The other day CNN & YouTube cosponsored what was the 1st internet Presidential debate. Plans for a Republican debate on 17 Sept at St. Petersburg, FL is running into some snags. So far only 2 candidates, Sen. John McCain and Rep. Ron Paul, have signed on to participate in the debate co-hosted by the Florida Republican Party. Mayor Rudy Giuliani says he has a scheduling conflict on the date. Gov. Mitt Romney says he has invitations for 7 debates during that time period & has not yet made up his mind. The
Washington Post reports that in an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader, "
Romney said he's not a fan of the CNN/YouTube format. Referring to the video of a snowman asking the Democratic candidates about global warming, Romney quipped, "I think the presidency ought to be held at a higher level than having to answer questions from a snowman."" Nothing has been heard from any other the other candidates.I agree with Patrick Ruffini, former eCampaign director at the Republican National Committee who served as online adviser to Giuliani for a few months earlier this year. According to the article he "said it would "very problematic" if the Republican candidates declined. "What's worse -- questions from the public, many of whom are supporters, or questions from the media, who many Republicans believe are biased? This is YouTube. That's not something they'd want to snub," Ruffini said. " OK, some of the stuff done in the Dems debate, like the snowman, was hokey & cheesey. But, the reality is, this will hurt those who don't participate & hurt the party as well.
As HotAir's Allahpundit said: "I don’t think the questions will be nearly as absurd as people like Hugh Hewitt do but neither do I think they’ll be of any grand substance. The reason to attend is purely and simply to evaporate the advantage the Democrats would accrue if the GOP ducked it. Stand in the batter’s box, take a pitch to the head, and then take your base."
A campaign has sprung up,, to contact those candidates who have yet to sign on for the debate. People can sign on a petition that will be forwarded to the campaigns. I urge everyone to go to it & sign the petition.
Also, no surprize, a couple of YouTube videos directed to the candidates have sprung up. They have been made by people or groups involved in the Save the Debate campaign.
The 2nd was put out by
This debate IS important. It is important because the internet is a major part of campaigning & cannot, nor should not, be ignored. It is important because to not participate will hurt the party. No, there probably won't be any questions of "grand substance". But, these are potential supporters who cannot be ignored.
Again, please sign the petition. Let the candidates know they need to do the right thing.
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