The election is only 2 days away. & the pro-choice, culture of death side is heating things up. Last nite I heard a radio ad for a candidate in SW Wisc for the state legislature who was talking about the harm that his opponent, the incumbant, had done to his poor aunt who had suffered from breast cancer. How? by voting to allow pharmacists who didn't want to to not dispense certain drugs & to exempt doctors who didn't want to give out certain information from having to do so. Sounds like these pharmacists & doctors were uncaring & were horrible for what they didn't want to do. What he failed to mention is what types of drugs & info these pharmacists & doctors objected to & why. The drugs are birth control pills & several pharmacists had been fired because they object to dispensing drugs that cause abortions by keeping fertilized eggs from being implanted in the womb. He knew if he told the whole story that many people who thought these pharmacists as horrible people would instead support their right to not dispense the drugs. & Michael J. Fox will be making some appearances in Wisc in the next couple days.
Meanwhile, on the good news from Missouri. The latest polls show that the support for Amendment 2 continues to slip. The truth is out there.
We need to keep praying that the truth will get out. We also need to pray that God will guide the voters in every state to vote Pro-LIfe, candidates & issues. & there is an important case coming up soon before the US Supreme Court. Next Wednesday they will be hearing arguements about the law passed a few years ago by Congress to ban partial birth abortions. Pray for the right decision on that 1. For more on the issues, etc go back to my blog
1 Week to the Election. The time is short, there is much to do, but with the help of God, we can do it.
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