In a
post I wrote yesterday, I wrote: "
We need to go out & work for candidates that will uphold what we believe when they get into office. & 1 of the biggest places we need that to happen is in the US Congress. Regardless of who is president the Republicans need to regain control. If only to stop Obama or Hillary. But also to keep McCain in line if he wins."
What is most important is seeing to it that solid Pro-Life Candidates get elected. Without that, all the other things don't matter. There are several things we can do to ensure that it happens.
1st of all, get involved in the political process. For Republicans that is much easier than Dems. The Republican Party is strongly Pro-Life for the most part. The Dems used to be, but they have so sold out their soul to Planned Parenthood & other pro-abortion groups that it is all but impossible to even get nominated if you are a true Pro-Lifer. There are plenty of Dems I know that claim to be Pro-Life, but when push has come to shove they followed party line & proved they are more concerned about power than answering to God for the blood of the innocent on their hands. & the excuses they make. They make Pilate look like a slacker.
If you are Pro-Life, consider running for office. If that doesn't interest you, help find good strong Pro-Life candidates & work for them. Support them financially as well as with footwork, phone calls etc. Write you currently elected officials. Write letters to the editor for your local newspaper. Show up at city council meetings when abortion clinics try to move in. These are just a few things you can do.
In addition there are 2 groups that are set up purely for Pro-Life political action that I want to recommend.
The 1st is
The Susan B. Anthony List. They are a 501 (c)(4) not-for-profit membership organization with a connected political action committee (SBA List Candidate Fund). They say the following about their mission: "
Our mission is unique and fills a large void. Our ultimate goal is to end abortion in this country. Critical to this goal is getting more women active in the political and legislative arena. We need both women candidates, as well as grassroots activists speaking out against abortion." (Full mission statement
Why did they chose to name themselves after Susan B. Anthony? From their site: "The organization is named after the suffragette Susan B. Anthony because she was an outspoken critic of abortion, calling it "child murder." Although she is known for helping women win the right to vote, it is often untold in history that she was strongly pro-life."
The 2nd is
The Republican National Coalition for Life (RNC/Life). This group was founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1990 to insure that the Republican Party stays strongly Pro-Life. A Pro-Life plank has been a party of the Republican platform from 1976 on as a result of
Roe v Wade in 1973.
RNC/Life states that they will "work to protect and defend the Republican Party's principled commitment to legal protection for all innocent human beings, from conception until natural death.
In addition, we will work to hold Republican lawmakers accountable to the pro-life principles in our platform. It is our desire to see those principles translated into public policy and law. Further, we encourage Republican Party officials to enthusiastically support pro-life candidates and policies consistent with our platform."
These groups also need plenty of financial support to get their work done. These groups print brochures, put on seminars, send out speakers. Those things cost money. In addition Susan B. Anthony List I& RNC/Life support candidates financially through their Political action committees (PACs). & they need to raise money in order to do so. So also consider helping them out with a donation.
& finally, as I have stated so often before, all these efforts need to be undergirded by prayer. By putting our trust in God & letting Him guide our efforts we will see much greater success than we could ever hope to without Him.
There is also a group that is called Democrats for Life. However I cannot recommend them. In part it is because their biggest initiative is to merely reduce the number of abortions not end them. From everything else I see on their website, they are there more to provide political cover than to actually change things in the party.
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