It is 1 week until people go to the polls to elect 1/3 of the US Senators. all members of the House of Representatives many governors, representatives to state legislatures, & other local officials. It is important that the right people are elected. Those people are those who will work to build the Culture of Life. If you haven't done so yet check out where your local candidates stand on the life issues.
An excellent guide for discerning the correct candidates is found in a booklet that is put out by Catholic Answers:
Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics. Another excellent guide is put out by Priests for Life:
Voting With A Clear Conscience. There is another book put out by Human Life International:
The Five Issues That Matter Most. (This book is not available on line but can be
ordered on-line from HLI.) This book goes into a deeper look at what has been called the 5 Non-Negotiable Issues. The authors include Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer & Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczk, Ph.D.
1. Abortion
2. Euthanasia (mercy killing, assisted suicide)
3. Embryonic & Fetal Stem Cell Research
4. Human Cloning
5. Homosexual "Marriage" (recognition of homsexual unions as on a par with marriage)
Finding out where these candidates is easier if they are incumbants. But there are ways to gather info on those who aren't. Check out their websites. See what they say. But be sure they give specifics. Some candidates will say they are pro-life but go on to say elsewhere that they will uphold current laws. A good sign is who has endorsed them. If they are endorsed by groups like The National (or your state) Right to Life PAC then you can feel safe in voting for them. On the otherhand if they are endorsed by groups like NARAL or Planned Parenthood then run the other way, fast.
The ideal would be if someone is totally on the right side of the issues. Unfortunately this isn't always possible. In that case you need to vote for the candidate that will do the "least harm". For example, 1 candidate will not outlaw any form of abortion while the other will support banning abortion in most cases except the health of the mother. In this case, to quote from the Voter's Guide, "(W)e are to choose the best option, the one that promotes the greatest good & entails the least evil." Here the 1 that would accept some limits is the better choice. As Fr. Pavone puts it: "(Y)ou would not be choosing evil. Why? Because in choosing to limit an evil, you are choosing a good."
As Fr. Pavone also points out, party does matter. Neither of the 2 major parties perfectly reflects the teachings of the Church. But, you need to look at which party's platform lines up better with the above 5 issues. Why? Because the fact is, that if that party is in power in the Congress or state legislature, it will be easier to get the right laws out of committee & brought up for a vote & passage. That party is also more likely to support & approve the nomination of pro-life judges. The Republican Party platform has opposed abortion since the 1970s. The Democratic platform supports abortion on demand.
I would recommend that you read both of the above books available on line. Also check out what is avaiable at Priests for Life's
Election Action Center for more information.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you & other voters. Pray that pro-life officials will be elected.Pray for those issues on various state ballots. Esp pray for the defeat of Amendment 2 in Missouri which would enshrine the legalization of cloning in the state constitution (people will vote no) & that the attempts to overthrow S. Dakota's law banning abortion will fail (a yes vote will uphold the ban). Pray for the passage of Measure 43 in Oregon & Proposition 85 in California that will enact parental notification laws in those states.
If you are not registered to vote & still can, register to vote. If you are registered, be informed. Many groups like
National Right to Life PAC have guides available to help you in voting for the right candidates. Support those candidates. This can include financial support, yard signs, bumper stickers & working on their campaigns. & encourage your family &friends to vote for them also.
Some day each of us will stand before God & face our final judgement. Jesus will look at what we did for the least. This will include the unborn. Each of us will be accountable for our actions, this includes our voting record. I don't know about you, but I want to be able to stand before God & say I did my best to bring about the Culture of Life.
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