CAUTION: Bleeped out foul language ahead.
When Nixon's White House tapes came out in the Watergate era people were shocked by the obscene language that President Nixon occasionally used. At least he had the decency to keep that language out of the public discourse. These days it seems like many Democratic operatives are doing everything they can to make Nixon's vocabulary seem like that of an altar boy. & it is so hate-filled that I hear it & say: "THIS IS WHAT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS BECOME? Growing up as a Democrat we would have never condoned anything like this. That sort of language was left to hate filled racist bigots who didn't deserve the time of day let alone anyone paying attention to their language.
Now it seems like anything goes, at least if you are a Democrat. If you are a Democrat like Sen Byrd you can say: "N*****" & get away with it. The most of the media ignores it when the head of the Hispanic Caucus in Congress calls female members "w**r*s". When I listen to
Sean Hannity's show, I am shocked at the vitriol spewed out at him on his "
Hate Hannity HotLine". (I applaud Sean for the courage to air that vituperation against him.) They are members of the party that has accused the Republicans of a lack of civilty. Nancy Pelosi, maybe you better look to your own glass house 1st before you throw stones at Republicans. (Not that we have always been perfect, see Nixon above.)
John Edwards has now proven that he buys into this language, attitude a behavior because of who he has gotten as his blogmistress, Pandagon's Amanda Marcotte. Given some of what she has written on her blog, she is NO lady. As the old line goes: "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
On her Monday 5 February 2007 Vent for
Hot Air,
Michelle Malkin gives us some examples of how sorry a state things are in the Democratic Party & Edward's campaign in particular for allowing this sort of a person anywhere near them.
So, here it is, Hot Air Theatre starring Michelle Malkin in its presentation of The blogging wit & wisdom of Amanda Marcotte, official blogmaster of the John Edwards for President campaign. RATED: TV MA (L) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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