An open letter to Mr. BrennerIf the best you can come up with is name calling ie "you, sir, are an idiot." & then have to repeat it twice, all I can say is you have proven my point. It is exactly what I would have expected from a "liberal elitist". I have discovered from experience that when a "liberal elitist" can't prove his point he resort to name calling. Like you.
Thank for the good laugh you have provided me by proving your ignorance & false pretensions.
As I said before, you think you are better than the rest of us. You are not. But because you think you are, then you expect us to bow down & worship at the altar of your ego, lapping up every word & opinion of your as if it were the word of a god. Sorry, but the only person I worship is Jesus Christ. & unlike you, I don't think I am better than anyone else. I'm not. I am just sharing my opinion & if the reader agrees, fine, if not, that is his/her option.
I stand by my opinion, you ARE "bigoted". Maybe not against Italianos, but against anyone who doesn't fit into your little prejudices of what a person should think & act like.
PS I'll be willing to bet that you thought I would simply delete your comments & not have the courage to respond. Well, guess what sir?, you were wrong.
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