightly News admitted that embryonic stem cell research has done nothing and cannot do anything to help Alzheimer's patients. For more information on this visit the National Catholic Bio Ethics Center at
• The Obama administration is working hard to take away conscience clauses that protect health care workers who feel that they in good conscience as Christians cannot provide abortions, abortion referrals, birth control, etc. So much for "choice."
• In addition to all of this in less than three months of him being in office Obama has also appointed a long list of staunch pro‐aborts to various cabinet positions including at the top of the list Hillary Clinton. The article attached deals with the women of the Obama administration and their backgrounds.
Kathy again I hope you read this and check out the information in the various web sites. I hope you take a close look or a closer look at the Catechism. I hope you will read or re‐read the Church documents I have mentioned. I am hoping that you honestly didn't know much of what I am telling you. Most pro‐abortion folks don’t realize they are simply buying into the rhetoric of the secular news media whose working members are pros at promoting the pro abortion agenda. I know because I used to be one of them.
I am praying for you. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
At 5/6/09 8:47 PM ,
Simplex Vir said...
This was an awesome response! I wonder if "Kathy" called the radio program, cowards normally don't.
At 5/6/09 10:38 PM ,
Al said...
Have no idea if she did or didn't.
I had the pleasure of meeting Teresa Tomeo a couple of years ago when she was in DBQ. & this response is just the sort I would have expected of her.
As she said, she was on the other side some years ago. So she knows what she is talking about when she talks about the secular media promoting the pro-abortion agenda.
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