During a meditation on the temptation of Christ, Carter muses over the attractiveness of Satan's offer to allow Christ to rule the world if he rejected God:
What a wonderful and benevolent government Jesus could have
set up. How exemplary justice would have been. Maybe there would have been Habitat projects all over Israel for anyone who needed a home. And the proud, the rich, and the powerful could not have dominated their fellow citizens. As a twentieth-century governor and president I would have had a perfect pattern to follow. I could have pointed to the Bible and told other government leaders, "This is what Jesus did 2000 years ago in government. Why don't we do the same?" (Source:
The American Spectator:
Jimmy Carter's Covenant via
Jimmy Carter Laments That Jesus Didn't Sell Out to Satan) Wha-wha-wha-WHAT??????????
Has President Carter completely lost touch with reality? Jesus would have never been able to set up this type of a government. The moment Jesus bowed his knee to Satan (Matt 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-7), Jesus would have been making Satan the lord of His life. Then Satan would have been calling the shots, not Jesus. & the type of government Satan would have set up would not have been anything like the 1 Carter fantasizes about.
Besides, if that fantasy is how he thinks Jesus would have done things, when he was president, why didn't Carter do so any way?
Under Carter's scenario the reality, as I said earlier, would have been totally different. Abortion would be a sacrament. Homosexuality would be OK. Sexual licence, adultery, porn & the like would be OK. Free drugs, free sex. Satan calling all the shots about what we could or couldn't think. Gee, sounds like the kind of government the Dems actually want.
Maybe this is Carter's way of telling us he, along with the Democratic Party, has sold his soul to the devil. Or is he suggesting we all sell ours to Satan? Or both?
Rod Serling could never have come up with anything this bizarre!
& I voted for him in 1976? OK, he claimed to be Christian & Pro-Life, that is why I supported him. By 1980 I learned the truth, voted Reagan & began my journey from Pro-Life Dem, unwelcome in the party, to Pro-life Republican, welcome in the party. I can't go back & change the past, but I am trying to learn from my mistakes.
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