The foul-mouthed Amanda Marcotte quit the John Edwards campaign according to a
report in the
Washington Post. Quoting from her blog the article says:
"She blamed her most vocal critic, Bill Donohoe, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, writing that he "and his calvacade of right wing shills don't respect that a mere woman like me could be hired for my skills, and pretended that John Edwards had to be held accountable for some of my personal, non-mainstream views on religious influence on politics," which Marcotte described as being "anti-theocracy." "
The problem I have with this is that it isn't true. If it was merely the far right/orthodox Catholics & Christians that were upset she would still be there. It is because too many liberal Christians on the left were just as upset with her rants & bigotry. & she complete ignores that. An article on The Politico website points this out. Brian O'Dwyer, a New York lawyer and Irish-American leader, chair of the National Democratic Ethnic Leadership Council, a Democratic Party group, also called for Marcotte's firing. "It's not only wrong morally – it's stupid politically."
In an e-mail he sent out O'Dwyer said: "Senator Edwards is condoning bigotry by keeping the two bloggers on his staff. Playing to the cheap seats with anti-Catholic bigotry has no place in the Democratic Party."
Eduardo Penalver, a Cornell University law professor & writer for the liberal Catholic journal Commonweal said: "You imagine a similar kind of comment directed at the Jewish community or at the gay community – something at this level of intentional offensiveness -- and I have a hard time believing it gets resolved in the same way." Even though I disagree with a lot of what he says in this case he is right. An attack like this against the Muslim religion would never have been tolerated.
Ms. Marcotte & her cohorts are using fascist tactics to silence their opponents. She uses lies, hate, fear mongering to attack her enemies & when they stand up to defend themselves she calls them what she herself is.
This time though, it failed. However for the most part you would never know the truth as to why. I am actually surprized at the article on The Politico website. It told the true reasons for her firing unlike the
Post article. In fact the
Post gets in a few digs itself. It talks about a segmant on Monday's O'Reilly Factor on FoxNews.
"Word of Marcotte's resignation came as Fox News Channel commentator Bill O'Reilly was leading his program with a full-throated attack on the two bloggers." Here is the
segment they are refering to. It features
Michelle Malkin & Kirsten Powers, a Democtratic strategist. Note esp what Ms. Powers says & then tell me: "Does this sound like a full throated attack, or a balanced evaluation of the situation?" (The
Hot Air article that goes with it has some excellent analysis of the situation.)
On her blog Michelle Malkin has a
post about the situation. she points out the AP bias in its headline about the resignation which says: "
Targeted Blogger Quits Edwards Campaign" Michelle comes up with a better version: "
"Godbag"-spewing Blogger Quits Edwards Campaign".
Sadly, Ms. Marcotte hasn't learned a thing from this. As pointed out earlier she is putting the blame elsewhere rather than taking responsibility for her hate-filled filth that she spewed. & she has promised to continue:
"The main good news is that I don’t have a conflict of interest issue anymore that was preventing me from defending myself against these baseless accusations. So it’s on." (Marcotte vows revenge) On the other side, I will bet that Bill Donohue's response will be a willingness to accept the challenge but will prefer that she stop her attacks instead.
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