You may have noticed a new addition at the bottom of my blog. What it is is a cartoon called
FaithMouse. It is drawn by Dan Lacey. I came accross it a while ago & have since used a few of them in some of my posts. It will be automatically updated when he changes the cartoon on his blog.
I decided to put it at the bottom rather than at the right side. The reason is simple, to put it there would make it way too small to appreciate. So, hopefully, people will scroll to the bottom of the page to see the latest as they are updated.
Dan is a cartoonist from Minnesota. Basically I have figured out that he is Catholic (& a fellow retired altar boy), conservative, a big fan (like me) of Alan Keyes & strongly pro-life. Beyond that, all I know for sure is that he likes to keep his fans regularly updated on the progress of his latest opus. & he is very generous in plugging all those who use a cartoon of his on their blog/website. Check him out, he has his past cartoons archived. All the better to get to know his humor & biting wit. ENJOY!!!!!
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