Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Fr. Pavone to Birmingham AL Pastors: 1st Amendment Trumps Your Trying to Stop Pro-Life Speech

More on "What Is a Hate Crime?"
Tony Perkins - Family Research Council

No. Nor should they have.
Now, I find these signs very offensive. They are in fact intended to offend. But no one took them up with the police, no one pressured any administration anywhere to take action, and no charges have been filed.
I don’t want the people holding them charged with crimes based on those offensive signs, and I’m not backed up by a credible threat of force to get them charged with anything even if I wanted to. I believe in free speech. For the record, the London protest sign cases were different, in that the protesters were inciting the overthrow of the British government and murder. They deserved charges based on that. Stanislav Shmulevich didn’t incite murder; he protested quietly and nonviolently.
The agitators at CAIR and in the MSA at Pace don’t believe in free speech as concerns Islam and the Koran. If they did, they would have treated Shmulevich as a protester with whom they disagreed, but who has his right to free speech including saying and doing things that they personally find offensive. They believe that we all should treat the Koran as they do in their strict and chosen way of belief, as governed by sharia. And they have the credible threat of violence backing them up, so they’re getting their way.
If we go down the road of letting the police charge felonies for putting a book in a toilet as a nonviolent protest, we are going down the road of ending free speech for anyone in this country who is not a Muslim. It really is that simple. That is obviously not what O’Reilly intends and he means well, but as the cliche says, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In this case, the road to sharia is paved with PC thinking that’s based on good intentions.
Hate ought not be a crime. It’s an emotion. Hate can lead to crimes, but so can many other emotions and attitudes that we haven’t (yet) criminalized. Greed, envy, lust, jealousy — all of these can lead to crimes just as often, if not more often, than hate does. Are we going to criminalize all of them, too?
Ironically, if the sharia pushers get their way, yes, we probably will criminalize all of those things at some point. And that, like the hate crimes laws we have now, will be done with the best of someone’s intentions. And, like the hate crimes laws we have now that create felonies out of putting a book in a toilet, we’ll get the worst of consequences.
More to Ponder About NFP
Monday, July 30, 2007
Celebration Iowa in DBQ
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Pop Quiz - 29 July 2007
This is a simple 1 question quiz:
Which of these is a hate crime in America & represents a felony?
A: Submerging a crucifix in a jar of urine

B: Burning the American flag
C: Putting a Koran in a toilet
Something to Ponder! - NFP Edition
& here is the dirty little secret about the pill they don't want you to know:
For more info:
Saturday, July 28, 2007
YouTube Republican Debate Debate
What if Michael Moore Had Made Lord of the Rings
From the director who brought you Darth & Me & Bowling for TeenAge Ninja Turtles.
(Thanks to The Roman Sacristan)
Papa Benedetto on His Hopes for Vatican II
Friday, July 27, 2007
Logical? Spock Thinks So!

Here Kitty, Kitty!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The REAL GODFather!

Monday, July 23, 2007
President Bush: Fair and Balanced
There's nothing as refreshing as being with fellow journalists to know just how awful things are in the world — especially when the topic of conversation turns to President Bush.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Innacuracy In Media Award - 22 July 2007
An Interesting Question for Tom Tancredo
Italy Arrests Three Moroccans for Running 'Terror School' in Mosque
Police identified the imam as 41-year-old Korchi El Mostapha and his two aides as Mohamed El Jari, 47, and Driss Safika, 46, while a fourth Moroccan suspect was still being sought and was believed to be abroad. All four are suspected of conducting training with the aim of international terrorism.
Tammy Faye Baker
Friday, July 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Mrs. Peel, You're Still Needed!
& of course we can't forget On Her Majesty's Secret Service:
Labels: James Bond
Città del Vaticano New Website
Papa B's Vacation Home Movies
Della vacanza di Benedetto XVI a Lorenzago
(If the above work try here.)
Here are some undedited pictures of the Pope on his vacation from SKY LIFE. I esp like the end where the little child is facinated with Papa Benedetto's Pectoral Cross. (It also looks like the child was into a chocolate bar. I wonder if he got any on the Pope's cassock. White clothes & chocolate don't mix, even if you are the Pope.)
It also is nice to see that I have some things in common with the Holy Father, like praying the Rosary during my walks. Part of the video also catch the beauty of the area. Italia Bella!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Questions for ALL Those Opposed to Papa B's Issuing of Sacrosanctum Concilium
Monday, July 16, 2007
Why I am Looking Forward to the New Translation of the Novus Ordo
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Light Goes On