Esp when you know that you are on the wrong side of an issue, as former President Bill Clinton knows he is when it come to abortion. This is what he said when pressed by the Pro-Life protestors at a campaign appearance for his wife: "You wanna criminalize women and their doctors and we disagree. I reduced abortion. Tell the truth, tell the truth, If you were really pro-life, if you were really pro-life, you would want to put every doctor and every mother as an accessory to murder in prison. And you won't say you wanna do that because you know, that you wouldn't have a lick of political support. Now, the issue is who, the issue is, you can't name me anybody presently in politics that did more to introduce policies that reduce the number of real abortions instead of the hot air putting out to tear people up and make votes by dividing America." (Emphasis mine)
There are 2 big lies in what President Clinton said, each emphasised by me above. The 1st, that Pro-Lifers want to put women in jail. He knows darn well that that is not true. Pro-lifers want to make abortion illegial, yes. & they want women to know there are alternatives. That is why there are groups like
Birthright &
Care-Net. We want to help these women who might otherwise chose an abortion, & we see most women as victims of abortionists just as much as the unborn children are. That is why we support groups like
Rachel's Vineyard &
Silent No More.
You DON"T jail a victim Bill, or attempt in any way to destroy them. That is your way of doing things, not ours. I'm refering to the way he attacked & attempted to destroy the women he raped when they stood up & fought back, in case anyone forgot. Women that were betrayed by the so-called feminists who cared more about keeping abortion legal by keeping Slick Willy the Rapist in office than his victims. & make no mistake they were victims several times over. 1st when he raped them & 2ndly when he attempted to destroy them using the office of the presidency.
Here is the video of that encounter:
President Clinton, you were a liar & a criminal while in office. & you still are. & you know it. & someday, you will have to answer for all that blood on your hands. May God have mercy on you!
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