The Brian refered to is Brian McNeill, organizer of Rainbow Sash Alliance USA. The letter from the Archbishop is in reply to a letter sent to the Archbishop to let him know that once again they would ignore the call by Neinstedt's predicessor, Archbishop Flynn to not do so.
On 2 May 2005 Archbishop Flynn wrote a letter to McNeill. In it he said:
"Brian, it has become apparent to me that the wearing of the sash is more and more perceived as a protest against church teaching. Such a perception has been heightened by the explicit statements to this end made in other parts of the United States. Locally, people wearing the sash did not honor Father Talbot's request to remove the sash prior to receiving the Eucharist. Brian, the fact that you personally chose to confront Father Talbot after that Mass confirms the adversarial nature of your appearance at the Mass. Finally, the Vatican has communicated to me that it does indeed consider the wearing of the Rainbow Sash during reception of Communion to be unacceptable, a directive that I believe all Bishops will adhere to.
Therefore, this is to notify you and the other members of the Minnesota Rainbow Sash group that I am asking you to remove your sashes before you receive Holy Communion. I ask you to observe this sign of respect for the Eucharist not only in the Cathedral but in all our parishes. No one wearing the sash will be permitted to receive the Blessed Sacrament.
In closing, I want to reiterate that the stated policy of the Catholic Church and of this Archdiocese is to be welcoming to baptized Catholics of all backgrounds, including those with same sex orientation. The criterion for reception of the Eucharist is the same for all - recipients must be in a state of Grace and free from Mortal sin. While the decision for that judgment rests with an individual Catholic's conscience, it has never been nor is it now acceptable for a communicant to use the reception of Communion as an act of protest.
Brian, in the past you have assured me of your desire to advance the unity of the Church. Counting on that, I trust that you and your members will honor my request. I invite you not to use Pentecost as a cause celebre that creates further disruption and damages the communion of our Church. "
Here is Archbishop Neinstedt's letter:
Dear Brian,
I write to acknowledge your letter of May 10, 2009, alerting me to the fact that you and some fellow protesters will be wearing rainbow sashes at the noon Mass on Pentecost in the Cathedral of St. Paul. I ask you to refrain from such a public act of dissent, especially as it so clearly shows disrespect and irreverence for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Anyone wearing a “rainbow sash” will not be permitted to receive Holy Communion, since their dissent is a sign that they have publicly broken communion with the Church’s teaching. I also ask that those not wearing the sashes refrain from sharing the Holy Eucharist with those who do. Such an action is unbecoming the dignity of the sacrament.
With regard to the dialogue you request, it would first be essential that you state clearly that you hold with the conviction all that the Church teaches on matters of human sexuality. If you do not believe, then there cannot be dialogue, but only debate. The truths of our faith are not open to debate.
Again, I hope you will see how disruptive your planned protest will be for those who will gather on Pentecost to pray. I ask you to refrain from being the cause of such disruption.
Sincerely your in Christ,The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Here is what McNeill has on the website about this year's actions: "Join the Rainbow Sash Alliance USA this year on Sunday, May 31, 2009. Put on a Rainbow Sash and stand in solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Catholics as we celebrate the diversity of God’s creation. We cannot repeat too often that we attend Mass on Pentecost to celebrate who we are, not to protest. We participate in Mass in the same way we do all the other days of the year. But on Pentecost we come out of the closet as lgbt Catholics, family and friends to remind our fellow Catholics that we too are part of God’s loving family." (emphasis mine)
My question is this, If this isn't dissent, what is? The past & present Archbishop have asked them not to, the Vatican has asked them not to. The chose to still do so. It IS dissent. It IS disobeience clear & simple. It IS a protest, despite claims to the contrary. As Archbishop Neinstedt said, it: "clearly shows disrespect and irreverence for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ."
I would also remind McNeill et al, that when you chose to reject God's truths & live in sin, esp mortal sin then you have willfully seperated yourself from God's loving family. You have cut yourself off & out. You made the choice to reject God's love. You made these choices, not Archbishop Neinstedt, not the Catholic Church, not God.
I applaud Archbishop Neinstedt for his defense of the Eucharist & Catholic teaching. I hope & pray all of his priests will operate in the letter & spirit of the vow of obedience to their Bishop that they took at their ordination & have the courage to do what he asked. But, I won't bet on it. Those priests that don't refuse Communion will make it clear that they prefer the honor of men rather than obedience to Christ. They will make it clear that they deny the reality of the Real Presence. They will be denying the truth from God & condoning a lie from Satan. They will be causing scandal. They will have much to answer to God for when they stand in judgment.
At 31/5/09 8:24 AM ,
Simplex Vir said...
That would not happen in my Church. Why don't men stand up to this crap. If I was an usher in that Church these people would never make it into the Church wearing that crap.
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