Michael J. Fox proves Ann Coulter Right
Unfotunately the ad contains some outright lies & mistruths. To hear Mr. Fox, electing John Talent & voting down the amendment is tantamount to putting an end to all stem cell research in Missouri taking away hope for anyone suffering from Parkinson's Disease for there ever being a cure. & that there are no treatments out there right now. The truth is that Jim Talent does support stem cell research, adult stem cell. Another truth is the fact there is a treatment using adult stem cells to help slow down the ravages of Parkinson's. Don't believe it?, just ask Dennis Turner. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's. In 1991 the tremors became extreme. He also lost all use of his right arm. He was treated using his own stem cells & for 5 yrs was without tremors. No he wasn't cured the tremors have returned. In testimony before a US Senate Committee he said: "I have no doubt that because of this treatment I’ve enjoyed five years of quality life that I feared had passed me by.”
Meanwhile the results of a recent study done using stem cells from aborted fetuses has disasterous results. According to a report in The NY Times the treatment failed to improve the condition for any of the subjects. & for about 15% of the subjects the article states: "the cells apparently grew too well, churning out so much of a chemical that controls movement that the patients writhed and jerked uncontrollably." This is similar to the results of taking a too high dosage of the medicine that is used to control the tremors. But unlike the overdose effects, there is no wearing off of the effects. They continued on. & they are described in the article as "nightmarish". this is how Dr. Paul E. Greene, a researcher in the trials describes the effects : ''They chew constantly, their fingers go up and down, their wrists flex and distend, the patients writhe and twist, jerk their heads, fling their arms about. One man was so badly affected that he could no longer eat and had to use a feeding tube." They have suspended the research.
As an interesting aside, Mr. Fox has a website for his Parkinson's Foundation. It makes no mention of this research on his news page. Why does he feel the need to give false hope? & where is the news about the treatments that are working? Why is he denying Parkinson's sufferers real hope?
Here is the ad ran in Missouri. I must warn you that it may be a bit shocking to see the damage the disease has done to Mr. Fox. (According to Mr. Fox it is worse than usual due to an overdose of his medicine. Compared to those 15% in the "promising" study he is fortunate. He can control the dosage & control the tremors.)
He is right about 1 thing though, what happens in Missouri will affect millions, millions of unborn who are killed in the name of research.
Meanwhile a group of pro-life actors & athletes have put together an ad that responds to the above ad. It includes JIm Caviezel, Patricia Heaton, Cards pitcher Jeff Suppan & Kurt Warner. It presents as best they can in a 1 minute ad a summary of the truth about Amendment 2 & the type of stem cell research that is working.
Here is an interesting anti-Amendment 2 video put out by a young (apparent) Missouri voter. He has a sample ballot that he reads from :
I know that by now some people will accuse me of not caring about someone who is suffering from a horrible disease. Not true. It broke my heart to see him suffering. I want a cure. I also want a cure for diabetes. Esp since I am a diabetic myself. So, I guess those who would want to attack me for "attacking" Michael J. Fox can't or they would be hypocrites by their own standards. The messenger, Michael J. Fox or myself isn't what matters. What matters are the facts. & if they are wrong, no messenger can make it right. Or immune from criticism.
Labels: Stem Cell Research
At 27/10/06 12:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Great. Another non-scientist who doesn't know what he's talking about.
You are using your religion as a basis for your decisions and actions. Shame on you.
Whatever happened to "Separation of Church and State"? According to you and many other misinformed, they go hand in hand.
Do you have any background in science? Do you have a degree in it?
I didn't think so...
At 27/10/06 4:39 PM ,
Al said...
You know, I probably shouldn't answer anonymous' questions. Rather than carry on a reasonable discussion about the facts & issues he simply attacks the messenger without knowing any of the facts. & he does it cowardly, not having the courage to admit who he or she is. Basically this person proving what Ann Coulter, myself & others have said is right. When you can't debate the message attack the messenger.
You will notice the person doesn't use any facts to prove what I say is wrong. Instead it is turned into a personal attack. I am calling him on his attacks. & I challenge him to debate the issues, if he/she can. & given he questioned my qualifications I can now question his. He put the issue on the table. If he can prove he is an expert & can prove me wrong, let him do so.
No, I am not a scientist, Are you? (If so why didn't you counter my arguements instead of attacking me?) But that doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about. There are many scientific experts whom I have relied on to back my opinions up if you would have bothered to check the links out in this as well as those of past posts about stem cells. Apparently not? Afraid of the truth?
Besides also being too cowardly to admit who you are, apparently you are also a constitutional expert. That seperation of Church & State canard is a myth. Have you read the ist amendment? It says Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion or the free expression there of. It also allows for all types of free speech in the political arena, including that of those from a religious background who's viewpoints come from their faith.
& yes, I am opposed to fetal/embryonic stem cell search on the basis of my religious beliefs. In particular the commandment that says "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Every embryo & fetus is a living human being with the same "right to life" "endowed by their creator" as the Declaration of Independence says. Or is the Declaration unconstitutional in your opinion? Also, you might want to study up on the natural law basis that the Declaration places our structure of laws upon. There are many good experts on Constitutional & Natural Law such as Judge Andrew Napolitano & Dr. Charles Rice of the Notre Dame Law School whose expert opinions I rely on since I am not a lawyer either.
It is because I am not an expert that I put in the links I do, to back up as best I can the claims I am making. & to show I am informed, not misinformed.
& I am not ever going to be ashamed of using my faith as a compas for my decisions. It has served me well as a sure & accurate guide. It is when I haven't listenned that I have gotten off into the wrong direction.
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