As someone who works 3rd shift I have a different schedule than many a person who reads this. So, it wasn't until I got up this evening that I found out that George Tiller had been shot in the foyer of Reformation Lutheran Church where he was ushering. All Fox News said was he was shot at church & the alledged murderer was in custody.
I was shocked. I couldn't believe it, but as it sunk in, the full measure of what it means sunk in.
1st of all, like all true Pro-Lifers, I abhore what happenned to him. Tiller's murder can not be justified in any way shape or form. No Pro-Life leader or organization approves of killing or violence as a way of dealing with the abortion industry. This is 1 of those few times I have to agree with Obama. He issued a statement today that said: "However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence." Every Pro-Life organization that I have seen a statement from has decried his murder. Every Pro-life blogger I have read tonite has condemned the killing. (I will put the statements from Pro-Life leaders at the end of this post.)
Right now it isn't clear why Scott Roeder (alledged but not yet charged) did what he did. No motive has been brought up. But, if he did do it, there is evidence that his views on abortion did have something to do with it. (
The Killers Own Words?) & Roeder does have a 1996 conviction for having bomb components in his car trunk.
If Roeder did do it because of Tiller's abortion connection, he has ended up doing more harm than good. But even if the murder is totally unrelated to Tiller's being a late term abortionist, the fact is, that is what the abortion industry will turn it into. By his murder the abortion industry has been handed a martyr on a silver plate. The truth won't stop the Pro-aborts from once again painting the entire Pro-Life movement as violent & dangerous.
Tiller's murder will enable the Pro-aborts to sweep the evil he did under the rug. They will ignore all of his crimnal actions. He will be painted as a hero. In fact, they already have. Which is no surprize. But expect to see it continue in the days & weeks, months & even years ahead. What is really sad is that most of the statements are really crocodile tears. They will make it sound like they are truly sad. & while some people, including his family, are truly sad, the majority of them are seeing this is an opportunity to do more to villify & silence the Pro-life movement. Tiller has become worth more to them now that when he was alive.
I don't know how quickly Tiller died. I don't know if he had a last minute chance to repent of the evil he did. I will not take it on myself to judge where he soul ended up. All I do know is that he had to stand before God in judgement for his actions. He had to answer for all the babies he actually murdered or helped murder through his clinics.
How this will play out remains to be seen. It is at least a short term set back for the Pro-life movement. But, I am standing on the promise in Scripture that ll things work for good for those that love the Lord. God will turn this evil to good. I don't know how, just that He will.
Again, I reitterate that no matter what Tiller did, that does not justify his murder. Pro-life is just that, pro-life for everyone, including our enemies. As Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life puts it: "
My Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a servant of Jesus Christ. Using non-violence as a strategy, and the Bible as a weapon of love, Dr. King led the movement to overcome the constraints of racism during his lifetime. This same strategy, the non-violent love of God, is what is needed to promote the culture of life today." (
Priests for Life Declaration on Non-Violence)
Leaders within the pro-life movement often discuss justice in connection with our mission to end the tragedy of abortion. Today, Dr. George Tiller's life ended in an act defying those principles.
With genuine sorrow, we reflect on today's events in prayer. Justice for all human beings includes the lives of those with whom we fundamentally disagree as well as the victims of abortion. We firmly hope the perpetrators of this act are apprehended, that the facts be made known, and that justice according to the law is preserved and dispensed.
Today's actions were tragic, and serve as another reminder that all human life is sacred. Pro-lifers by our nature and commitment to human rights reject violence as a means of resistance. Our thoughts and prayers indeed extend to the Tiller family and the community at Reformation Lutheran Church." -
Shaun Kenney, executive director “
I am saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller this morning. At this point, we do not know the motives of this act, or who is behind it, whether an angry post-abortive man or woman, or a misguided activist, or an enemy within the abortion industry, or a political enemy frustrated with the way Tiller has escaped prosecution. We should not jump to conclusions or rush to judgment. “But whatever the motives, we at Priests for Life continue to insist on a culture in which violence is never seen as the solution to any problem. Every life has to be protected, without regard to their age or views or actions.” -
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life (video statement by Fr. Pavone below)
Operation Rescue
"We are shocked at this morning's disturbing news that Mr. Tiller was gunned down. Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice. We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning." - Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue (note: for some reason Operation Rescue's website is down. The pro-aborts are making a big deal out of this as their covering something up. I suspect it will be a simple technical problem or a hacker who wanted to do harm by making them look bad at this time. If it is the former, you probably won't see any apologies, the latter, no condemnation by the pro-aborts.)
National Right to Life extends its sympathies to Dr. Tiller’s family over this loss of life.
Further, the National Right to Life Committee unequivocally condemns any such acts of violence regardless of motivation. The pro-life movement works to protect the right to life and increase respect for human life. The unlawful use of violence is directly contrary to that goal." -
NRLC Executive Director, David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.“
The Susan B. Anthony List condemns this anti-life act in the strongest of terms. The heart of the pro-life movement is one founded in love. Without this driving powerful center no justice can possibly be achieved. Authentic progress in women’s rights has always encompassed the protection of human rights of every person across the board. The rights of one human being can never be honored by diminishing or ignoring the rights of another. This week as we gather for our annual June Tea event, themed Love Lets Live, we will lift up George Tiller's loved ones in prayer.” -
Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser "As a nationwide organization dedicated to peaceful and prayerful solutions to the crisis of abortion, 40 Days for Life is shocked and dismayed by the shooting death of Kansas abortion provider George Tiller. Such violence against a fellow human being is never justified, and 40 Days for Life condemns this senseless act. We encourage people of faith to join in prayer for all those affected by this unconscionable action." - David Bereit, National Director
Lifesite news reports the following:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, who has also been closely involved in Tiller’s case, issued a brief statement saying simply that he and his coalition “condemn” the shooting.
Jim Hughes, the president of Canada’s Campaign Life Coalition, and vice president of International Right to Life, also reacted to the shooting with dismay. “Not only is this sort of violence seriously damaging to the pro-life cause, it is also deeply contrary to everything that is meant by the phrase pro-life,” he told “Those of us in the pro-life movement do not want to see abortionists die, we want to see them convert.”
Hughes speculated that the shooter may be someone who has been personally affected by abortion and was seeking revenge against Tiller. “May God have mercy on his soul,” said Hughes of the abortionist." (
BREAKING: Kansas Late-Term Abortionist George Tiller Shot and Killed - Pro-Life Groups React)
Other Bloggers:
Fr. Pavone video:
Many more organizations have or soon will issue statements. This is only a sample. But, as I said, the 1 common thread is that no Pro-life leader or blogger I know of approves of this killing.
At 1/6/09 5:38 PM ,
Leticia said...
Great post, I have pro-life friends who even suggest that it was an inside job. It certainly does more good for their side than for ours.
May Almighty God have mercy on Tiller's soul.
At 1/6/09 11:05 PM ,
TH2 said...
Brilliant post! You wrote out every thought in my head that I could not properly enunciate and layed out the circumstance and situation exactly as they should be from the orthodox Catholic perspective.
I will continue to monitor your posts. -TH2
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